Thanks for Visiting the 517th PRCT Guestbook!

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Here are what some previous guests have written:

(Note: New entries may take several hours to show up.  Maybe a day or two if I'm away.  Be patient.)

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 02:29 [EST]
Name: Bob Barrett
EMail: PRCT517@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: OK. I think I figured out how this guestbook works. Now you should all be able to write your own entries and submit them here. Don't worry about spelling, typing, or grammar -- We'd just like to hear from you.

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 11:22 [EST]
Name: Andrew P. Lubic & Dorothy Gleisberg
Unit: H Company
EMail: CackyG@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Andrew and I are very proud to sign this guestbook of the 517th. When Ben Barrett and I talked about a website for the 517th at the last Palm Springs reunion, it was a far-off dream that someone would undertake the responsibility. Congratulations are in order for Ben and his son, Bob, for making this dream a reality. It is a beautiful site, honoring all the history and tradition of a fine group of men who served their country so proudly. To Ben Barrett, son Bob Barrett, and all members of a proud unit, AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY !!!!! Dorothy Gleisberg

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 15:33 [EST]
Name: Flannery, Edwin E. Pvt., 3 Pltn., Co G, 517.
Unit: 505, 503, 187, Hqs 11Abn.
EMail: edfla@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I was a late comer to the 517. Joined the unit at Joigny in Mar 1945. Was an ammo bearer in Cpl. Al Deshayes Mortar squad. Al and Sgt Kichen kinda adopted me and kept me out of trouble (and vice-versa). They also told me some hellacious combat stories. I did the big wait at Achiet for Hitler to go to Berchetsgaden. During that time I witnessed Al Deshayes jump the first 81 mm base plate on his person with a harness he made from a jump rope. (That was the first as far as my knowledge).

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 16:38 [EST]
Name: Oscar E. Berg
Unit: Retired 20 years, OSI, U.S. Air Force
EMail: obmb@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: With 5l7th from Toccoa to Rome, to Southern France to the Bulge. Supply Sergeant, "C" Company. Very proud to have been associated with Troopers of the caliber and integrity of those in the 517th PRCT.

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 17:21 [EST]
Name: Roy Herren
Unit: Motor Pool- 596th Abn. Eng.
EMail: royherren@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: This is like a reunion in its self. Thanks ! To all who expended a lot of time and effort to make it possible.

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 19:32 [EST]
Name: Gene Markle
Unit: 596th Parachute Engineer Company
EMail: smarkle@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Thank you Ben and Bob for the great job you have done in setting up this Web site. I'm looking forward to the day when all of our members have access to it. It is a great means of communication as well as a source of information and pride. In all my twenty years of service with some of the finest units, I consider my time with the 517th PRCT the best.

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 20:10 [EST]
Name: Merle W. Mc Morrow
Unit: Battery C-460th FA Bn. 517th PRCT
EMail: MMcmor8391@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: This web site creates a greater thrill than any other on the World Wide Web

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 21:14 [EST]
Name: Leo Turco
Unit: 460th Parachute Field Artillery A-Battery
EMail: JNTurco@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: So nice to be able to keep in touch with all the outfit. So sad that we are losing some of our great guys. Hope we can go forward with this great organization and continue our reunions.

Entry of Feb 6, 2000 at 22:09 [EST]
Name: LTC Cindy Gleisberg
Unit: Judge Advocate General's Corps (101st Abn Div, Ft. Eustis (Transportation Center), US Army - Europe, Army Safety Center)
EMail: cindygleis@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I'm delighted to see your web page and the tribute it makes the brave men of the 517th. I attended a portion of your reunion at Ft. Benning last spring and had the most interesting time of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting (and dancing) with so many members of the unit. (I was impressed with how quickly some of you picked up the Macarena!) It was a true honor to be in the company of such fine Americans. A few years ago, Andy Lubic took me on a tour of southern France. When we got to Draguignan, we walked the cemetery there and found the gravesite of his First Sergeant. Andy recounted a story about how he had crawled onto some railroad tracks, not realizing he was exposed to the enemy. The First Sergeant pulled him back off the tracks to safety. Later that same day, the First Sergeant was killed. I am thankful to him for protecting Andy so that I could have such a wonderful friend and mentor and my children could know such a devoted grandfather. We all cried that day at the cemetery. I cry now just thinking about how fate has blessed some and not others. I thank you for welcoming me at your reunion and for all you did to secure the world for me and my children. I shall forever remember you in my heart and prayers. God Bless You All!!! LTC Cindy Gleisberg a.k.a. Andy Lubic's daughter

Entry of Feb 7, 2000 at 07:52 [EST]
Name: Elizabeth and Ashley May
Unit: Commander, 325th Fighter Wing, Det 1, Pensacola FL
EMail: buttermay@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My family is rich in military tradition having served a cumulative 150+ years for the USA and USAF. I am proud to continue in that tradition and hope my daughter will do the same. I am proud to be Andrew Lubic's daughter. I really enjoy hearing about his experiences during the war and am deeply appreciative of our veterans.

Entry of Feb 8, 2000 at 00:02 [EST]
Name: Gene and Margaret Frice
Unit: F Co, 517th, Spec Frcs, ASA, MPC, MI
EMail: Genesir@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: The Genesir is a family/business joke ! I'm proud to be a member of the finest. One's first unit is usually the choice as the "best." After 37 years active & Reserve in Airborne units, I found that we may not have been the meanest, toughest, smartest-but, we had that ingredient that makes units great. It lives through today. I met with a cadet class from West Point-they spoke to me with tears in their eyes with their history class covering the 517th (and others of course) in the Bulge. It's been a long time guys-The old story, "I wouldn't want to do it again, but I wouldn't take a million (now) for the experience." I love you all-see soon.

Entry of Feb 8, 2000 at 08:55 [EST]
Name: Christopher M. Liddell
Unit: none
EMail: liddelldesigns@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My name is Chris Liddell, I am 27 y.o. and I live in B'ham, AL. I have been researching my grandfather's ww2 experience for the last couple of yrs. He passed away when I was 8 (1980) and our family members knew very little about his military days. All that they knew was that he was awarded the "Silver Star" for something that he did during the "Battle of the Bulge". I have always been very interested in finding out the details about what he did and/or finding someone that he served with and knew him. I was put in contact with Ben Barrett about 6 months ago and he has spent many hours helping me look for information and/or an old friend of my granddad's. We have found some information and Mr. Barrett found one man that served with my Grandfather. Mr. Barrett also found out what forms that I needed to fill out, etc. in order to request the info. that the military has on my Grandfather. I have submitted the forms and I'm waiting for the report. He also had my story published in the upcoming issue of "The Thunderbolt". My Grandfather was a proud member of the 517th parachute inf. (Co.F). He saw combat at "the Bulge" in Ardennes and Rhineland. He was awarded the "Silver Star" and a "Purple Heart" for being wounded. My Grandfather's name was Bobby M. Liddell. If anyone remembers him or has any information about him I would really appreciate it if you would contact myself or Mr. Barrett. I am very proud of my Granddad for what he gave to his country but ALL of you are heroes in my eyes. Thank you for what you did to protect my freedom. Also, I would like to give a special thanks to Ben Barrett for all of the time that he has spent trying to helping me with this. THANKS MR. BARRETT! (and thank you Mr. McMorrow for printing my story in "The Thunderbolt") I am very honored that my grandfather served in the 517th. Thank You, Christopher M. Liddell Birmingham, Alabama liddelldesigns@

Entry of Feb 10, 2000 at 16:58 [EST]
Name: DeLoyd Cooper
Unit: 275th Armored Field artillery Battalion
EMail: dcooper19@ juno.
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: A Lt Harold Dean and I were assigned to "C" company of a Parachute battalion as Forward Observers, which I believe was your unit. If I remember correctly there were only four men in the company that were the original men who came over from the states. The only name I remember was a SGT Moses who was wounded while we worked with them. Memories grow dim after more than 55 years, but some memories last all our lives. I remember marching fire across a field with those paratroopers. I have great respect for all Veterans but especially for the ones that jumped and fought too.

Entry of Feb 11, 2000 at 15:04 [EST]
Name: Merlin I Allard
Unit: F co 1plt 3 sqd 517prct
EMail: mallard@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I retired Airforce but I never felt the warmth and friendship that I felt at my first reunion. As Bill Lewis said I was 50 years AWOL, as it was Niagara Falls was my first time. Some had change and some looked about the same. Of my original squad there were three of us there. So I was real proud and thankful cause there was only six of us to start with. I was an aerial photographer and lab chief in the air force. I enjoyed the aerial work very much and was piloted by all good pilots.

Entry of Feb 13, 2000 at 02:40 [EST]
Name: Robert R, Cooper
Unit: 517th Parachute Inf Co D 3rd platoon 1st squad
EMail: Rcooper663@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am an original member of the 517th After being drafted I Volunteered to be a Parachutist I joined the outfit in June of 1943. I am proud to say that I served in the Same sqd same platoon until being discharged in 1945 At that time I was platoon Sgt

Entry of Feb 13, 2000 at 21:39 [EST]
Name: Thomas R. Cross (Tom) also "Black Tom"
Unit: Co. E, Hq 2nd Bn and Hq 3d Bn 517th PRCT
EMail: tomx517@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: An original member from March 1943 at Camp Toccoa, Ga to our deactivation at Fort Bragg, N.C. in February 1946.We were and still are a "Band of Brothers". The average age of the men and officers at Camp Toccoa was 19 and 25 respectively. We wrote the book as far as independent parachute regiments were concerned. We just took for granted that we could do it whether it had been done before or not. I put 32 years into an army career and never saw the likes of the 517th from 1943 to 1971.History records we were an elite unit. It is amazing that even today we see the 517th PRCT in print in many of the current publications on WW II. Airborne!

Entry of Feb 14, 2000 at 01:50 [EST]
Name: John Adamak
Unit: Company C 517th RCT
EMail: jdamak@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Joined the 517th at Toccoa GA on 16 March 1943. Assigned to C Company and stayed with them till hostilities ceased in Europe. Had enough points to volunteer to go fight Japan. On the way back to the states Japan surrendered and I was discharged. Stayed out of the army till Nov 1946 and reenlisted. Got sent to Fort Bragg and assigned to C Company 505th Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division.

Entry of Feb 15, 2000 at 13:09 [EST]
Name: Rogister
EMail: henri.rogister@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Very good Job and very interesting for us in Belgium Big Hello at all the men of the 517th

Entry of Feb 18, 2000 at 23:35 [EST]
Name: Brendan Monaghan
EMail: ubiestvino@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My wife's Uncle, Andrew "Bud" Murphy was KIA in Italy in 1944 while in the 517th. Several family members have recently asked "the kids" for help in determining as much as possible about what happened to Uncle Bud and who knew him. Mr. Barrett hooked us up and we really appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the 517th. Any news out there? Thanks! BF Monaghan

Entry of Feb 21, 2000 at 18:55 [EST]
Name: Harry K. Saunders
Unit: Co "E" 517th
EMail: trooper@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I joined the 517th at Camp McCall just before the went over seas. I went to jump school with the 507th , Went to the 513th when it was formed. Then I got lucky and went to the 517th. It still Is the best out fit that I served with . A great bunch of men .

Entry of Feb 22, 2000 at 21:32 [EST]
Name: Jon Axtman
Unit: NA
EMail: jaxtman@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My dad, Leonard Axtman, was in the 517th. He retired in 1974 as a Lt Col., and he and my mom now live in Minot, ND. He'd love to hear from any of other 517th PRCT vets. You can e-mail me for his phone number if you're interested. This site was extremely valuable in helping me understand the chronology of the 517th, and help me piece together my own tribute to his service during the war. Thank you, to all of you who gave so much so we and could live in freedom.

Entry of Feb 24, 2000 at 03:07 [EST]
Name: LTC Robert Schnulle
Unit: 275th Armored Field Arty. Batalion
EMail: rschnulle@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I was a forward observer for the 275th for your attack on Manhay. Glad to hear that the 517th is still alive and kicking. Retired from the Illinois National Guard

Entry of Feb 24, 2000 at 18:07 [EST]
Name: Roger Marquet
Unit: Belgian historian
EMail: rmarquet@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Very good site where I can find what is the most interesting to me: personal stories from a human point of view and story of one small outfit which could be forgotten in the big Divisions, Corps or Armies 'history. Thanks to all the Veterans who liberated us from the Nazis. Warmest regards.

Entry of Mar 2, 2000 at 18:31 [EST]
Name: Wayne Cross
EMail: crosswc@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: A wonderful site. A great tribute to those who served in the 517th.

Entry of Mar 2, 2000 at 22:12 [EST]
Name: June Crumm Franklin
Unit: Brother was in F Co. 517th
EMail: jaf370624@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My brothers name was Ivan L. Crumm. He was in the 517th from 17 Apr 43 - 18 Nov 45. Does anyone remember him and what Plt in F Co that he was with, or any other information about his service time. I also wish to let anyone that knew him know that he passed away in 1992 in Oklahoma City Ok.

Entry of Mar 5, 2000 at 17:55 [EST]
Name: Bramley, Dick
Unit: 596 Engineers
EMail: bramley.dick@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Thanks to Markles Email. I found you.

Entry of Mar 12, 2000 at 07:04 [EST]
Name: Christopher M. Liddell
Unit: grandfather was in the 517th Co.F
EMail: liddelldesigns@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I just wanted to tell Ben and Bob Barrett that the web site is really looking great. I have really enjoyed all of the recent additions. Keep up the good work!

Entry of Mar 18, 2000 at 11:39 [EST]
Name: Charles A. Wright
Unit: Co. A 517th PIR
EMail: cwright1@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Joined 517th in May 1943 at Toccoa ,Ga.-originally in service co. Was w/unit in Italy, So. France. etc. up to the bulge. WIA Dec 26th.

Entry of Mar 20, 2000 at 12:25 [EST]
Name: Walt Locker, Jr.
Unit: Co. D, 517th Parachute Regiment
EMail: wal.emi@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Joined Co. D in Southern France after the jump. Wounded on Jan.3, 1945 @ Trois Ponts. Promoted to Sgt. & Squad Leader during the Bulge. Left France on the Oneida Victory in early August and discharged Dec. 18, 1945. Won Ohio Collegiate Conference Golf Tournament in May. 1946. Met Fran on blind date July 22, 1946, and Golf Game deteriorated.

Entry of Apr 1, 2000 at 10:50 [EST]
Name: Boom boom Alicki
Unit: Reg. Hq Demo Platoon Leader
EMail: jalicki@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My compliments to the Webmaster Ben Barrett and his son on setting up the Website.

Entry of Apr 13, 2000 at 11:36 [EST]
Name: Bill Boyle
Unit: Hq. 1st Bn.
EMail: WildBill517@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Had trouble with this modern machine but finally made it. Figured I should be in here somewhere.

Entry of Apr 22, 2000 at 18:18 [EST]
Unit: Co. A 517th PIR
EMail: zootgjs@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Joined "A" Co. at Toccoa, GA in April 1943... Left "A" Co after VE day to join the 82nd Div. at Epinal, France.. Never missed a day of action by Co. A..

Entry of Apr 29, 2000 at 15:18 [EST]
Name: Eddy Monfort - Manhay
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Dear Mr Barrett and veterans of 517th. Congratulations for your site. It is very interesting and I'm enjoyed to watch every page of your site. I live in Malempré, a village situated at four kilometers from Manhay (Belgium). Manhay was liberated by the 517th during the night of the 26 to 27 December 1944. Thanks to all members of the 517th. Best wishes. Eddy

Entry of May 3, 2000 at 11:40 [EST]
Name: Mike Frederick
Unit: 1st Marine Division
EMail: ww2crg@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Greetings, Battling Buzzards! My organization is dedicated to preserving the experiences of our veterans. In addition, we have built a museum to highlight our mission. We need artifacts (uniforms, hats, helmets, badges, medals, ribbons, patches, weapons, photos, etc.) to complement our collection. If you have any artifacts that need a good home we're the folks for you. We're a non-profit group but any expenses incurred would be gladly reimbursed. All items received are treated with the utmost respect and professionalism. Thanks for your service and support. Read more about us on our website at Airborne all the way!

Entry of May 9, 2000 at 15:54 [EST]
Name: J. D. Butler
Unit: A company of 517
EMail: jdbutler@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Would be pleased to hear from any who started with 517th at Toccoa, Ga. I started with Hq. 1 and later was assigned to A Co. I was known by Jeane rather than the initials, but because I got tired of all the Miss Jeane Butler mail after I was discharged, I opted to use initials only. Also, since I later joined the 505 for occupation in Berlin, I would like to know if any of you did the same. I was in the Honor Guard. Regards to one and all!

Entry of May 9, 2000 at 21:51 [EST]
Name: Floyd Mulford
EMail: fmulford@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: To the members of the 517th, I consider myself privileged that God saw fit to allow me to be associated with and work with Bill Lewis for the last 12 years in the printing of the 517th Newsletter. Although I am a generation away from the members of the 517th but, because of Bill, I feel as though I know all of you. I will sincerely miss Bill as I know all of you will. God Bless all the men and women who gave so much. Sincerely, Floyd Mulford Operations Manager The Suncoast News New Port Richey, Florida

Entry of Jun 6, 2000 at 13:00 [EST]
Name: KJ & Casey Barrett
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Papa Ben - We just wanted to say how proud we are of you, especially thinking of you on this day (DDay). We enjoy reading entries and site pages, it will help me teach my grandchildren about what their Papa did for his country. Thanks. Love KJ & Casey & Liam

Entry of Jun 14, 2000 at 18:36 [EST]
Name: Bert Urbie
Unit: 82nd, 319th FA
EMail: skydive@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: I am entering this information for a friend who was 82nd in WW 2. He now lives in Grandfield, OK. May be reached at my e mail skydive@

Entry of Jun 21, 2000 at 13:33 [EST]
Name: Mark Christianson
Unit: 82nd Airborne Division (407th S&T Bn)
EMail: Rigger@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Gulf War Veteran Parachute Rigger and just too damn many things going on to put in this box... I run a site dedicated to paratroopers... its called PARATROOPER and I want all of you to drop by and check it out!

Entry of Jul 16, 2000 at 01:00 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: Other

Entry of Jul 18, 2000 at 18:31 [EST]
Name: Fritz Coffman
Unit: Hq.Co. 2nd bn. 517th Pcht. Inf Regt.
EMail: cofgirl@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am looking for someone that might know a trooper by the name of Mike Kobillis. I am not sure the spelling is right, but the sound is there. We were together in Benning. I can't recall if he was in domo or not.

Entry of Jul 19, 2000 at 12:34 [EST]
Name: Bob Christie
Unit: HQ Co 2nd Bn 517 PRCT
EMail: chrcook@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am proud to be a member of one of the finest group of men any where on this earth.

Entry of Jul 24, 2000 at 13:54 [EST]
Name: Ed Boswell
Unit: USCG 1969
EMail: edboswell@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I'm researching the events of Christmas Day 1944, with a special interest in La Roumiere. Any personal recollections by the veteran's of the 517th would be most appreciated.

Entry of Aug 12, 2000 at 15:07 [EST]
Name: Hal Roberts
Unit: 596 Engr.Co
EMail: handjrob@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: This is a great web site I will enjoy browsing around in it in the future.

Entry of Aug 17, 2000 at 18:02 [EST]
Name: J. H. Red Haltom
Unit: Service Company, 517 PRCT
EMail: jhhaltom@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I really enjoy reading all the info in this web page.

Entry of Aug 19, 2000 at 17:34 [EST]
Name: Allan r. [Al] Goodman
Unit: 596/517
EMail: aargoodman@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: volunteered at camp grant april 1943 near Chicago interviewed at toccoa by Capt. Dalrynple and assigned to engrs squad leader in third platoon to the end of hostilities in Europe then to Berlin with the 82nd . made the division football team for soft duty and got my worst injury of the war . great to find this page thanks for your good work

Entry of Aug 19, 2000 at 20:27 [EST]
Name: Guy B. (Brian) Welborn
Unit: 517-C
EMail: dixiem@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Went to basic in Camp Toccoa, GA on to Camp McCall and Ft. Benning Jump School back to McCall and then into Italy, jumped in Southern France, Battle of the Bulge. Had a choice of German occupation or Japan by way of the States. I took Japan, war was over before we got to Japan -- DISCHARGED!!!!As I have heard before, don't EVER want to do it again - but am glad I did, wouldn't take ANYTHING for the experience and the wonderful friends I made and have made since. I found out about the reunions in 1983 and have attended all of them since that date. Hope to see everyone in Bismarck - we do come in by dogsled, according to President McMorrow!!!

Entry of Aug 20, 2000 at 12:11 [EST]
Name: Ed Phillips
EMail: epphil2@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Was a member of the original cadre of the 139th Engrs. 17 Div. and stayed with the unit through the jump into Southern France. Was attached to 1st Airborne Task Force Hdq. then to 18th Corps Hdq. So I did not serve with the Engr. unit in Belgium and during the Bulge, Hello to all the 596 and will see everyone in Bismark in 2001.

Entry of Aug 22, 2000 at 21:10 [EST]
Name: Jason Morrison
EMail: longneck@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Great site! My grandfather fought in the Battle of the Bulge as a captain in the 274th Armored Field Artillery Battalion. His story is online @

Entry of Aug 23, 2000 at 19:14 [EST]
Name: Willard S. (Bud) Wyatt
Unit: Hq & Hq Co.,2nd Bn. 517th
EMail: wwyatt4880@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Volunteered For Airborne Utah, Interview by then Major Seitz now Lt. General, was the tenth volunteer signed to Hq.& Hq.Co, 2nd Bn. 5l7th and stayed with the unit all the way. Radio and Wire Chief until Joigny. Detailed Sgt. of the guard to guard the regt. red cross club. After the girls arrived was SD NCO Charge to assist and run the club. On break up of the 5l7th Joigny, assigned Regt Hq. 504th Berlin and again SD as NCO in charge of Regt. red cross club Berlin. Returning home jumped as a smoke jumper Idaho for three summers while majoring in forestry. Returned to the service 1949, saw action Korea and Vietnam. The 517th gave me a wonderful back ground for my career. Retired with 28 years Service and Thank the lord I was trained by the 2nd Battalion, 517th. :>)

Entry of Sep 3, 2000 at 02:41 [EST]
Name: Michael Leary Son of James T Leary
Unit: Army 64-67
EMail: 2CByond@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I have been going over some of my fathers things and have some pictures and info of the unit. He was a radio operator for F company. He Died at Fort Bragg in 1959. I have a picture of Gene Frice from 6/15/46 as well as some from the training time. I will see if I can scan them in and post them on this site. Thanks for keeping this going. Mike

Entry of Sep 3, 2000 at 13:32 [EST]
Name: Thomas A.McAvoy
Unit: 517 Regt Hdq Co & Co H & Hdq Co, 3Btn
EMail: artann3447@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Ben sent me this note

Entry of Sep 4, 2000 at 21:41 [EST]
Name: les perkins
Unit: co. C 517th
EMail: perk922@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Have been going to the reunions, really enjoy them. Am looking forward to the next one. will see you there.

Entry of Sep 5, 2000 at 13:17 [EST]
Name: Albert B. Chestnut
Unit: Hq. Co. 1st Bn. 517th Combat Team
EMail: blchestnut@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Thanks to all who made this site available, not only to members but to the world.

Entry of Sep 14, 2000 at 22:32 [EST]
Name: Doug Walbert
Unit: N/A
EMail: dpwalbert@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am the grandson of 517th member Ray Hess. I am researching for personal knowledge the history of his involvement in WWII.

Entry of Sep 15, 2000 at 17:06 [EST]
Name: Bill Uleman
Unit: HD Company 2nd Batt.
EMail: uley@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I found this website thru e-mail from Ben Barrett. I am so happy to know that we have our own website and am looking forward to reviewing it and perhaps be able to add something in the future.

Entry of Sep 21, 2000 at 05:17 [EST]
Name: Jed Lewis
Unit: US Army ,101st. 2/327th inf
EMail: jedlew@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: It tore me up (in a good way?) to see you dedicate and have that great biography of my father, Bill Lewis, on your home page. My dad gave me a copy of a "Paratroopers Odyssey" before he passed away. I would be grateful for any other personal anecdotes and stories from the men who served in this historic unit or from the wives who backed there men while serving in those trying times.

Entry of Sep 24, 2000 at 08:29 [EST]
Name: James Barrett
Unit: I am in the military now. I am in Kuwait with US Army central Command
EMail: James.Barrett@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I would just like to inform the members of the 517th of a passing of one of there brothers. "Rudolph (Rudy) Cervantes" passed away on Sept 03 2000 Early in the morning in his California home. I was in Kuwait when I found out he was sick and found my way home on Emergency leave to see him. Unfortunately he passed away while I was in flight. During my time at home I found out a lot about my father's military history from my brother. The only thing he ever told me about the military was don't be combat arms (haha). But be a Proud American (as I am). I just thought I would contact people as best I could and I think this is about the best HE would like. If there is anyone out there that would like to correspond with a Proud WWII Vet's son I promise to reciprocate. Thank you Airborne Warriors for paving the way for me!!! SFC James Barrett US Army-Kuwait

Entry of Oct 2, 2000 at 22:29 [EST]
Name: Boyd Ellis
Unit: USAF 1953-1957
EMail: NEWLB109@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My oldest brother Ted Ellis, was in F co. 2nd Battalion. He is alive and well in Ca. 3408 scenic ter. Spring Valley Ca. 91878. 619 670 4495. Drop him a line or call, I'm sure he would like to hear from his old buddies.

Entry of Oct 6, 2000 at 11:23 [EST]
Name: Ray R. Hess
Unit: F Co 517th PRCT
EMail: oldgrundsow@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Good morning to all of you. I wish to thank Bob & Ben Barrett for setting up the 517th web page. I also must give my Grandson, Douglas Walbert, credit and a "thank you" for putting me wise to this web page, also Walt Rommel for the phone call inquiring about my and my wife's health and if I had a Grandson named Douglas Walt also gave me Gene Frice's E-Mail address and Merle Allard's address who I have not contacted as yet, but will in the near future.

Entry of Oct 6, 2000 at 20:29 [EST]
Name: Jim Burns
EMail: bosgraphix@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm trying to find anyone who might have served with my uncle in WW2. His name was Pvt. Eugene R. Beck. He served in the 460th parachute Field Artillery Battalion. His name appeared in the "Christmas 1944" card from France. Any information on him would be greatly appreciated.. Thank You, Jim Burns

Entry of Oct 14, 2000 at 18:42 [EST]
Name: Bill Beckstrom
Unit: Headquarters Company 1st Battalion Machine Gun Platoon
EMail: bmcanally@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Received a call from Ed Flannery in Florida one night, as he located me on the web, from four years before on veterans day, I entered something about our outfit and me in the War in Europe. I had no idea that we had an association that I could get in contact with some of my old, but not forgotten, buddies. I am looking forward to the next reunion, and in the meantime, perhaps talking to some of you on the phone, or e-mail. Wilbur Beckstrom 25874 N. Alegro Dr. Valencia, CA 91355-1909 (661) 255-1655 bmcanally@

Entry of Oct 19, 2000 at 13:51 [EST]
Name: William (Bill) and Jean Pencak
Unit: Hq. 3rd.Bn. 517th. PRCT
EMail: pancakeii@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Enlisted in the 27th Infantry Division in October.1940. Graduated, Infantry OCS Course. Ft.Benning, GA.,Nov,1942. I graduated from the Parachute School, Ft. Benning, March,1943.I was initially assigned to the 3rd.Bn.517th Infantry Regiment at Camp Toccoa, GA. where I served as the Assistant Mortar Platoon Leader and later as Bn.S-3, Company Commander, and Bn.XO. I returned to Ft. Bragg with the 517th.PRCT where the unit was deactivated, and continued my military service. In my 30 years of military service, I have not served with any other group of men, who displayed the fidelity and devotion to duty that you did to be the “best of the best” when it came time to get the job done. The brotherly love and concern for each other has lasted over 50 years is very evident at our reunions. I feel extremely privileged and proud that I served with the 517th.PRCT.

Entry of Nov 4, 2000 at 20:51 [EST]
Name: John F. Buchalski
Unit: USMC & USAF (Ret)
EMail: Marienbad@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I was delighted in being able to view this site. My Uncle, MAJ John A. Alicki - known as Boom boom in the 517th. He was with this unit from it's beginning. Enjoyed looking at your units outstanding service during WW II. God Bless you all.

Entry of Nov 5, 2000 at 14:17 [EST]
Name: Le Muy, Airborne Museum
EMail: jimi-lizy@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: We are Michel and Eric, and are in charge of this Museum paying homage to the men of the First Airborne in South France. You're welcome to visit south France !

Entry of Nov 6, 2000 at 02:02 [EST]
Name: LeRoy Cervantes Jr.
EMail: cervantesleroy@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My grandfather, Rudolph Cervantes, was in the 517th PRCT. He recently past away and I was wondering if anyone out there knows about his time in the 517th PRCT?

Entry of Nov 7, 2000 at 13:47 [EST]
Name: Airborne Museum 15th of August 44 Le Muy
EMail: jimi-lizy@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Very young but very proud to be in charge since 1994 of this Museum, inaugurated by General Richard SEITZ, it contain a lot of documents, photos, and equipment about the 517th troops landed in South France on that Night of the 15th of August, we are working to organize accommodations home for the veterans who want to come back, and we can visit together the D.Z area. A lot of you came since the opening we all of you who need help to come back or ask us a question about the Operation are very welcome to write to the town hall of Le Muy, address: J.Michel SOLDI and Eric Renoux, Mairie du Muy, 83490 LE MUY FRANCE. We are very proud to be awarded last year by Bill LEWIS and President MC MORROW to the "certificate of appreciation" for all we are doing to preserve the memory of the Combat Team. We hope to see you one day in South France, and wish to be with you in Bismark.

Entry of Nov 12, 2000 at 18:10 [EST]
Name: Bernie McKeon
Unit: 3d platoon. D Company,517thPIR
EMail: jnbmck@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: just got on line.

Entry of Nov 14, 2000 at 23:54 [EST]
Name: mike irwin
Unit: no
EMail: mirwin@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: my father was in the 517th during ww2, and my brother is named for one of his friends in the 517th Snapper White, he is listed as a winner of the silver star, but his last name is misspelled, i.e irvin, if anyone has any stories about my father i would like to hear from you at my e-mail address.

Entry of Nov 18, 2000 at 18:33 [EST]
Name: Jon Bosse
EMail: zoning@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father, Sgt. Leon Bosse, was in Company D of the 517th PIR from Italy to Germany and told me many stories over the years. I am a WW2 history buff and really enjoy this site. I'll be back.

Entry of Nov 20, 2000 at 17:34 [EST]
Name: William C. Hale Jr. {Tod}
Unit: USS Turner Joy DD-951 '65- '69
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My dad, Bill Hale, was a member of the 517th from the beginning. I was always fascinated with the books, photos and stories that he had collected about the 517th and Airborne in general. I knew the names of his friends and fellow officers as though I was with him, Listner, Cross, and others. It was seeing Tom Cross's name in this guest book that prompted me to respond. Dad passed away in Dec of 1997 in Petersburg, Va. Thank you for the many letters. He was an inspiration to me and he too was my Hero. I don't have a web address, although I would respond to any correspondence. My address is Box 3316, Central Point, Or. 97502. Thank you

Entry of Nov 22, 2000 at 13:03 [EST]
Name: Gene Brissey
Unit: Company E 517th PRCT
EMail: genedie77@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: A member of a Belgian family, Patrick Rappe, sent an email to Ben Barrett, stating, in part, thai I had visited his family in 1999. Ben called me asking if I knew, Patrick. I told him that I knew , Patrick and approximately 20 members of his extended family. I wrote Ben explaining that I had met a few members of the family in 1944. I put my name in a book which belonged to one of the children. In 1997 Patrick found me on the internet. His father called me, and this call resulted in a lot of correspondence which in turn resulted in a visit with the family in 1999. My wife and I along with John Krumm and his wife visited France and Belgium including three days in the area where the Belgian family live. (John is the son of John Krumm Sr. who was in Co E, my platoon). We had a great visit with the extended family which now includes over 20 members. We also visited Trois Ponts and other areas through which the 517th dragged through the snow, trees and villages ending in St. Vith in late January '45. From there to Bergstein, Germany in early Feb. There on Feb. 8th I was wounded during the last few minutes of the war for the 517th. What was worse my very close friend, ROGER BENDER, was killed.

Entry of Nov 23, 2000 at 20:13 [EST]
Name: William L. Williams
Unit: 460th parachute f/a
EMail: jnrtwo@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Happy Thanksgiving '00

Entry of Nov 25, 2000 at 20:39 [EST]
Name: Zickefoose
Unit: Hdg. Hdg. 1st Bat.
EMail: zick@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Just went through this site with my father. My father, Corbin Zickefoose served with the 517 from Italy through France and the Battle of the Bulge. He was wounded near Malmady. He now lives in Clarksburg West Virginia. His company commander was Eral Eley (sp), and battalion commander was Bill Boyle.

Entry of Dec 6, 2000 at 20:38 [EST]
Name: bruce broudy
EMail: bruceb83@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: my dad Joseph Broudy (died 1981) served in the 517th. I never knew much about his experience till I read the book Battling Buzzards. I would be grateful for anyone to pass on any recollections of my father. thanks!

Entry of Dec 9, 2000 at 16:55 [EST]
Name: Charles C. Miller
EMail: clint501@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Sgt. John G. Miller (Buck) was in the 517th. He passed away in 1992. If there is anyone who served with him, I'd love to get some stories about him. He also named me after Capt. Charles E. LaChaussee.

Entry of Dec 14, 2000 at 20:40 [EST]
Name: Cecil H. Doty
Unit: H Company 517 PRCT
EMail: acdoty@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Setting here in my warm home looking at the Kansas landscape covered with 6 inches of snow. My mind wondered back to that 1944 Christmas in Belgium and the Battle of the Bulge. Wasn't that delicious Christmas Dinner of K rations? I'll never forget the night of Dec. 26 1944 when the 3rd Battalion were given orders to take Manhay. We were so close I could feel the ground move as the Artillery shelled the town. I think it is so wonderful how the friendships and bonding of the 517 troopers is so strong today. I pray for our service men and women who have to be way from home this Christmas and wish them and you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Thank You Ben and Bob for this wonderful web site. Airborne Cecil H. Doty

Entry of Dec 16, 2000 at 01:08 [EST]
Name: John D. Lukacs
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hello. You have an excellent page. I was wondering if anyone out there has any information, or if anyone would be able to point me in the right direction to find information regarding a former member of the 517th PRCT, Capt. Joseph T. McGeever. I am writing a book about athletes that served in the military and would like some information about McGeever. He played football for Montana State in the early 1940's. If you can help me, I would be forever grateful. Thanks!

Entry of Dec 19, 2000 at 15:11 [EST]
Name: Merlin I Allard
Unit: 517 PRCT Fco 1st plt 3rd
EMail: m5895@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: This to change my address. m5895@ Happy Holidays to everyone

Entry of Dec 20, 2000 at 16:18 [EST]
Name: Roy and Elise Landreth
Unit: Colonel
EMail: lrl24@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Company E 517

Entry of Dec 24, 2000 at 17:05 [EST]
Name: Bill Morris
EMail: wlm99@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Looking for someone that may have served with my father. His name was Robert L. Morris, He was with the 517 Parachute Combat team (I think Battery "B") in France, Christmas 1944. He was wounded some time there after and was sent to a French hospital. Any information about him would be greatly appreciated, ie: battles he was in and what was his location when he was wounded. Thank You Bill Morris

Entry of Dec 27, 2000 at 13:06 [EST]
Name: Meg Ambabo
Unit: My Father - 517th (I Company)
EMail: meg.ambabo@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Got to talking to my father about the 517th - he received a wonderful book for x-mas about the history of the 517 - and thought I'd see what I could find on line. Nice to see there are still so many of his ilk around.

Entry of Dec 29, 2000 at 00:36 [EST]
Name: Harmon Lampella
Unit: 357 AS 908AW
EMail: oikosulku@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: My great uncle, Mertz Lampella was a member of H Company, and KIA on 13 JAN 45 near Stavelot. I was moved by a recent visit to the Henri-Chapelle Cemetery, and would just like to say thank you to all that served.

Entry of Dec 29, 2000 at 12:07 [EST]
Name: Diane Becker
EMail: ddrs@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: I am posting for my father. He is looking for a friend, last name Riggins, that was in the 517th Parachute Combat Team. Jumped in Southern France Aug. 15, 1944; Position was Front-Line Communication Radio and Wire. Colonel was Colonel Sikes. Mt. Blanc was a stopping place. My father's full name is Robert Alton Pitts from Birmingham, Alabama. Thank You.

Entry of Jan 14, 2001 at 17:16 [EST]
Name: Andrew Norman
EMail: mrfacts@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My Grandfather, Robert Vaught, told me about this page. It's a Great Page!!!!!!!!!

Entry of Jan 14, 2001 at 17:45 [EST]
Name: Carlos Davis
Unit: B co. 517th
EMail: carlosdavis22@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Wow! What a lot of memories, Good stuff still vivid, bad stuff can't remember??? What a great site for all the members!! Great job Ben and son!!!!Hope to see ya'all at Kissamee///carlosdavis22@

Entry of Jan 15, 2001 at 12:17 [EST]
Unit: I co. 517
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me

Entry of Jan 16, 2001 at 17:51 [EST]
Name: Kathleen Doran
EMail: kdoran@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Looking for information about my late uncle, LT Julius E. Weiss, from New Orleans, LA (he died in 1995). Was with Company A of the 517th; wounded at Stavelot, Belgium on 3 Jan 1945. He always told me he jumped at Normandy, but I know the 517th didn't jump there. Did some troopers jump on D-Day and later get assigned to the 517th? Does anyone remember him?

Entry of Jan 17, 2001 at 13:02 [EST]
Name: Anthony D. Ventura
EMail: tventura@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: My name is Anthony Ventura. I am doing research on Sgt. Robert J. Miller, Company I, 3rd Battalion, 517th PIR, ASN 39566866. Sgt Miller was killed in action on September 7, 1944 in Southern France. I am looking for anyone who knew Sgt. Miller, or has pictures of him, or maybe a picture of Co. I. His friend during the war were Lt. Floyd Stott, Cpl. F. L. Allen, PFC. G.E. Carr, Sgt. J.E. Cornett. If anyone out there has any information, please E-mail me. Sgt. Miller was a true hero, his story needs to be completed, and written down for everyone to read. He is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Los Angeles. Thanks!!!!

Entry of Jan 17, 2001 at 19:00 [EST]
Name: Myron Irving Gadoury
EMail: Budman@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Dad was a Platoon SGT in the 517th G Co. Enlisted July 24, 1942 and discharged October 1945. He took enemy shell fire on September 19, 1944 in Souspal, France. It took 26 years for the shrapnel to kill him though. Dad never talked about the war. I would love to talk with anyone about the 517th, especially anyone who knew him. I have a letter sent to him after he was wounded from a Capt. Grant A. Harper. Another letter lists members as Sgt Callahan, LTs Steele, Pinkston, and Penton. Dad was in the Champagne campaign and Rome - Arno Campaign. Keep up this sight as it is very precious. Excellent Job. Thanks for making this a great country. God Bless America. Bonapart

Entry of Jan 17, 2001 at 22:00 [EST]
Name: Diane Becker
EMail: ddrs@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Hi. Updating for my father. Robert Alton Pitts from Birmingham, Alabama. He sent me a few names he remembered...West; Riggins; Wyatt; Pipkins; Col. Sites; Lt. White. He landed in March at Naples...shipped to Sicily for 3 months; Shipped back to Rome 1 June. If anybody knows anything of these men (I know just last names are hard) and these places, drop me a line. I have enjoyed reading the emails and my father received his copies of the newsletter that is mailed out. It has been hard for him, my mother says. He gets very emotionally telling her about the times over there. Thanks for all your assistance.... Diane Becker

Entry of Jan 27, 2001 at 02:26 [EST]
Name: LTC Patrick J. Cassidy
Unit: Current Unit U.S. V Corps, looking for 139th ABN
EMail: hofbraucity@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: 17th ABN, 139th ABN ENG. BN. WWII Frank Cassidy. My Dad was an ABN combat Engineer. [...] He said he was with a group that did recon, maybe attached to the 517th? He said that he was the first group of Americans in the town of Essen. My Dad was with the 17th ABN 139th ABN BN in World War II. He had friends that were with the Engineer battalions in the 82nd and 101st. I am looking for info what my dad did in the war.

INFORMATION ON MY DAD: Francis C, Cassidy Jr. (Nick Name, Frank) Service number: 11050770 Born 25 Feb 1916, Boston Mass. area. Graduated from Jump School on 5 Feb 1944

[...information shortened by Site Webmaster -- If you have any info on Frank Cassidy, contact his son at the address above. -- Editor]

I hope the above information will jar a memory. I graduated from Airborne school myself in 1981. I made all my jumps with Dads wings in my left pocket and had them pinned on me upon graduation. I do not have any photo's of my Dad in his Jump Jacket or while in Europe. Maybe, a photo with him in it still exists out there. Maybe, There is still someone alive who remembers him. Please Contact Me. LTC Patrick J Cassidy V Corps, G6 Heidelberg, Germany Phone is 011-49-6224-174727, In Germany, six hours ahead east coast time in the U.S.- LTC Patrick J. Cassidy

Entry of Jan 30, 2001 at 10:02 [EST]
Name: Richard B. Havill
Unit: 517th airborne
EMail: dagenis@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: All the way Italy thru Germany

Entry of Jan 31, 2001 at 02:47 [EST]
Name: Robert S. Del Carlo son of Lenard A. Del Carlo
EMail: robert_del_carlo@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father Lenard Del Carlo [deceased 1975] served with the 517th from approximately 1943 through the end of the war in Europe. I know that he became a staff sergeant assigned to a Colonel Graves. He was awarded a Silver Star and Bronze Star while in the 517th. I'm attempting to obtain as much information as possible. Please Email me any information that can assist me to obtain his service information. Thank You!

Entry of Jan 31, 2001 at 19:02 [EST]
Name: Robert A. Alvey
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Haskel Dale Alvey, was a member of the 517th. He died in 1971 and like most real veterans did not say much about his experiences. If any of you remember him, I would appreciate any information on his service time. I have a letter stating that he was awarded the Bronze Star for action in 1944. My father was the bravest man that I have ever known and he was especially proud to have been in the 517th.

Entry of Feb 4, 2001 at 15:08 [EST]
Name: Lenard Del Carlo
Unit: no
EMail: ricci2@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: my father Lenard A Del Carlo served in the 517th during WW2. He was an interpreter for Col. Graves and for some strange reason the medals he won are not listed on this page. Can anyone recommend a source that chronicles the 517th combat actions during the European campaign. Is there a comprehensive document from the army or military scholar that provides this information? For example it was my understanding that the 517th was involved behind the line during D-Day. Is this correct? How many living survivors are there?

Entry of Feb 9, 2001 at 21:56 [EST]
Name: Arthur Mortensen
EMail: arthur505@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My Dad served in the 517th from 1943-1945. Great site!

Entry of Feb 9, 2001 at 22:12 [EST]
Name: Arthur Mortensen
EMail: arthur505@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Not noted in your bronze star category is my father, who was awarded one after the Battle of the Bulge. James E. Mortensen was his name. [Note: Now Corrected -- Editor]

Entry of Feb 11, 2001 at 22:34 [EST]
Name: Roger LaBar
EMail: kappy2@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My uncle, Laverne LaBar Jr. served with D co. 517th and was K.I.A. 6 sept.1944 while parachuting into southern France. My father and I recently found a letter among my Grandmothers papers; Dated Dec.16,1944 from some of the members of his squad, it was signed-Pvt.Fred Canjiani #39129871, James H. Oleson, Frank Faiola, Richard Young, Frank Wayda, Bernard McDade, and many others. (not sure if spellings are correct due to condition of letter) being an ex Ranger myself,(81-87) Gentleman I SALUTE you and thank you from the bottom of my heart, You don't know how much that letter meant to an old woman who carried it close to her for many years to follow. where ever you may be oooo rah. 517th

Entry of Feb 12, 2001 at 15:26 [EST]
Name: Jim Mortensen
Unit: Battery C 460th
EMail: jem@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I was with the 517 RCT from day one. Lasted through Georgia, N. Carolina, Benning, Tennessee, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Berlin and will never forget the experience or the people with whom I shared it. I was a forward observer and, like all of us, grew up in a hurry!

Entry of Feb 12, 2001 at 23:44 [EST]
Name: Tony Anderson
EMail: tanderson@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: On a whim I did a search for my father's paratrooper group. And lo and behold this link came right up. My father is Ray L. Anderson, Staff Sergeant, HQ Co. 1st Battalion, 517th. He passed away in '76, and lately I've been wanting to learn more about the history of his group. It's nice to be here - love the site. I know it's a stretch, but if anyone has any info/stories/pictures about my father, I would love to hear about them! Thanks.

Entry of Feb 13, 2001 at 11:51 [EST]
Name: Simon
EMail: simon@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: A great site, can we exchange links? My own site can be visited at; WW2 Battlefield Relics:

Entry of Feb 15, 2001 at 20:08 [EST]
Name: Jeremy Mangum grandson of Ray Anderson
EMail: aroadnottaken@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My grandfather was a Staff Sergeant in the 1st battalion. He died in 1976 about 9 months before I was born. I never personally knew him, but I have only heard good things about him. I love to hear stories from my mother and my aunts and uncles. I'll be glad when I finally get to meet him. I just want to say thank you to all of his friends in the battalion. He was a great guy and appreciated all of the friendships which he had.

Entry of Feb 20, 2001 at 14:05 [EST]
Name: Jean-Pierre PETIT
EMail: jpcg@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I live in the Ardennes, Belgium, a very small village located between Manhay and Erezee where 517th troopers gloriously fight. Soy, Melines and Ny are in the vicinity of Erezee. Interested in contacts with veterans

Entry of Feb 23, 2001 at 19:40 [EST]
Name: Matthew Myers
Unit: My grandfather: 517, 1st Bat., B Co., MG support
EMail: omega173@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: My Grandfather, Julius B. "Tal" Talarico, passed away in 1980. I was 3 years old, and just barely remember him. He died without telling us anything about his service during WWII. I am trying to find out all I can about his experiences during the war. If anyone served with him or has any helpful information, PLEASE contact me ASAP!!!

Entry of Feb 25, 2001 at 15:41 [EST]
Name: Jesse A. Darden
Unit: 460th Headquarters
EMail: ljdarden@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Hope to see you in Bismark. Really looking forward to it. Jesse

Entry of Mar 1, 2001 at 21:34 [EST]
Name: Bill Cornett
Unit: Son of Staff Sgt Joe Cornett "I" Co.
EMail: littlebill01@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Do any of you guys remember my father, he never had much to say about his experience in the war, though I always knew you were all heroes. I have read both books that he had. Dad passed away in 1995. I would appreciate any information you can give me on some of his personal history. Thanks so much for all you guys did for the good of the world.

Entry of Mar 4, 2001 at 01:55 [EST]
Name: Virginia Jorgen, widow of Annon (Andy) Jorgen
Unit: He was in E Company, 2nd Battalion
EMail: dinnylee@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I don't know much about Andy's war experiences as he wouldn't talk about them much. He would get too sad. Now I'm driven to learn all I can. I've been in touch with several of you great survivors who've helped me find out more. However, I'd be thrilled to hear from anybody else who remembers him. He was a Lieutenant and was in the 517th from the beginning. He was wounded towards the last of the war and was then separated from you. He died in 1999. I plan on writing his story for our children. Thanks for the great website, Ben.

Entry of Mar 15, 2001 at 13:15 [EST]
Name: Bobby Lee Wingate Jr.
Unit: B2/325 Abn Inf 82nd 1973-1977, C1/32nd and A2/9 Inf 2nd Inf Div.1977-1978, SFcompany and Acompany IBUSAIMA 1979-1980
EMail: mbwingate2@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page

Entry of Mar 16, 2001 at 19:50 [EST]
Name: Mike Lind
EMail: battlerml517@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Has anyone fought with during the war or heard of Neil F. Schmid? He was my grandfather and died before I was born of ALS. I was told he never spoke a word of the war and would wake up at night with sporadic nightmares. He was part of the Company 1 headquarters (or so the unit book says) and was a radio operator. Also, his rank was Technician 5th Grade. If anyone has any memory of remembering my grandfather or has ever met him, please, I would appreciate an email to know a bit more about my grandfather and what his experiences during the war were like. Thank you veterans of the 517th for making America and the world safe for my family and me and god bless you all.

Entry of Mar 22, 2001 at 16:53 [EST]
Name: Claire Johnson Giblin
Unit: Dad, Kaare Allan (Al)Johnson, was in the 596th
EMail: clairejgib@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Wonderful to discover this network of old friends. I was honored to accompany Dad in 1999 to France, where we searched for Chablis and toured the south. We couldn't find Chablis, but Dad tells me that Mose and Senter claimed that they'd found it. Perhaps we didn't partake sufficiently of the famous local beverages... One memorable encounter with local people yielded the assessment that anyone who would know where the Americans had been was surely either crazy or dead. We fared better in the south, where we lucked into a lovely friendship with a Frenchman who'd served in the Resistance, hooking up with the 36th from Texas after the invasion. Monsieur Henri Baude was wonderful and loves everything American, including the Jeep he took custody of after the Americans left. He still drives it in the parade every August 15th. His wife told us that while his feet are in France, his heart is in America. Dad is looking forward to Bismarck (I am working on his computer skills), and I hope to accompany him. Thank you to all who make this website happen!

Entry of Mar 22, 2001 at 16:57 [EST]
Name: Joseph Hogan
Unit: 1/113 Cav (Ia. Guard)
EMail: celticrebel1@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: My grandfather, Charles W. "Bill" Young, is an original member of C Company, 517 PRCT. As far as I know, he hasn't been in touch with any other members for a long time. He isn't on line but if anybody would like to say hello, e-mail me and I'll put you in touch.

Entry of Mar 23, 2001 at 03:17 [EST]
Name: Mike Lind
EMail: Battlerml517@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: If anyone reading this can help me even further into revealing some light on the subject of my grandfather Neil F. Schmid, my family has copies of the letters he wrote home to his family in St. Paul, Minnesota during the war. He mentions two individuals he knew during the war, one was a Crosby fellow and the other was someone named Sandford. The three of them, Crosby, Sandford, and my grandfather Neil rode in a jeep with three radio connections, 284, 610, and 300. If anyone has heard of these individuals, please let me know who exactly they are and how I can contact them. Even better, if either Crosby or Sandford are reading this, please email me to tell me how you know my grandfather and what he was like. Hope to hear from anyone with some news about my grandfather.

Entry of Mar 24, 2001 at 22:46 [EST]
Name: Bill Gearon
EMail: ebgear@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My uncle, 1st Lt. Raymond D. Gearon was a member of the 517th, Co I. He is getting on in years and would love to hear from anyone who remembers him. I will be more than pleased to get any email to him and get you a reply. (He's not really a computer wiz, yet, but if he gets enough mail, he might become one very fast. Thanks.

Entry of Mar 25, 2001 at 17:24 [EST]
Name: Kelly Edwards
Unit: daughter of Melvin Edwards D. Co., 517th
EMail: kedwards@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I would like to reestablish contact with members of the 517th, especially those of D. Co. I have missed being a part of something that meant so much to my dad.

Entry of Mar 26, 2001 at 12:05 [EST]
Name: Ed Barham
Unit: USAF
EMail: edbarham@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Regret to advise of the death of Dr. Charles E. Pugh, DDS, of Ft. Worth, TX on 21 Mar 2001. Charlie was in the 517th PCT in WWII. and as many of you know was active in X paratroopers matters. Memorial Service will be today 26 Mar 2001, 4:30, at University Christian Church, Ft. Worth, TX.

Entry of Mar 28, 2001 at 14:45 [EST]
Name: Dustin Umberger
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My Grandfather, Col. Tom R. Cross (RET) referred me to this site and i think it's very well done. respect and regards dustin

Entry of Mar 30, 2001 at 21:43 [EST]
Name: William Morgan Davis, Jr.
Unit: 517th Company A First Batallion
EMail: DDavis6029@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Bill Davis passed away on March 22, 2001. He was a decorated soldier ranking as a staff sergeant. He acquired 3 bronze stars, a bronze arrowhead, a purple heart, EAM medal and WWII Commendation. He was severely wounded in southern France and was nursed to health by his wife of 53 years. He was the father of 4 children. His bravery and courage carried on to his 3 firefighter sons.

Entry of Apr 5, 2001 at 19:11 [EST]
Name: Elsworth M. Harger
Unit: G Co. 517th.
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Guess it's time to sign on, especially since I find no other G Co. members registered. I remember Bill Pencak, as the 3rd. Bn. was forming at Fort Benning, he was training the future machine gunners. (I was one.) He had us dry firing and working them bolts 'til "we sweat blood"! Any other Combat Team members still jumping? I am a member of the Relatively North Skydiving Club and the United States Parachute Association. I jump on a regular basis, every weekend from Apr. to Nov. Rest of year as weather (clear skies) permits. 1388 free falls, make 80-125 jumps per year. Going for 2000 and that diamond on my Gold (1000) free fall wings. See you in Bismark, ND. Blue Skies El

Entry of Apr 16, 2001 at 14:36 [EST]
Name: Lee Darrow
EMail: mstrhypno@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Dad, Bruce Darrow, Class of '45, was a proud member of the 517th. I regret to say that he passed away in August of 1994 from Leukemia. He is interred at the Veteran's Cemetery outside Phoenix, AZ. I am looking for a patch, from that period for his flag case. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Lee Darrow mstrhypno@

Entry of Apr 19, 2001 at 14:19 [EST]
Name: John MacKenzie
Unit: U.S. Navy Radio Operator
EMail: johnmackenzie34@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My Cousin William T. Hogan was a Member of Your Illustrious Combat Team. My Cousin SGT Willy Hogan Died In Jan of 1998. I wrote a letter to the Thunderbolt Association requesting help in getting information about the Sarge. Anything you can help me with will be greatly appreciated. Is it possible to get some kind of Memorabilia or Airborne Patches. Would there be any Battling Buzzard Patches available. I am trying to put together some kind of History about my Cousin Bill, and I need help in obtaining information. Respectfully John MacKenzie

Entry of Apr 19, 2001 at 16:31 [EST]
Name: Richard Winship
EMail: rwinship@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My dad, Ed Winship, was a member of Company H, 3rd Battalion. He turned 84 yesterday. I'm very proud of him and his service with the 517th.

Entry of Apr 19, 2001 at 19:36 [EST]
EMail: skyboyhiact@
How I found the 517th page: Other

Entry of Apr 23, 2001 at 23:04 [EST]
Name: russell a johnson
Unit: presently active duty marine
EMail: ktusmc@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: my father Norm Johnson was with the 517th. i believe this was from the beginning of the units activation. he passed away last year on Jan 15 2000. the only persons name that i ever heard being talked about is bill lewis. I have read the thunderbolt on a regular basis up until a few months before he died. sort of miss the old man he was proud of this unit and his time in the military.

Entry of Apr 24, 2001 at 17:15 [EST]
Name: Douglas Harris
EMail: doug@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: As you can see I am named for my uncle Douglas Taylor Emmons. I recall from when I was 6 years old he came through town as a very quiet returning "hero". Although he never told any of us I later learned than he earned a Legion of Merit, and when I searched for the 517th found your home page, and his name listed there. I'd be very much interested in anything anyone knows or remembers about him, or related material. From the little he ever said to me in later life about WWII what a lucky country we are to have had such people around when needed, and by that I mean the entire unit!

Entry of Apr 28, 2001 at 21:36 [EST]
Name: Donald E. Boatright
Unit: Company G, 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 13th Airborne Division ETO
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Donald Boatright served with the 517th from May 31, 1944 until August 1, 1945. Recently I assisted him in obtaining for him his Bronze Star for service in World War II. He also received the Purple Heart for wounds received on December 17, 1944. He and his wife, Mildred, are retired and live at 175 Smith Chapel Road, Bowdon GA 30108. They had two children, Jimmy D. Boatright, who is an Insurance Salesman for Liberty National, and Malinda Boatright (to whom I am married), who is the Youth Center Director at Robins AFB GA in Warner Robins GA. Donald and Mildred's telephone number is 770-258-7383. He has many wonderful stories of his service with the 517th. Donald doesn't do email, but you may correspond with him through me and I will pass your message along. This is a wonderful Web Site and reflects the esprit de corps of this fine combat unit. HATS OFF to your hard work and pride.

Entry of May 6, 2001 at 20:32 [EST]
Name: Olin Baggett, CW4 USA (Ret)
Unit: 188th Glider Inf, 504th Inf,11th PM Co, 101st PM Co.,MACVSOG,ABNE&SW Board
EMail: obaggett@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Col Tom Cross told me about your site while we were attending the OLD TIMERS ABN REUNION. I would like to put a link to your website on my site at Enjoyed your site and will return. Thanks

Entry of May 17, 2001 at 00:17 [EST]
Name: Melanie Davis-Hanson
Unit: (Father) Gary Davis 517th F-Co
EMail: Ladibug4@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I had the honor of meeting all of my Father's (Gary Davis) 517th buddies in Fort Benning Georgia last reunion 1999. I fell in love with all of you and was so touched that I had to take my father back to South France last April 2000. We were met by our French friends, Michel, Lizy, Eric and Lydie that took my father to the 1st drop zone he landed August 15th 1944. What can I say...Seeing my fathers face and tears told the story. I would like to thank all of you for putting your lives on the line to make mine and my daughters a better one! I DO REALIZE WHAT YOU ALL DID FOR ME!! I LOVE YOU ALL! Love- Melanie (Gary's daughter)

Entry of May 26, 2001 at 01:39 [EST]
Name: Lynn Fischer
EMail: llfischer@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am doing research on our family genealogy. I have a cousin, 1st Lt. Henry Richard Kleinendorst, who served in the 517th. I would like to include his service record information. I understand he was in Company A of the 1st Battalion. Hopefully someone who knew him will get in touch. thanks

Entry of May 31, 2001 at 22:00 [EST]
Name: Jim Hennessey
Unit: WW2-87th-Golden Acorn-Inf-Div.
EMail: ND-JimHennesey@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Enjoyed this web-site very much Good Luck to you all. New Jersey Vet

Entry of Jun 1, 2001 at 10:50 [EST]
Name: Jerry Johnson
EMail: Briar1401@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am looking for anyone who could help me locate a paratrooper or the family of, William H. Jahn. My son happened across his service bible at a book fair in Michigan, and I thought he or his family would like it back. I know he was in the 517th, co.C ,1st BN. That is what is written in his bible. Mr. Jahn left La Harve, France on Aug 13, 1945 on the Oneida-Victory and arrived in New York on the 23rd. Please e-mail me if you have any idea on how to find him or his family. Thank you, to all service men and woman.

Entry of Jun 7, 2001 at 02:33 [EST]
Name: by Ted Crawford son of Robert L. Crawford
Unit: Pvt. Robert L. Crawford 517th CO. A
EMail: tedcrawford@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Robert L. Crawford Bronze Star during the Bulge. I am humbled by all of the 517th. I have researched family history and I cannot express the respect I have for truly the "Greatest Generation" that ever lived. As most of you have done, my father rarely ever speaks of the war but through research I have discovered his and your incredible stories. I am very pleased to be able to say thank you!

Entry of Jun 7, 2001 at 14:25 [EST]
Name: neil blanton
Unit: navy uss enterprise 80 to 84
EMail: mary_blanton@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: my dad was willard b blanton who has passed away he never talked about the war if anyone remembers him i would really appreciate to hear from you thank you

Entry of Jun 8, 2001 at 12:14 [EST]
Unit: USAF 66-70 ANG 72-91
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th

Entry of Jun 9, 2001 at 17:48 [EST]
Name: Ronald J. Rock
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was SGt. Robert J. Rock of C company. I am looking for anyone who can give me some information about his army days. I attended a reunion with him in the early seventies at Ft. Bragg. I was just a young boy then. He passed away in 1977 and I would like to find some of his army buddies. Please contact me if you have any information. Sincerely Ronald J. Rock

Entry of Jun 10, 2001 at 18:25 [EST]
Name: Mark Wayda
EMail: mwayda@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Frank Wayda, was in D company, 517 (2nd platoon, 2nd squad). He passed away in April of 1989, and I wanted to say a belated word of thanks to those who wrote to express their sympathies to me and my mother : Fred Canziani, Roger Goodsell, Ed Meingasner, Frank Gallucci, and General Seitz. In your brief words I learned more about my father's experience in the service than he ever said himself. If anyone else can tell me anything--where he saw action, where and when he was wounded (Fred Canziani told me about a firefight in southern France in September of 1944, and Jim Olsen said he thought my father was wounded by artillery in Trois Points on January 3, 1945), or anything else, or if anyone has any photos of him they could share, I would be most appreciative. Thanks.

Entry of Jun 13, 2001 at 20:54 [EST]
Name: Michael Eugene
EMail: meugene@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: My dad's name was Don Eugene. He was in Hq and Hq Co. Dad passed in 1990, but the stories he told me of the 517th continue to live. I am trying to research every detail of his time with the 517th. If you knew him and can share stories, pictures, anything, I would be greatly indebted to you.

Entry of Jun 18, 2001 at 16:59 [EST]
Name: Linda Schlarb
EMail: oldtownpropaneco@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My uncle was William F. Thorng kia in Col de Braus and awarded the Bronze Star. This is a wonderful tribute to these men and I would like to thank all of you for what you did. If anyone out there remembers my uncle William F. Thorng (he went by the nickname of Chuck) I would love to hear from you. Linda Schlarb

Entry of Jun 18, 2001 at 19:40 [EST]
Name: Ed Christman
EMail: e.christman@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am the proud nephew of Eugene Brissey who just wanted to look at all that's been done on this page and to say thank you to all of the people who have served this country and made it the success that it is. thank you!

Entry of Jun 21, 2001 at 02:33 [EST]
Name: Robert Garcin
EMail: ragarcin@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father, Thomas E. Garcin is listed as a private in Company B. He has always been a hero to me and also very quiet about his experiences in the war. I am very grateful this site exists and extend my thanks to all the members of the 517th for their heroism in World War II!

Entry of Jun 24, 2001 at 20:00 [EST]
Name: Nancy Steinfurth
EMail: steinfurth@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Karl Steinfurth, was in the 460th battalion, Battery C, attached to the 517th for the Battle of the Bulge (I'm not sure that's the correct organ. structure). He's not an emailer, but I'd be happy to pass along messages. Are reunions scheduled regularly? He's only recently spoken about his experiences. One of them involves burying parachutes on the beach where the French women would retrieve and use for bathing suits (see-through when wet!). I'm proud of him, and his generation, who sacrificed so much for our future.

Entry of Jun 26, 2001 at 11:31 [EST]
Name: Jennifer Lilly
EMail: arizonalove27@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I really enjoyed looking through these pages. I'm in the Army myself and I find it inspiring to learn the history of the 517th soldiers. My grandfather, Corbin Zickefoose was in the 517th PIR, 1st Battalion. I know in 1948 the 1st Battalion received a Presidential Citation. If anyone knows, did every 1st Battalion soldier receive an award for this or just at Battalion level?

Entry of Jun 26, 2001 at 23:19 [EST]
Name: Tim Rock
EMail: Std179@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am the son of Robert "Bob" J. Rock who served in Company C of the 517th. He was very proud of his service and those who served with him. I was just wondering if anyone out there would care to tell me a little about serving with my dad. About the only thing he talked about was wrestling with a lieutnant that kept getting promoted, even in civilian life. Any response would be greatly appreciated.

Entry of Jun 29, 2001 at 15:58 [EST]
Unit: marines
EMail: georgeroseberry@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Dad was in the 517th Lt George Roseberry. I am researching his military and combat records. He was in service co and received letter of commendation, distinguished service medal, and a bronze star. Does anyone out there know what w.d.a. company is? Any information would be very helpful. I really enjoy the web site thanks!

Entry of Jul 2, 2001 at 18:44 [EST]
Name: Donald N. Paulson
Unit: Chaplain, USNR-Ret.
EMail: dpaul35@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Thomas Benton, who I understand was a member of the 517 during WWII, died at his home on June 30,2001. Today at his funeral I read the words of one of the airborne songs and presented the American flag to his widow. We will remember him as a man who loved God, his family and his country. He was another of the "greatest generation" who will be greatly missed in Commerce, GA.

Entry of Jul 9, 2001 at 16:53 [EST]
Name: Judy Sinnings
Unit: Daughter of Harry Saunders, Co."E"
EMail: rockran@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Dad keeps me informed as much as he can and now that I finally got a computer he forwards me things. Like the BEAUTIFUL salute you had for the 4th. of July. I felt honored again for my dad being part of such a group. I went with him to the reunion in San Antonio in '85, I believe. I didn't get to stay the whole time, but never met such a warm and friendly bunch. There's just something about the military, I know. I tell everyone proudly, I'm an Army Brat! God Bless You All.

Entry of Jul 9, 2001 at 20:09 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: My dad, J.D.Taylor was in the 517th,82nd Airborne. He was in the Battle of the Bulge. Would love to hear from anyone who might have known him then. We lost him in 1997. He was from Alabama. In his last days he would talk about the war, lots more than he use to.

Entry of Jul 10, 2001 at 10:41 [EST]
Name: Tom Reber son of Robert J. Reber
EMail: reber83@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father is the late 1st Lt. Robert J. Reber, HQ Co. 3rd Bn. I am in search of more information regarding his service days and would appreciate any help that anyone may be able to offer. I am interested in stories, photos, anecdotes and the like. He often spoke of his 517th buddies, but little of the campaign days. I believe he was hit by mortar shrapnel near Stavelot in mid January '45. Outstanding website! Thank you.

Entry of Jul 17, 2001 at 07:50 [EST]
Name: Charles A. Crain
Unit: Fighter Squadron 24 USN, 1986-1995
EMail: crain@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: My father, Leon L. Crain, served in the 517th from 1944-1946. He has since gone on to his rewards, but I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who might remember him. He is listed on the Christmas In France Roster as being attached to the 460th Field Artillery Battalion as a PFC. These gentlemen saved the world and made America what it is today. There is no honor that I could bestow that would be worthy of what you did then. I sometimes wonder in my heart, if America could ever again raise such an Army, should the need ever arise. Please, keep this website active. I would be honored to hear from anyone who knew PFC (later Sgt.) Leon L. Crain Sincerely, Charles A. Crain

Entry of Jul 18, 2001 at 18:17 [EST]
Name: Marion Hupman Daughter of Frank Hupman
Unit: 517th Battery C
EMail: mfhupman@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I attended a few of the reunions with my father Frank Hupman. I have lost contact with the members I tried to keep in touch with. If any one remembers my father or has stories of him. I would like to hear them if you you would share them with me. Any of the 460th i would like to hear from you.

Entry of Jul 22, 2001 at 08:43 [EST]
Name: Brett Stadler
EMail: thestadlers@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am interested in learning more about my grandfather, Burton Stadler, and his experiences with the 517th. I would appreciate hearing from surviving members of his unit or someone who may remember him. He was with HQ Co. 2nd Battalion. Thank you!

Entry of Aug 2, 2001 at 19:00 [EST]
Name: J R Elledge
Unit: ARMY- 3/187th Rakkasans,101st ABN,1968-69, 509th ABN 1969-70
EMail: Jredse@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: After looking at this site, it always makes me proud to read and visit some well seasoned soldiers. AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY

Entry of Aug 2, 2001 at 23:50 [EST]
Name: Chris Lindner
Unit: no
EMail: chris.lindner@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Thank you for having this web-site available. I am looking for anyone in the HQ.Co.2ndBN.517thPRCHT,INF who may have known my father NATHAN RUBENSTEIN. I have been searching all through the internet and I did find my fathers name on the Christmas Card list of France 1944. My father died 24 years ago of a heart attack. When I was a kid we always watched the war movies together but of course he would never talk about it. After reading some of the accounts on the different battles I can understand why. If anyone knew my father (NATHAN RUBENSTEIN) please let me know. Thank you. Chris Lindner P.S. (later in years his name was legally changed to NATE RUBY)

Entry of Aug 3, 2001 at 17:05 [EST]
Name: Dallas Long
Unit: 517th, Company G and headquarters
EMail: dallasandjerrie@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Would like to hear from my buddies.

Entry of Aug 8, 2001 at 02:13 [EST]
Name: Chris Lindner
Unit: no
EMail: chris.lindner@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I am still looking for anyone else that has not contacted me regarding my Dad Nathan (Nate) Rubenstein (Ruby). I have heard from some very nice people and am looking for anyone else. Thank you

Entry of Aug 10, 2001 at 21:10 [EST]
Name: Joseph J. Mackiewicz
Unit: 517th PRCT Co. I
EMail: Joemack610@ AOL.COM
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I have been searching the internet for stories or information concerning the Southern France Invasion referred to as the Champagne Campaign. I was wounded at St. Cezair on Aug.22, 1944. Can anyone help me in this matter?

Entry of Aug 13, 2001 at 21:54 [EST]
Name: Chris Lindner
Unit: no
EMail: chris.lindner@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: August 13, 2001 I am looking for Sqt. Robert F. West who was in the 517th with Willard "Bud" Wyatt and my father Nathan Rubenstein. I was told from Mr. Wyatt that he last had contact with Mr. West at the l997 reunion and that we would like to get in touch with him and I would also like to get in touch with him. Mr. Wyatt said Mr. West knew my Father and I would like to get some information from him. Thank you. Chris Lindner

Entry of Aug 15, 2001 at 22:33 [EST]
Name: Carol Roseberry Dreesen
EMail: ldreesen@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father was 1stLt George Roseberry in Service Company 1 during the 517th's tour. He later was assigned to occupied Japan and returned to the states. Later he served in the Korean War before being discharged. He died June 25,1981 in Tucson, Arizona.

Entry of Aug 16, 2001 at 23:53 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th

Entry of Aug 25, 2001 at 11:31 [EST]
Name: William bowen
EMail: HDNightTrain99@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was a member of the great 517th. just wondering if anyone remembers Max Bowen.

Entry of Sep 2, 2001 at 19:35 [EST]
Name: Carol A. LaPorte
EMail: laporter@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was William A. Corvick. Sadly he passed away on Dec. 3, 1987 without leaving very much information about his experiences as a member of the 517th Combat Team. I am trying to trace as much information about his unit as possible--I note that he is listed in the 1944 Christmas Greetings Book under the 460th Artillery Battery (1) as a Sergeant. I do have his silver wings (I became a navigator in the USAF in 1980) which he gave to me, and several photos. One is a very large panorama shot of a number of men--Dad wrote on the back of it: "The Riggers Section of the 517th Combat Team Parachutists. The first Parachute Combat Team in World War #2." I would really appreciate corresponding with anyone who remembers my Dad and can provide information about the various battles he served in. Thanks in advance.

Entry of Sep 3, 2001 at 14:38 [EST]
Name: Edward Meise
Unit: 517th Company C
EMail: kmeisear15@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father would like a group picture of his squad (a close up so you can see the faces). He was a private and his name is listed in the "Prop Blast" booklet Captain is Charles LaChanssee (I can't make out exact letters). Please email a pic to my email address. Thanks

Entry of Sep 3, 2001 at 22:49 [EST]
Name: Judith Eugene
EMail: jhearch@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: My father was in the 517th, Headquarters Company, Corporal Donald W. Eugene. How can I thank you enough for compiling all this information into a great website. I have looked for info on my Dad all over the web with no luck, and am so glad I found you! Please add me to your mailing list!

Entry of Sep 4, 2001 at 02:45 [EST]
Name: S/Sgt. Nello Arterburn
Unit: 517, Company G
EMail: CaptMike97@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am writing for my father who has passed away. He did not talk much about his days in the war, but since his passing, I have read through his papers and memorabilia from that time. He was awarded the Bronze Star in fighting in Beaumont, Belgium and was one of four of the fourteen cadre left, all of whom were in the same class at Parachute School in Fort Benning. The other three were Sgt. Willard Nichols (Purple Heart & Silver Star), Sgt. Orville Donaldson (Purple Heart) and Cpl. Albert Deshayes (Purple Heart, Distinguished Service Cross). They nicknamed themselves, "The Four Leftovers". As a veteran of the cold war, I am humbled when I read the stories of the brave men of the 517th. I thank you all for your sacrifices and determination to keep America Free.

Entry of Sep 6, 2001 at 13:15 [EST]
Name: Gene Basara
EMail: GenenLaura@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am proud to know two members - Lt Mike Fisher of the 517th and Cpl(?) Ray Poe of the 596th. I am finally glad to see that there is a website to give them the recognition they (and all members) deserve. I love listening to their stories and I am constantly amazed by their experiences. If anyone would like to contact anyone of these gentlemen, please let me know and I will tell them.

Entry of Sep 8, 2001 at 22:49 [EST]
Name: Frederick T Beyer
Unit: 517th Combat Team
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Anyone wanting to contact me, do so at E-Mail address

Entry of Sep 11, 2001 at 11:39 [EST]
Name: Jason Hayes
EMail: hayes_jason@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Grandson of Lt. Harold White I'm excited about this site, I look forward to reading more about the 517th. If anyone has information about Lt. White, I would love to hear from you. Jason Hayes, Head Tennis Coach Southeastern Louisiana University 985 549 5193

Entry of Sep 15, 2001 at 15:46 [EST]
Name: Mike Varner
EMail: mtrjvarner@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: What a great spot. Thank you to all you brave men. I know my father was proud to serve with you. My father never spoke much about his is military career, but I know that it was a time in his life that he was proud to have been a part of. My fathers name was James R. Varner, but to most people he was known simply as Jim. I know that he was in Company F but other than that I really don't know much. So I am hoping that someone may be able to fill in some of the holes that are missing. I'm hoping to find out some of the battles, locations of training, or just about anything that would pertain to his time in the military. I hope to hear from anyone soon. May God keep you all at this time. In Christ, Mike Varner

Entry of Sep 18, 2001 at 22:37 [EST]
Name: Don Lassen
Unit: 505 PIR/82nd Abn Dvn
EMail: staticline@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I found your website by reading the STATIC LINE. I think it's a great site and I'll try to help you publicize it.

Entry of Sep 18, 2001 at 22:54 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th

Entry of Sep 27, 2001 at 13:37 [EST]
Name: Robert Van Ness
Unit: United States Navy/ AIRTEVRONONE
EMail: engine@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I would like to get information about my uncle Joseph F. Van Ness. He was in the 517th. He was killed in Provence France on August 31, 1944. If anyone here remembers him I would really appreciate hearing from you. We know very little about his service time and any information at all would be greatly appreciated. I wish to thank all members of the 517th for the sacrifices that were made so we can all be here today. I salute you gentlemen. Thank you for this website and for having my uncle listed in its honor roll. Look forward to hearing from you. Again my you all..for now..and then.

Entry of Sep 28, 2001 at 00:20 [EST]
Name: Doug Bertling
Unit: My father was in the 517th
EMail: patling@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father is not "computer user friendly" but have been searching WWII pages for just such a contact. Man is he gonna be excited. I think I may even get him to join the computer age after this. His name is the same as mine and was a Master Sgt. during the whole thing. I'll let him offer his bio himself. Anyone wishing to contact him can freely do it through me. I'm proud of my Dad and would be glad to transfer any info to him.

Entry of Oct 1, 2001 at 07:38 [EST]
Name: Barbara McLaughlin (Schebendach)
Unit: US Navy
EMail: timbarmcl@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, John Schebendach, died recently. During the war, he was a member of the 517th, Company F. He spent about 5 1/2 months with the unit from Oct 44-Mar 45 and was sent home for medical reasons. I'm interested in hearing from anyone who may have known him. Thanks.

Entry of Oct 1, 2001 at 13:52 [EST]
Name: Randolph Coleman
Unit: Co.hqts. F Co 2nd battalion 517PRCT
EMail: rcbc24@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: From the beginning. April of 1943 to the fall of 1944,Iwas a proud member of this gallant company of heroes. I still am proud. I'll never forget my first day at Camp Toccoa when then Major Sietz told me "we take you in as boys, and send you home as men". Further checking me out, he asked me what I would do if he ordered me to punch a hole in his office wall. I, without any hesitation, said I would do it. I guess he thought if I was crazy enough to do that, I would fit right in. Some things I said or did yesterday, I forget... but, I have not forgotten anything from 1943 to 1945! Thanks for the memories and God Bless you all.

Entry of Oct 10, 2001 at 16:39 [EST]
Name: Lloyd S Hulett (son of Lee S Hulett)
Unit: 29 Infantry Division
EMail: lhulett@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father served proudly with the 517th and was very active with reunions and the local (Maryland) DAV. I just found this website and thought I would inform visitors that knew him of his death on 1-OCT-95. In 1982 he and I became active sport skydivers together. From that point he went on to make over 1400 and eventually taught skydiving in MD, VA and PA. Maybe some of you jumped with him for the return to Normandy 50th reunion. He died at age 70 on his 4th jump of the day. He always told me and my siblings that if he had an accident, we could count on 2 things: he would have all handles pulled and he would have a smile on his face. He was buried at Arlington National and was honored by a dozen or so of his 517th brothers who traveled from all over the USA. They don't make 'em like that any more! Lloyd S Hulett

Entry of Oct 11, 2001 at 14:56 [EST]
Name: T. Cotton Nelson
EMail: cnelson@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father, Gerald M. Nelson was a Pvt. First Class in HQ Co. 1st Battalion. Like to hear from anyone who was in that unit and/or knew my dad. He passed away in 1987. A few years ago, I talked with Bill Lewis who put me in touch with Marvin Miller, who was eventually promoted to Sgt. He was living in Ohio and was ill. He told me some stories about the unit and knew my Dad. He shared with clarity the morning of Dec. 23 near Soy-Hotton when the Germans rained down mortars etc. on the 1st Battalion as they were advancing on them behind a railroad line. A mortar blast, he said, fell behind a tank in front of my father wounding him. The shrapnel, though, went back over the front of the tank and killed another soldier walking beside Miller. I am most grateful to Bill Lewis and Mr. Miller for their help in providing my family with more information about my father. He did not talk much about the war. I do recall a few stories, but also that he had very vivid memories of the Toccoa experience.

Entry of Oct 13, 2001 at 17:35 [EST]
Name: Chris Blendheim
Unit: 106th MI BN (LRSD, Abn) 6th ID
EMail: ccblendheim@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am planning on writing and publishing the story of a great guy I know that served in the 596th Airborne Eng. Co. from Camp Mackall to the Bulge. If you'd like to contribute with your perspective and experiences, please email me.

Entry of Oct 14, 2001 at 18:19 [EST]
Name: John Bramswig
Unit: My father-in-law was 517 PIR Co. A
EMail: jbjb93@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father-in-law who passed away was Edmund Marconi of Comp A, 517h and was from Brooklyn NY. Does anyone remember him or his Battalion getting the Distinguished Unit Citation Soy Hutton? He was wounded Feb 8th 1945 and later was attached to the occupying 82nd.

Entry of Oct 17, 2001 at 01:37 [EST]
Name: Terry Hill
EMail: terryhill@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Dad was a PFC in Co. B of the 517th, Harry A. Hill. He died in 1989 of cancer. He told me little of his WWII experience, and I am piecing together what I can learn. My grandchildren expressed a great deal of interest after seeing "Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers." I am also working on restoring his dress uniform jacket to its condition upon his discharge. (My mother distributed his ribbons and medals throughout the family.) I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who has any memory of my Dad. Thank you.

Entry of Oct 19, 2001 at 17:24 [EST]
Name: Doug Ricketts
EMail: mcphile@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My late maternal grandfather, Wayne Eby, was in A Co., 1st/517th as of Christmas '44. My mother, and I, would like to know more about his war experiences. He, of course, was somewhat reluctant to talk about it. If anyone knew him or knows of any A Company veterans who might, I'd appreciate it. In particular, someone called his phone number (which was transferred to my aunt's house when he died) within the last year or so, but my aunt didn't find out who the person was. I'd be particularly interested in talking to that veteran. Please contact at the above e-mail address.

Entry of Oct 23, 2001 at 18:15 [EST]
Name: Matt Skovera
EMail: skovera@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: my previous comments of Oct 16, 2001 have an incorrect email address, sorry. My dad served with the 3rd bn hq co. 1943-45. If you knew of him please contact me at this correct email address, thanks.

Entry of Oct 24, 2001 at 23:58 [EST]
Name: Richard Cook
Unit: Father was in 517th
EMail: FLMAeditor@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My Dad, Lt. James Daniel (Dan) Cook was in the 517th in North Africa, Sicily, France, and Belgium. He died in 1993 but had attended a few of the reunions in the years prior to his death. Enjoy the site very much. Interesting to learn some of the things he went through. Dad was a career soldier and at his funeral I learned he had been a member of every single airborne unit the Army had up until his retirement.

Entry of Oct 27, 2001 at 18:40 [EST]
Name: Kristin Long
EMail: kristin81788@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: This is a great page i am doing a research project on world war 2 right now and this is a great site!! I am a granddaughter of a member of the 517th ( E company ) so this means a lot to me.

Entry of Nov 3, 2001 at 22:37 [EST]
Name: neil blanton
Unit: us navy
EMail: blantontems@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: my dads name was Willard Blanton he was in the 517th. If anyone remembers him could you please e-mail me?

Entry of Nov 4, 2001 at 16:12 [EST]
Name: Trooper (Louis A. III) Walsh
Unit: Son of 517th
EMail: twalsh@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: >>My Dad, Major General Louis A. Walsh Jr., was the first Company Commander of the 517th, and the 517th always held a special place in my Dad's life and heart - that despite the unsavory politics which saw his removal as CO. My Dad always stood up for his men, which as I understand things lead to his departure. Some of my Dad's best friends in life were the 517th. Men either loved or hated my Dad...sometimes both...! My Sister (Gail Tayler) and I keep tabs on the 517th and are thrilled to find this web site dedicated to it's life.

Entry of Nov 8, 2001 at 14:20 [EST]
Name: Gail Walsh Tayler
Unit: N/A
EMail: gwtayler@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My Dad, then Col. Louis A. Walsh, Jr., was Regimental Commander of 517th - I well remember Camp Toccoa, and have been up Currahee. Does anyone remember my Dad's cat? Actually, I think the cat adopted Dad, until our Cocker, Wac, came out with us one time, and chased the cat away, never to be seen again.

Entry of Nov 10, 2001 at 17:35 [EST]
Name: Mark Landreth
EMail: Landmark54@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father, Roy, served with E Co. He passed away on 26 September, 2001. Though he served in the army for 30 years, he always felt closest to his comrades in E Company.

Entry of Nov 12, 2001 at 12:39 [EST]
Name: Bill Chaney
EMail: wchaneyjr@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Dad served in the 517. We don't remember which company. We are looking for old buddies to fill in some background for his grandchildren who would like to know more. Any info on Bill Chaney or Polack Levandowski would be greatly appreciated.

Entry of Nov 13, 2001 at 09:15 [EST]
Name: Chris Liddell
Unit: Grandfather was in F Co.
EMail: liddelldesigns@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I just wanted to say thanks to all of the members of the 517th along with all of the other US vets. for fighting to defend our country and freedom. HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY

Entry of Nov 15, 2001 at 15:41 [EST]
Name: Mary Lou Garren Bethune
Unit: 517 th
EMail: wbethune@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was Manning Garren. He died in 1981. He never talked much about the war but he did talk about his great friends, his "army buddies"- Fred Allen , Paul Brazie, and I would love to hear from any of you great guys. My 13 year old son would love to hear about his grandfather's war experiences. You are all great men. Thank you.

Entry of Nov 20, 2001 at 22:47 [EST]
Name: Debra Wheat Baudoin
Unit: Father, Wallace Wheat, 517th PIR Co E
EMail: debers@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Great site, thanks for putting it up on the internet. My father was in the 517th Parachute Combat Team, Company E. If anyone remembers him or has any information on him, please let me know. I am also looking for any photos that might include him. Wallace V. Wheat, after raising a big family and retiring to the country, passed away August 12, 1996. He didn't talk much about the war and I am trying to find out what something about his activities. Thanks to all the veterans for what you went through for us. God Bless You.

Entry of Nov 23, 2001 at 16:49 [EST]
Name: Chris Davenport
Unit: WW II Reenactor
EMail: froggofer@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: My father's cousin "Dutch" just passed away last week and he was with the 517th. This sparked my interest. As a WWII reenactor this brought it even closer to home. I wish I had spent more time with "Dutch"....

Entry of Nov 24, 2001 at 16:42 [EST]
Name: walter pete peterson
Unit: 187th airborne 1952/54
EMail: pete187@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: i was in the 187th airborne and am very proud of the 187th and all it went thur during it's history ,but i want to tell you men that served in the 517th airborne when i looked at your web site i have so much pride in your outfit and all that you did and the lives you lost for our country we owe you so much so thanks and god bless all of you .all so this web site is great memorial to you a great airborne outfit . to who ever built this site thanks i have looked at a lot of sites about the war and the airborne i have seen none as good thanks for for doing it. God Bless all you 517th guys and again thanks for what you have done for us like to invite all of you to visit my site at walter peterson

Entry of Nov 26, 2001 at 13:56 [EST]
Name: Jay Arterburn
EMail: jay_blue@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Nello Arterburn, was a Sergeant in Company G. He was awarded the Bronze Star. Sadly, he passed away in June of 1985. I and my entire family are extremely proud of our Dad, and others of the 517th, that exhibited the necessary leadership and endured the associated sacrifices that have ensured our freedoms and ways of life. God Bless You ALL!

Entry of Nov 27, 2001 at 19:34 [EST]
Name: Laura Ann Garren
Unit: My father, Manning H. Garren, was in F Co., 517th PRCT
EMail: contramobile@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: I am the daughter of Manning H. Garren and would be most grateful if anyone who knew him would contact me. I am very interested in finding out about his war experiences, and as he died in 1981 I did not have the chance to talk to him about it. I just read *Citizen Soldiers* and *Band of Brothers*, and I had no idea. Thanks to all you soldiers for all you did out there.

Entry of Dec 20, 2001 at 08:43 [EST]
Name: Frank van Lunteren
Unit: No, I am a history student
EMail: macfrank66@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Very good website. Thanks to all the veterans of the 517th Regiment for fighting in Europe!! Greetings from the Netherlands, Frank van Lunteren

Entry of Dec 20, 2001 at 21:10 [EST]
Name: Louis D. Holzworth
Unit: Regt'l Hqs Co 517th Demo man and then S=2
EMail: sarge31121@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Was retired as M/Sgt in Apr 1964, last with the 173rd in Okinawa. Assigned as Regt'l S-2 Sgt. Was Regt'l S-2 Sgt for the 187 in Japan in 1951 then transferred to the 7th Div, was assigned as Regt'S-2 the and then 1st Sgt of K Co, 32nd Inf Regt. Then Plt Ldr and Plt Sgt 3rd Platoon until Jan 16,1953 So then got shot and grenaded by Chinese while on a recon patrol. Need more room but at a later date.

Entry of Dec 22, 2001 at 21:22 [EST]
Name: Walter W Smith
Unit: 517 Regimental Combat Team Hq.1st Bn
EMail: walterws@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Thunderbolt editor, Merle McMorrow, cued me in on this website as well as the MAILCALL address of Ben Barrett & Son's creation. Isn't it great that they have invested heavily of time and talent along with expense to produce this infinite means of communicating. I started with 517 at it's formation in Toccoa Ga. Through Italy, France, The Belgian Bulge and headed for CBI after German capitulation then stayed in USA for Japan capitulated while I was on the furlough home!

Entry of Dec 29, 2001 at 22:42 [EST]
Name: Carl L. Harlow
Unit: "I" Company
EMail: 4bradleys@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: My grandfather was telling me all his stories and was excited to find a website on the 517th! I'm very proud of him since he did earn a purple heart. He is a wonderful man!!! Unfortunately, he's not computer-friendly, so I'm trying to help him look up information and pictures. He has a few pictures too that he would like to send in. Believe me, this site made his day!!!

Entry of Dec 30, 2001 at 20:46 [EST]
Name: Marvin L. Miller
Unit: Hq. Company, 1st battalion
EMail: Miller5007@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Glad to see the page about the 517. Just like old times to think about all of you. Would like to hear from any of you that remember the good, and sometimes not so good times we had together. Think about you all the time.

Entry of Jan 1, 2002 at 14:37 [EST]
Name: Nolan L. Powell
Unit: "C" Company 517th PRCT
EMail: nlp2849@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: With "C" Co. from March 1943 in Toccoa, GA to 1/15/45 in Logbierme, Belgium. I am most proud of my PFC stripe (Private First Class) and my Good Conduct Medal. I feel the government got it's full value for the money it invested in me,

Entry of Jan 2, 2002 at 16:12 [EST]
Name: Lory V. Curtis
Unit: 8/229th Avn Regt, 1991, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, 1973 Viet Nam
EMail: lory.curtis@ m.jordan.k12.ut/us
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am the son of H.L. Curtis, a member of the 517th from 43-45. I am a Retired Army Officer Helicopter Pilot and have been watching band of brothers from HBO. Fortunately, my father is still alive and have been reliving his combat stories he experienced with the 517th. They are great, but somewhat horrifying to see what he had to experience. I am glad my war was in a warm place. It is also great to find this web site and learn a little more about the unit. Thanks for having it. Airborne! Lory V. Curtis, MAJ, AV, USA (Ret)

Entry of Jan 7, 2002 at 22:25 [EST]
Name: Daniel F. Smith
Unit: Hqs 1st Bn 517
EMail: DAPAS517@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I joined as a replacement in Joigny February 1945. Was reluctant to join the Assn. as I did not hit the tough times that others went through. Tried to join the 13th Division but they referred my application to 517th. Received a letter from Bill Lewis with whom I attended Infantry School after WWII. Bill wanted to know where the hell I had been for 40 years. Wife Pat and I have enjoyed it immensely ever since.

Entry of Jan 8, 2002 at 17:54 [EST]
Name: Donald Chance
Unit: 11 th A/B 188 th PIR.1945...1947
EMail: chancesr01@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Still trying to remember stuff.

Entry of Jan 11, 2002 at 20:33 [EST]
Name: Brent L George
Unit: The Navy but from 1994-1998, I'm only 28.
EMail: brentgeorge@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am looking for information about my grandfather, Clarence Lee George from St. Louis, MO. Unfortunately, he passed away Feb. 9, 1973, a few months before I was born. I have his 517 Parachute Combat Team campaign booklet along with a Paratroop Training book. He was in Jumpschool in mid September 1943. I have the names of 7 people who signed his Jumpschool manual. Sgt Charley Hylton of Virginia, Pvt. Jim Ryan of NY, Pvt. Jim Shockey of Portland, Oregon, Pvt, Charles H. Houston of Charleston, Mississippi, Pvt Fletcher Crawford of Hattersburgh, Mississippi, Pvt. Robert Miller of London, Ohio and Pvt. Morris D. Jackson of Buffalo, NY. I know he was in Battery 'D' during the campaign. I would appreciate any information about where he and Battery 'D' traveled / battled along with any pictures. Thank you very much for the development of this website. I am excited to learn more about my grandfathers experiences.

Entry of Jan 14, 2002 at 12:10 [EST]
Name: Patrick Christman
EMail: Cakes5150@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: This is a great page! My Grandfather is Robert Cooper (517th Inf. Co. D 3rd Platoon 1st squad). This is one of the best pages I have seen yet. I would like to know if anyone has seen "Band of Brothers and what you all thought of it. Things like this and stories of yours are all we have, and I for one love to hear them! We as a younger generation must never forget what you all did for us. I will never forget! Thank you all!

Entry of Jan 18, 2002 at 14:37 [EST]
Name: Mark Tate
EMail: mtate@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am writing to see if any one from the 517th remembers my grandfather James (Jim)W. Tate. The best I can find out he was in Company D of the 517th. He passed away this past October in Hendersonville NC. and I'm trying to piece together some of his wartime experience to share with his great grandchildren. He never talked much about his time overseas, but I know the experiences shaped the rest of his days. Any help is appreciated.

Entry of Jan 21, 2002 at 23:24 [EST]
Name: Chris Anslinger
Unit: son-in -law of P.F.C. Donald G. Barry,"Co G"
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: My father-in law Donald G. Barry, answered "the Final Roll Call" on July 30th 2000 At the age of 76. Any information on his service to our country would be greatly appreciated Have approx 100 photos of 517th, "Christmas 1944 in France" book, 517th P.C.T. book with many autographs [Foreword by Col. Graves]

Entry of Feb 8, 2002 at 10:14 [EST]
Name: Robert Cohen
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I was present, with my Jeep "Sue Ellen" at the celebrations in 1984, at Le Dramont and Draguignan (Southern France). Our association Military Vehicle Conservation Group of Riviera escort the veteran bus in Col de Braus and Sospel, the following days. I met many veterans, became very dear friends since this time. I was present too at the meeting in Niagara Falls 1993. I was 8 old in 1944, and never forget the fabulous summer of Liberation. Thanks again .God bless you.

Entry of Feb 23, 2002 at 14:50 [EST]
Name: Cindy Gossard
EMail: cinn@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Hi, My Uncle belonged to the 517th in WWII. He told me about this web site. So I am here to learn what I can about the 517th. Actually, I am learning all I can about WWII.

Entry of Feb 27, 2002 at 23:32 [EST]
Name: Chester N. Iery
Unit: Co G 517 1st SGT Ed Flannery
EMail: cren@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: became a member of the unit some time in 1944-1946. I'm looking for some picture I have. My wife passed away 28Aug2001 and I have not been able to fine to many thing as yet. My mother had most of the picture and I have box's of thing that she sent me after she died. Well I'll run in to them one day soon. Was real great to have been a member of a great team of men. I left the airborne and came home to be with wife and new son, I joined the Ohio National Guard in 1947- 1983, I was a 1st sgt and full time with them. I joined the 83rd ARCOm 198 until I was 60 and retried.

Entry of Mar 7, 2002 at 04:28 [EST]
Name: Alex Fahrenthold, Commander, USN
EMail: abfahren@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Greetings to the heroes of the 517th, I am looking for anyone who served with my father, Gerald Fahrenthold. He was with the 517th from Toccoa thru the Bulge. I know he was wounded sometime after that, and at the end of the war did occupation duty in Berlin. My father passed away over 20 years ago, and I don't have a good recollection of his war experiences. He never spoke of them much, or in much detail. I know he received a Bronze Star for action in Southern France. If there is one of you who knew him and could fill in some of the blanks I would appreciate it. I want to put some things together for my kids (6 and 3) so they can know what their grandfather did during World War II. I appreciate any help, and I especially appreciate the courage each of you showed in our nations time of need.

Entry of Mar 7, 2002 at 11:07 [EST]
Name: Daniel H Curtis and Audrey Curtis ( Ogniewski)
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My name sake was Pfc Daniel Ogniewski brother of Audrey I grew up never meeting the man but oh so proud. Airborne is the greatest! Floyd Polk is still a part of our families close friends. You guys make all us younger guys know what true courage is all about. God Bless you all and thank you for my freedom. Anyone wishing to contact me or my mom write to Audrey Curtis 32 Stutzman, Lancaster,NY 14086 716-684-2942

Entry of Mar 10, 2002 at 14:05 [EST]
Name: pfc george "the snake" hanna
Unit: 517th co.b 1st battalion
EMail: gmh28@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: looking for anyone in co. b that would remember me or hank del prince.

Entry of Mar 18, 2002 at 11:16 [EST]
Name: Simon H
EMail: webmaster@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: We'd like to exchange links with your site. I'm webmaster of an English living history group called Thunder From Heaven. They illustrate the American AB soldier during WW2. Their site URL is: We already had your site on our links page but just realised the link was wrong/dead! Best Wishes from England!!  [Link has been added -- BB]

Entry of Mar 19, 2002 at 19:10 [EST]
Name: Anita Collins
EMail: User356332@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm looking for any info on Raymond F. Thompson - 517 PIR. Died in France in Sept 1944. His brother, Randall was KIA in the Pacific.

Entry of Mar 21, 2002 at 14:34 [EST]
Name: Jesse A. Darden
Unit: 517PRCT HQ 460 (radio section)
EMail: lou@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: I am checking for the photos mentioned in the Mail Call. Thanks for all the work. Ben, you & your son do a fantastic job. Jesse

Entry of Mar 26, 2002 at 01:07 [EST]
Name: Russell Burger
Unit: Army
EMail: rwburger@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Would like to say how much that I appreciate all that the WWII vets did in the service of our country. My dad served with the 517th. He was wounded at the Bulge and suffered frost bite. I never told him how much that I was proud of him. He died in an auto accident in 72. I served in Viet Nam as a combat medic and yet I feel that I never will be on the same level as you guys. Your sacrifices were well beyond the call of duty for God and country.

Entry of Mar 28, 2002 at 22:45 [EST]
Name: Jared Schofield
EMail: scho513@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: My grandfather, Dexter Johnson , served with the 517th after being transferred from the 513th.He was with Hq Co. 2nd Bn. I am interested in any information from anyone who knew him. I have some of his service records but not much else. He saw combat with D Co. 513th in operation varsity, then was transferred to the 517th sometime after that. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Entry of Apr 2, 2002 at 09:04 [EST]
Name: Ramsey White
Unit: James L. Kitchin 517th, G Company
EMail: ramsey.white@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My grandfather was James L. Kitchin. He was from Scotland Neck, NC and served in the 517th in G Company, 3rd platoon, I believe. He died several years ago, I am now trying to collect as much information about his war experience as possible. If anyone has any stories about him or pictures of him from the War I would appreciate you contacting me. I have his picture album from the War, and I'll try to scan it in and post on this site. Thanks so much.

Entry of Apr 5, 2002 at 17:27 [EST]
Name: Dennis Ruby
Unit: USS ENTERPRISE CVN65 1970-1972
EMail: denny@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father was in the 517th. I just found out about this web site from my sister. My father was Nathan Rubenstein. I have been reading about the 517th the last couple of days. I had no idea that the he went through some of the stuff I have been finding out. He would never talk about it. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who knew my father Nathan Rubenstein. My sister was telling me about one of his friend Bud Wyatt. I will be trying to reach him also. Hope to hear from some one from the 517th. My father was over seas with the 517th from 5-17-44 to 12-11-45 Sincerely Dennis Ruby

Entry of Apr 9, 2002 at 18:42 [EST]
Name: Lamar Davis
EMail: lamard@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Albert Lee Beasley, WWII veteran of the 517th PRCT passed away, Saturday, April 6th at his home in Toccoa, GA. Albert had been assigned to Camp Robert Toombs (later named Camp Toccoa) as cadre to help organize and train the 506th P.I.R. When the 517th P.I.R. was organized and completed their parachute basic training at Camp Toccoa, Albert shipped out with them. He was wounded in the Battle of The Bulge and received the purple heart and the Bronze Star. Since the war he had lived at Toccoa, GA where he had married Laverne Sayer.

Entry of Apr 17, 2002 at 22:49 [EST]
Name: Joseph Demko
EMail: demkojoe@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Louis Demko served in the 517th P.I.R, HQ Co 3rd Batt. I have a large photo with a hand written note above it "HQ CO 517th P.I.R." with my dad in it. Did anyone remember him?

Entry of Apr 28, 2002 at 16:33 [EST]
Name: J. P. Castello
Unit: 2d Platoon, A Co., 1st Batallion, 517 PIR
EMail: jpcastello@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: After VE Day I chose to join the 505 Battalion of the 82nd AB in Berlin, served there until sent back to the states and discharged in 12/45. Best wishes to Bill Boyle, a great soldier who saved many lives. I lived in SF all my life. Send me an email if you'd like.

Entry of May 23, 2002 at 07:38 [EST]
Name: Julie Spataro
EMail: juliespataro@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Ben, what a wonderful web site. It's interesting, beautiful, informative, and a tribute to those who served. I can't wait to pass this site on to members of my family and friends who served in World War II.

Entry of May 26, 2002 at 12:38 [EST]
Name: Shirley McCarey
EMail: thetraveler@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Made a trip with the Bill Lewis bunch in Oct. '99 to Belgium, and France. I was a total stranger - before 2 days were up, I was considered 'one of them' - and I am sure proud I am. What a great bunch of Troopers, wives and friends. I'll never forget the trip or the group. I'm continuing the friendships with emails and snail mail.

Entry of May 27, 2002 at 18:09 [EST]
Name: Richard E Sinnings
Unit: U.S.Navy, U.S. Estes CGC 12
EMail: rockran@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am the son-in-law of Supply Sgt. Harry K. Saunders who is a member of the 517th Battling Buzzards. He is doing very good. Really enjoy all of the experiences that you brave men went thru to keep this country free, GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!!!

Entry of May 27, 2002 at 20:17 [EST]
Name: Brett P. Seibert
EMail: bseibert@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Hello, My kids and I are looking for any info on my father, Clifford B. Seibert (Deceased 1992, originally from Indianola Iowa). He was with the 517 in Europe and re-upped for Korea and we are trying to fill in the blanks as he didn't talk too much about his service years. He was very proud of his association with the 517th and my sons and I love going through all his old stuff. If any of you remember him please e-mail me. I have some pictures that I'd be happy to have copied and share. Thank You All, Brett Seibert

Entry of May 27, 2002 at 23:50 [EST]
Name: Marshall W. Baird
Unit: Co A, 517 PRCT
EMail: abnvaquero@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Found the site on the new 2002 517 PRCT Roster. I haven't delved into it yet but am sure will spent a lot of time here in the future. nickname: Mark

Entry of Jun 22, 2002 at 00:46 [EST]
Unit: 740TH.RY.OPR.BTN
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page

Entry of Jun 27, 2002 at 12:50 [EST]
Name: David Jordan
EMail: djordan75@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I would love to gather any info on my great uncle, Pvt. Robert A. Harp. He served with the 517th HQ Company 2nd Battalion. He was killed in action at St. Vith I believe. Since his sister (my grandmother) passed away 3 years ago, most of the info about him is gone as well. Thanks and God Bless.

Entry of Jul 1, 2002 at 15:25 [EST]
Name: c.h.hyden jr
EMail: quanah16@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: father=in-law C.H. Hyden was where you were battle of the you remember him ?????

Entry of Jul 4, 2002 at 01:10 [EST]
Name: Lynn Fischer
EMail: llfischer@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I am working on our family history and looking for information on my cousin Henry Richard Kleinerdorst. He was a 1st Lt. in the 517th. Received the Silver Star.

Entry of Jul 24, 2002 at 12:59 [EST]
Name: Nacho Vasquez
Unit: Hdqtrs 3rd battalion co. Mortar Platoon
EMail: ngott@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm writing for Nacho, who would like to hear from any of his WW 2 buddies, especially Thomas Anderson, whom he lost touch with. Nacho lives in Anthony Texas. N Vasquez Gott

Entry of Jul 26, 2002 at 20:34 [EST]
Name: Jack Castiglione
Unit: Headquarters 3rd Company I
EMail: castigli9ne@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Artillery Engineers and Infantry

Entry of Aug 15, 2002 at 19:41 [EST]
Name: brett stompro
Unit: my father was in 82nd airborne, 517th
EMail: stompro@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: If anyone has any good stories about Park O. Stompro [Company B], I would love to hear all of them.

Dr. Brett E. Stompro, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Entry of Sep 3, 2002 at 23:28 [EST]
Name: Dominic Del Carlo
Unit: US Marine Corps-MCSFCo NAS KEF Iceland
EMail: kiwiusmcgrunt@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I am the great great nephew of Pvt. Leonard Del Carlo. I have to say this is a great web site and an honor to all of the men of the 517th PRCT. The site has helped me find out a lot of information on my Uncle that I had no idea of. I'd like to say Thank You for doing a great job. Thanks, Dominic Del Carlo

Entry of Sep 5, 2002 at 19:15 [EST]
Name: William Bruce Wyatt
Unit: 1st Brigade, Battle Projection Group, 85th Training Division
EMail: wwyatt7@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Hello, everyone. I am the youngest son of Willard S. Wyatt who served in the last of the great world wars. World War II, Koran war, and Vietnam. His e-mail address is wyatt4880@ My name is MAJ. William Bruce Wyatt hope to be soon LTC. My E-male address is wyatt7@ I currently am working at the Tank Automotive Command also know as (TACOM) [...]

Entry of Sep 30, 2002 at 22:53 [EST]
Name: Amanda Jo Kimmet
EMail: akimmet@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: My Grandpa Elmer Nelson told me last night that he served in the 517th Regimental Combat Team during WWII. He never talks about the war, so I wanted to find out what I could about his time in the service. I was wondering if any of you remember him? He said he had "three stripes" lingo for a sergeant? If you could contact me that would be terrific.

Entry of Oct 3, 2002 at 17:39 [EST]
Name: Tony Ventura
EMail: tventura@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Does anyone out there have a WW2 photo of the entire I company complete with names identifying each paratrooper prior to deployment to Europe?  If so please contact me at my e-mail. Thank you Tony Ventura

Entry of Oct 4, 2002 at 12:40 [EST]
Name: Raymond-Paul, Moats (Moate)
Unit: USAF 1956-66
EMail: Artflight@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Pvt. Moats, Paul R. (misspelled as Moate), was awarded a Bronze Star for an action in Italy on 6 June 1944. He did serve with the 517th from Italy to the end of the war. He passed away in 1987. Is buried in the Columbia S.C. Any information about him and his duties would be very welcome. Please feel free to Send me E-Mail or visit Thank you . . . Raymond

Entry of Oct 7, 2002 at 16:01 [EST]
Name: John L .O'Dell
Unit: 517th CO. B
EMail: Jandrodell@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: looking for information: ed bilbrey

Entry of Oct 13, 2002 at 21:42 [EST]
Name: Michelle Lyon
EMail: M-Kiefer@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am looking for information about my grandfather - Robert J. ("Bob") Lyon. I understand he was with the 517th; I know he was in the Ardennes. Any information, stories, anecdotes, etc. would be very appreciated. Thank you.

Entry of Oct 18, 2002 at 17:27 [EST]
Name: Don Lemen Jr.
EMail: milfordsouth@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Charles Lemen of Co.E was my cousin. I read the letter by Gene Brissey about Charles death in France. It is nice to know that he is still remembered. My dad recalled seeing him on his final leave before going to war. His sister gave me info on the cemetery he is at as my wife and I are going to France next year. We would very much like to here more about him from Gene or other 517th vets. Thank you all for your service and sacrifice, Don Lemen

Entry of Oct 18, 2002 at 22:26 [EST]
Name: Amanda
EMail: kimmetmn@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I've been researching the 517th PRCT because my grandpa would only tell me that much about his time in the service. (He doesn't talk a lot). My mom has been telling him about my results of my researching, and I heard last night that from my cousin that he is excited to find my results. He is very interested in obtaining a "Bluebook". Could anyone make me a copy for him? Amanda Kimmet

Entry of Oct 23, 2002 at 21:06 [EST]
Name: j. miller
Unit: N/A
EMail: jimiller48@ AOL.COM
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine

Entry of Oct 27, 2002 at 15:41 [EST]
Unit: n/a
EMail: JiMiller48@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Ben I received your Email and I appreciate the time out u took to check it out for me. I have some really old pictures my father took but no notations are on them if any of u would like to see them let me know. I know their are some of a military wedding ceremony taking place that is definitely in the European theater. once again I thank you. I received the pictures before my mother passed away with some more of his things. She never really talked much about him to me. If I can ever help u let me know thnx J. Miller

Entry of Nov 3, 2002 at 21:30 [EST]
Name: Kathleen L. Nelson
EMail: KLM0759@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My father (Harry K. Saunders) was in the 517th.

Entry of Nov 7, 2002 at 15:26 [EST]
Name: kim
EMail: kimallis@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: i am looking for any information on George R Monkhouse

Entry of Nov 11, 2002 at 11:50 [EST]
Name: Chris Liddell
Unit: Grandfather was in the 517th Co.F
EMail: liddelldesigns@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: To all of the members of the 517th. (and the other veterans who have served their country during our country's times of war) Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for risking your life, leaving your loved ones, and going through all of the miseries of combat in order to protect the greatest country in the world. Unfortunately, freedom isn't something that can be bought, it's only leased or rented. There are always going to be other countries that hate our way of life and are willing to die for their beliefs as we all saw on 9-11. Lucky for us, Americans are the toughest, most determined people and when someone ruffles our feathers, we always seem to pull together and defend our way of life. Thanks again to ALL of you. You all have my utmost respect and admiration. Happy Veteran's Day 2K2 Sincerely, Chris Liddell Birmingham, AL liddelldesigns@

Entry of Nov 11, 2002 at 15:16 [EST]
Name: Joel Streed
EMail: jstreed@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm wondering if anyone remembers my father Frank Streed. He was a member of the medical detachment of the 517th. While he never spoke much of his experiences, I know that he was very proud of his service. He always looked forward to the re-unions. Dad passed away almost a year ago, and I would love to be able to share some stories with his grandchildren as they grow older. Thanks for the excellent site!

Entry of Nov 15, 2002 at 00:36 [EST]
Name: Richard Barsamian
Unit: 517 PCIT Co. I- 3rd Pltn
EMail: acis@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I made the Jump in Southern France. I found one roster with CO I names. I recognize some of them. I have also checked the KIA list and found a few names that I was with at the time we were in battle. I didn't find my name on the CO I roster. I was wounded in Southern France and was sent back to the rear. Could this be the reason why my name isn't on the Roster?

Entry of Nov 20, 2002 at 17:46 [EST]
Name: Kim Allison
Unit: (grandfather) 517 company H
EMail: kimallis@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I would like to thank anyone who has contributed to my search for information about my grandfather. I would also like to hear from anyone who knew him or has a story to share. Thanks so much everyone!!

Entry of Nov 22, 2002 at 00:24 [EST]
Name: Brian Moffitt
EMail: domer88@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I would appreciate hearing from anyone with information regarding my great uncle, Sgt. Bernard Mallon. He served in H Company, 4th Plt. He never spoke of his experiences, but I know that he was very proud of his association with the 517th. He would have loved this site. Thank you.

Entry of Nov 23, 2002 at 22:58 [EST]
Name: Fritz Eickberg
EMail: ejday11@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm searching for information on my uncle, PFC Hubert (Hubie) B. Ford who served in the 517th, C Company, I believe, KIA January 14, 1945. Thanks for any help you might give.

Entry of Nov 25, 2002 at 17:13 [EST]
Name: Kim Allison
Unit: (George Monkhouse) Co H 517
EMail: kimallis@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Hello, Just wanted to say that I recently finished reading the book "Battling Buzzards". I was completely mesmerized, couldn't put it down. Hats off to the men of the 517th. This has taken my research about my grandpa to a new level. anyway, Thank you for my freedom that you all fought so hard to preserve. Kim Allison

Entry of Nov 26, 2002 at 05:57 [EST]
Name: carl watkiss
EMail: carlwakiss@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: i would like 2 say that i am grateful 2 all u men in this outfit and those that died in battle if u had not given up your lives so others could live i would not be here sitting doing this now i am in uk and very much interested in all things airborne in world war 2 a great site.

Entry of Nov 27, 2002 at 13:16 [EST]
Name: David Jordan
EMail: djordan75@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I wrote back in June about Private Robert A. Harp. He was my great uncle in the HQ Co. of the 2nd Battalion. The story I was told by my grandmother was that he was in a half-track when a German mortar shell overturned or directly hit the vehicle. He was the only one killed in the vehicle according to the story. It happened on January 21 or 22. I'm not sure. If this sounds familiar to anyone, please let me know. God bless you all and your families this Thanksgiving.

Entry of Dec 5, 2002 at 02:25 [EST]
Name: Michael Sumrell (Raeford, NC)
Unit: 1/319th Airborne Field Artillery, 82nd A/B 1984-87
EMail: d_e_militaria@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Great site. I have a huge interest in the 517th after reading "Battling Buzzards" Keep up the good work, webmaster. I recently had the pleasure of acquiring some mementos of former 517th member William Faltysek for my personal WWII Airborne mementos collection from one of his family members. I have a copy of the Christmas 1944 booklet, the war end "Blue Book" and a 3 record narrative history of the 82nd A/B Division, which was produced by the 82nd A/B Div. Association. Feel free to contact me if you have an interest in similar items.

Entry of Dec 5, 2002 at 08:20 [EST]
Name: Rae B. Faltysek
EMail: catz74066@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Great site! My Dad, William H. Faltysek fought in the 5
17th, as a
member of Rgt. HQ Co.  His name is in the 1944 Christmas Greetings Booklet under Headquarters, Privates, First Class. It's nice to see all this information about the 517th.

Entry of Dec 6, 2002 at 20:32 [EST]
Name: Robert P Kiehl
Unit: 517th Parachute Inf Combat ,Comp F
EMail: rkiehl@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Very interesting Web site. I would like to buy Paratroopers' Odyssey: A History of the 517th Parachute Combat Team. It isn't available from Amazon.Com

Entry of Dec 9, 2002 at 20:13 [EST]
Name: Fred D. Waites , Jr.
EMail: fdwelw@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: A note to those who knew my father, PFC Fred D. Waites, Sr. He served in the Headquarters Co. of the 517th. He is still around as of 12/9/02 and doing OK for an "old" man. Though he recalls his days as a trooper with great pride, he has been unwilling to share much about his WWII experiences with me. Must have been tough because it hurts him so. After leaving the Army, he attended USM on a football scholarship. He coached HS football and taught HS for decades. Most of that time spent in Dutchtown, La. He now resides in Deatsville, Al. where he has become a nationally known "beagler". He can be reached by phone at 334-569-2371. I am certain that he would enjoy a call from any of those who served along side of him. He is a good man, and a great father.

Entry of Dec 10, 2002 at 08:56 [EST]
Name: Jeff Keith (via David Knee)
Unit: David Knee was 517th Hq co. 2nd. bat.
EMail: jhkeith@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: David Knee is my wife's grandfather. I have always been interested in his stories. I recently obtained a lot of pics that I would like to add to the site. My grandfather would like to get in touch with some of his buddies. If anyone out there can send me an email, I can get you in touch with him. Thanks so much, Jeff

Entry of Dec 12, 2002 at 21:14 [EST]
Name: Chris Coyle
EMail: ccoyle22@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am trying to find out if a family friend served with the 517th. He stated it was the 517th, however he was ill at the time. His name was Gene Allman (1SG ?) from Richmond, Indiana. If anyone could give me dome feedback. I believe he was with unit since its inception. He was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge. He stated that he received the Silver Star, however the records were destroyed. Thank you, Chris Coyle

Entry of Dec 18, 2002 at 14:21 [EST]
Name: Kim Allison
Unit: grandfather was in 517th Co H
EMail: kimallis@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I am looking to hear from anyone who knew George Monkhouse. I have heard only one story and loved it. My grandfather died when I was 10 and I have been researching his Military career. He is still a very special person to me and I would like to know him a bit better. I hope to hear from some one, anyone soon Take Care and Thank you Kim

Entry of Dec 22, 2002 at 19:17 [EST]
Name: Ed Boswell in care of Blackie Norton
Unit: USCG 68
EMail: edboswell@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Just wanted to pass along that Blackie Norton 1st Battalion C company I believe the service company, passed away in early December. He was tough as nails till the end, and was very proud of his time with the 517th. He transferred to the 82nd when he was in Berlin at the end of the war, and became a Captain in the Army Reserve. He retired to his hometown in the Mother Lode area of California. Blackie was with the 517th from day one, and parachuted into Southern France on August 15th.

Entry of Dec 22, 2002 at 21:10 [EST]
Name: Mike Sabine
Unit: many including the 82d ABN DIV
EMail: msabine@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: My father, Robert L. Sabine, died this past May 2d. He was a member of D Co., 2d BN. I know my father was very proud of his association with the 517th though he would talk very little about his wartime experiences. After reading the Paratrooper's Odyssey, I was able to follow the path of the 517th in Belgium while I was living in Germany. In the mid 90's when my parents came to visit me in Germany, I was able to take Dad back to Bergstein, St. Vith, Stavelot and some other locations he had been in during the war. Dad was never much of a talker, and while we were in those places, he became very quiet. Only on occasion did he talk about some of the lighter moments in these places, and of meeting his brother in Belgium. If any members of the 517th remember knowing my father I would appreciate hearing from you and about your memories. Ben and Bob, thanks for the wonderful site on the 517th. Mike Sabine Fayetteville, NC

Entry of Jan 3, 2003 at 00:40 [EST]
Name: Alex Fahrenthold
Unit: Navy
EMail: ajfahrenthold@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Greetings all. This is an updated email still looking for anyone that might remember my father , Gerald Fahrenthold. He was with the 517th from the beginning thru the Bulge. At Christmas time '44 the roster shows him attached to the 2nd BATT HQ Co. If you remember him i would love to hear from you. Thanks!

Entry of Jan 4, 2003 at 01:08 [EST]
Name: Jerry Hager
Unit: USMC 2nd Amphibious Assault Bn, 2nd Marine Division
EMail: jehhager@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: A very good friend of mine, Bill Starnes, had a father that was in the 517th PIR. His last name was Starnes. I can't remember his first name. I would like to know if any of you know what action the 517th seen in the Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge), major battles, etc. I am trying to assist him in researching some of the sacrifices his father made. Thanks for any assistance. Jerry Hager

Entry of Jan 8, 2003 at 01:48 [EST]
Name: Mike Cotton
Unit: Royal Air Force (current 15yrs+)
EMail: mchlcotton@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Guys, I need help. Does any one know if any members of 517 were involved in the capture of Le Muy with the 509/550th during Op. Dragoon. I want to represent you guys at a military show in full 517 jump kit but the scenario is Le Muy and I need to prove that some of the 517 were actually at Le Muy. Did any of you land on the correct DZ near Le Muy and link up with the 509? Airborne All The Way! Mike

Entry of Jan 8, 2003 at 09:53 [EST]
Name: Michael Sumrell
Unit: 1st Bn.319th Field Artillery, 82nd AB 84-87
EMail: d_e_militaria@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I just received a copy of "Paratrooper Odyssey" and couldn't put it down until I finished it. It was inspiring to read about the PRCT from the actual members perspectives. To all 517th PRCT members, departed and present, Thank you for your service to our country!

Entry of Jan 9, 2003 at 22:24 [EST]
Name: Gloria Mitchell Schinkal
Unit: No, My Father was 517th E Company
EMail: GloryB@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was Frederick W. Mitchell. He served in the 517 from April 13, 1943 until he was injured on January 3 1945. He is the first man on the left in the picture taken in France. Daddy had a silver plate in his head from those wounds, that troubled him all of his life. Daddy died February 28, 1968. It was such a joy to see the picture of him today.

Entry of Jan 12, 2003 at 08:03 [EST]
Name: Frank A. Vella
EMail: FAVella@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father was Maj. Paul D. Vella, Regimental Surgeon. I am looking for any information about his service with the 517th. Thank you.

Entry of Jan 14, 2003 at 21:58 [EST]
Name: Carl L. Ellis
EMail: carl.nancy.10ellis@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My uncle was Carl G. Salmon who served in the 517th Company C. I was named after him and would like to learn more about him. He was killed in action August 17, 1944 in southern France.

Entry of Jan 18, 2003 at 12:15 [EST]
Name: Anthony Fabbri
Unit: 517th Parachute Infantry TEC 5
EMail: strongholdfarm@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: We have a map dated August 15th 1944 of "LA COTE D'AZUR" Rue Deloya, Nice. "From airstrip in Italy we landed at Callian 4:30am the last town we took was Sospel near the Italian border". Anthony Fabbri

Entry of Jan 18, 2003 at 12:26 [EST]
Name: Susan Fabbri Norton- Troy Norton
EMail: Strongholdfarm@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: We entered the entry for Anthony Fabbri.  If anyone remembers Anthony Fabbri we would appreciate any information they may be able to provide. We have lots of memorabilia from his time in the 517th (1944-1945). He was also in the Horse Calvary.

Entry of Jan 18, 2003 at 18:26 [EST]
Name: Mickey Monroy
EMail: micmonro@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Gale R. Swarthout was a member of 2/517th HQ company and also my great uncle. If anyone knew him or has any information about him it help me a lot.

Entry of Jan 24, 2003 at 17:48 [EST]
Name: Gerald Allen
Unit: 101st Airborne Div
EMail: oldranger@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My uncle Alton Allen (Shorty) was killed on Nov 4, 1944. I am attempting to get some history about the 517th. Any help would be appreciated.

Entry of Jan 25, 2003 at 17:32 [EST]
Name: Mark Wayne Mitchell
Unit: USN
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: My father Fredrick Wayne Mitchell Was in CO.E 517. According to his discharge papers he was awarded 3 bronze stars,1 bronze arrowhead, and The Purple Heart for wounds received 3.Jan.1945. He died of a massive heart attack 1 month before my tenth birthday. I would like to hear from any one who may remember him. I don't have an e-mail yet,but-5601 S.C.R. 1202 Midland , Texas 79706 will do it the old fashioned way.  GREAT SITE!!

Entry of Jan 27, 2003 at 15:39 [EST]
Name: Dan Robins, Maj, USAR (Ret)
Unit: Richard Lynam, H co, kia Jan 5th 1943
EMail: dan@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My cousin, Pvt Richard (Dick) Lynam , H co,517th PIR was killed on Jan 5th, 1945 at the bulge. Received Silver Star. He is listed first on the morning report dated Jan 8th, 1943 on this site. Does anyone have additional info?.. from letters he was in the 511th early 1943 in Georgia.

Entry of Jan 27, 2003 at 18:02 [EST]
Name: Frederick R Stark [son]
Unit: sgt gerald stark C company
EMail: tbarwalk@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm interested to find someone who served with my father to relate stories etc. of time in 517th

Entry of Feb 2, 2003 at 05:09 [EST]
Name: Bruno
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I don't speak English, but I want to found "info" of 517th in south of France in village of "FAYENCE"or "CALLIAN" or "SEILLANS" thank you

Entry of Feb 5, 2003 at 13:14 [EST]
Name: Frederic Brega
Unit: French Alpin Troops (4eRGA) in...1996...!!
EMail: fredericbrega@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Dear all, First of all, please be aware that what you guys have done here in South of France during summer 44 remains in local people memories and hearts. I am Frederic Brega, 29, born in Nice. History of Liberation of Provence is my hobby, having gathered for almost 20years various stories and remains from the battle field, with a dream: open a museum here on "Liberation of Provence" in Nice (should become true due to the interest / help of some local authorities!). This interest comes first from the many stories about war heard from family/relatives. Main story: my grand-mother was a beautiful Ukrainian lady who immigrated to Nice in 1917 (Lenine Revolution). In 1944 she was divorced with 2 children my father and his sister). She died 10 years ago but I can remember that there was something in her home that I could never touch: a Silver US Jump Wings insignia offered by a 517th guy she was in love 44...!!.This insignia was a stupid metal piece but full of souvenirs. I tried to found this insignia with my father, however we considered it as definitely lost among the stuff remaining from my grand-mother. By chance we found it recently by coincidence and now it is standing with other pieces I have collected from the battle areas. History and 1944 events is a hobby taking a huge place in my life today - the deeper I go ahead in my inquiries, the heavier is the work to do to classify, record etc.... But this will remain for the other generation and it is a duty to collect all what we can collect now because later it will be too late. Your coming her in 44 is still strongly attached to the people collective records. Our parents can remember the white bread they received when the Americans came, replacing the bad black one... and 1000 of other stories. Recently, I am investigating in 2 villages you have certainly been yourselves: La Colle sur Loup (near Vence) and the small village of Bouyon (near Nice) where the camp of the US guy was near the old cemetery at the entrance of the village. Have you any stories, records about that?? Any help highly appreciated!!! Other interesting places for my investigation: Fayence, Callian, St Cezaire, Grasse, St Vallier, Bar/Loup, La Colle, Vence, Bouyon, Villeuneuve Loubet, Nice... Therefore, I would be happy and very grateful as well to receive any story, or copy of documents / photos / whatever linked to 517th!! Many thanks in advance! With very best regards, Frederic

Entry of Feb 7, 2003 at 22:21 [EST]
Name: Becky Martinette
Unit: my father Maurice White 517 3rd bat company H
EMail: saltaire@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Thank you to all who help with this page... I have received a lot of information.. If anyone has any information about my father Maurice White.. Please email Thank You Becky Martinette

Entry of Feb 11, 2003 at 16:51 [EST]
Name: Kelley, Howard L.
Unit: USMC,
EMail: Khaki1941@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Looking for information on Paul Kelley. 517th PIR. Received Bronze Star, 1944 Italy. Was wounded, and received Purple Heart. Looking to fill in the gaps, How, why, where, etc. Regards, Howard L. Kelley

Entry of Feb 16, 2003 at 02:18 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: Other

Entry of Feb 16, 2003 at 14:55 [EST]
Name: jason grimm
Unit: no
EMail: jasongrimm@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm trying to find information on my uncle pfc joseph lombardi. He was with the 513th parachute infantry regiment, 17th airborne division. He died on 3/24/45 as is buried at the Netherlands American cemetery

Entry of Feb 19, 2003 at 21:34 [EST]
Name: Michelle Hagan
EMail: mickihazekamp3@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am looking for anybody who knew my grandfather, Joe (Dick) Cornett, of the 517 regiment 1st battalion. He died a few years ago, and I would like info on experiences during the war. Thank You

Entry of Feb 24, 2003 at 13:38 [EST]
Name: Wayne Bradford
Unit: Uncle in the 517 Paratroopers
EMail: wbrad0925@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Wednesday 26th of February one of your own passed away. My Uncle by marriage but non the less a loved one. Leonard "Shorty" Dozier of Euless, Texas. "Shorty" served with the 517 Paratroopers in France and Germany in 1944. I thought some would remember him and would like to know. He was a good man as the majority of W.W.II veterans are. You gentlemen are of a different breed from those of today. Good luck to all of you AIRBORNE!

Entry of Feb 24, 2003 at 16:21 [EST]
Name: Jim Byrkit
EMail: tnfay@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: My name is Jim Byrkit. I am trying to obtain information on Pfc. Dick Daley, a boyhood friend of mine. Dick was a member of "B" Battery, 460th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, and was killed in southern France during or after the drop on the French Riviera of August 15, 1944. For many years his friends and relatives in Arizona have wondered about the details of Dick's death. We hope this website can help us. If anyone can provide these details, please contact me at my e-mail address. It would be greatly appreciated.

Entry of Feb 25, 2003 at 00:04 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: ROBERT ALLEN McKEE Robert Allen McKee, 82, of 821 Tyson Creek Church Road, Bear Creek, died Saturday, February 15, 2003 at Central Carolina Hospital, Sanford. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Thursday, February 20 at Tyson's Creek Baptist Church, Bear Creek, with Rev. Randy Hand and Rev. Bob Wachs officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Bob McKee was born in Brooklyn, NY and was a native of Towaco, NJ, and a member of Tyson's Creek Baptist Church. He was a veteran of World War II and served with the 1st Allied Airborne Armies, 517 Parachute Combat Team, with over 50 jumps, and 101 Airborne Division. He was a recipient of a Purple Heart; the ETL Award for Americans Defense and Good Conduct; Silver Star for Combat; Silver Star for Campaigns in Italy, Normandy, Southern France, Belgian Bulge, Rhine; Presidential Citation Badge for Bravery; Claire de Guerre and Croix de Guerre, the French Military Decorations for bravery in action. He was preceded in death by his mother, Lulu Albert, step father, Otto Albert and sister, Helen Hoekendorf. He is survived by his wife, Barbara G. McKee; son, Robert A. McKee of Herndon, VA; daughter-in-law, Christin French of Herndon, VA; granddaughter, Molly McKee; grandsons, Tyler McKee and Robert Samuel McKee; daughter, Jane M. Douglas of Osterville, MA; son-in-law, Garrett Douglas of Osterville, MA; granddaughter, Ashley Douglas; grandson, Robert Douglas; son, Scott A. McKee of Asheboro; daughter-in-law, Crystal McKee of Asheboro; grandson, Corbin McKee; sister, Doris McCoy of Boonton, NJ; and many friends at Tyson's Creek Baptist Church and Promise Keepers. Memorials may be made to the Family Life Center, c/o Tyson's Creek Baptist Church, 10891 Siler City-Glendon Rd., Bear Creek, NC 27207.

Entry of Feb 25, 2003 at 03:41 [EST]
Name: Victor J. Quarante
Unit: 517th.
EMail: Knealecfp@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I'm actually Vic's son in law, and am trying to find any of his old paratrooper buddy's. I've been hearing his tales of WW2 and admire him a lot. Would like to give something back to him. I'm finding anything I can about the 517th. and printing it up for him. Thanks for anything. Len Kneale

Entry of Feb 25, 2003 at 07:56 [EST]
Name: Glen Mallen
EMail: glenmallen@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Does anyone know a Charles E Beck, 38565205? Found his dogtags in wood outside of Dairomont, Belgium Ardennes. Can't find name on 551st Roster, not listed in 82nd Honor roll, not MIA, and not still buried in Europe. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Glen.

Entry of Feb 25, 2003 at 15:25 [EST]
Name: Rod Adams
Unit: 6th Army; 184th Ord Batt.; COMZ/France
EMail: CritterDog@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: My Father (USMC) was murdered at the Palawan Massacre, P.I.  His Brother W-4 Tyerus Adams was a member of the original USA Parachute Batt. Good luck!

Entry of Mar 19, 2003 at 16:33 [EST]
Name: Donna Hilliard-Brown
EMail: donna.hilliard@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My dad was a member of the 517th 3rd battalion headquarters Silas Don Brown

Entry of Mar 24, 2003 at 15:53 [EST]
Name: Beavens, Agnew Eugene
Unit: 460th Parachute Field Artillery A/B Battery
EMail: PLBeavens@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm also looking for members of the "Jumping Gypsies", and Filbert Lambert from the 101st and a gypsy.

Entry of Mar 27, 2003 at 13:07 [EST]
Unit: french navy TCD FOUDRE
EMail: glider@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Do you if is it possible to have information about Schiers Melvin C. HQ Company 2nd bat.(WW2)? Benoit from Southern France

Entry of Apr 02, 2003 at 13:09 [EST]
Name: Francine Malindzak
Unit: No... My father was in Co. D, 517th
EMail: fmalindz@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am searching for troopers who served with my father, Francis "Bud" Malindzak, who was in the 517th (Battling Buzzards), Company D. His name is on the Christmas Card that was sent out in Dec. 1944. He also served his country with a bum leg (3" shorter than the good leg) as he had polio as a child; yet STILL jumped with the best of them. Dad passed away in Sept. 1991, from cancer. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew him. Although he never talked much about the war, I finally understood why he didn't when I saw "Saving Private Ryan". I was and still am, so very proud of him and all of you for what you did during WWII. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Respectfully, Francine Malindzak

Entry of Apr 03, 2003 at 15:32 [EST]
Name: Brent George
Unit: VF-143 Pukin Dogs
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Hey everyone, I am totally amazed at all of our technology being used in Iraq. Can you believe the casualty reports. If anyone gets hurt it is usually an accident. I pray every day for our soldiers who have all volunteered to put themselves into harms way to defend the freedoms our nation has given so many lives to defend in the past. I am still looking for anyone who might have known my grandfather in Battery 'D' of the 460th; Clarence Lee George of St. Louis, MO. He was on the Christmas roster. I can be reached at

Entry of Apr 05, 2003 at 14:32 [EST]
Name: Daniel and Nick Chapman
Unit: no
EMail: www.jkcnd@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: The stories are really cool daniel:7 Nick:11

Entry of Apr 15, 2003 at 01:27 [EST]
Name: Rod Dawson
EMail: rwd9@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I am looking for some one who knew my dad. He trained in Alexandria LA in June of 1943 (517th). He passed away a few years ago and I am trying to find out what he did in the army. He did not speak much of his duty except to say he was in England and France. His name was Henry Dawson also know as Butch or Buck. If by any change anyone served with him please email me. Thanks from a son of a true Hero. Rod

Entry of Apr 15, 2003 at 13:14 [EST]
Name: sgt bernard donohue (deceased)
EMail: jpettit@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Cannot find my bro-in law on the roster.  He was one of the originals who was with Col Zeitz when unit was first assembled.  Jumped in Sicily & So. France,1944 wounded, captured and rescued.  His shoulder patch was an eagles claw clutching a lightning bolt. Can anybody help?

Entry of Apr 18, 2003 at 15:01 [EST]
Name: David R. Richards
Unit: 2nd son of Paul William Richards, T-5
EMail: dwei90@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Father never spoke much about his experiences, would like to learn about his unit Co D, 517th and what they did. Am writing a bio for my children (who have never had the privilege to meet their grandfather). Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all, you are "The greatest generation"

Entry of Apr 19, 2003 at 17:23 [EST]
Name: Ben Barrett
Unit: 517 PRCT H Co.
EMail: Ben517@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: David Richards- Tried to reply to dwei90@ Mail returned. Address not known. Ben

Entry of Apr 23, 2003 at 11:56 [EST]
Name: Paige Christman
EMail: paigech@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I am the granddaughter of Robert R. Cooper, from D company, 517th PRCT. Just wanted to say how proud and honored I am to be able to say that I'm related to a hero! You're all heroes in my opinion! Thank you for all that you've done for our freedom and way of life!

Entry of Apr 26, 2003 at 17:17 [EST]
Name: Michael J. Kane, Jr.
EMail: mjkanejd@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was Michael J. Kane, D Company, 517 PRCT. He was a very proud to have been a paratrooper, but not as proud as I am to be his son. I grew up listening to stories but never really appreciated what he and the others sacrificed until he was gone. I would give anything to hear him tell them one more time. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know a little about his unit and his friends. I would love to hear from anyone who knew him. I have quite a few photos from the war that I have scanned and would be happy to send them on a disk. Michael J. Kane, Jr.

Entry of Apr 28, 2003 at 11:50 [EST]
Name: kayla
Unit: 101st airborn (my mother)
EMail: Whisper4_739@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: pfc. Deborah hutchison I love you mommy and i can not wait until you get home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you _ peat

Entry of May 01, 2003 at 23:57 [EST]
Name: Patti Johanson (nee Cartmell)
EMail: pattimj@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I was delighted to find out about this webpage from my brother in law, Josh Maresca. My father was Joseph X. Cartmell, a very proud member of the 5l7th. In fact, he and I went to the reunion about four years ago this month at Ft. Benning, Georgia. It was a wonderful experience for both of us. My family and I are going to Nice in June, a place my father hoped to visit but never did. Is there any particular place I could visit that involved the 5l7th during WWII? Any people? Patti Johanson

Entry of May 04, 2003 at 12:48 [EST]
Name: David Elsea
Unit: military historian
EMail: gijoe3006@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: First of all I must leave a Thank you in memory of pvt. Charles E. Pugh 596th airborne engineers co. It was he who led me to this wonderful web site. Like many military collectors, we spend hours looking for items at flea markets, and shops. Its a shame that history ends up in these places, but I have spent hundreds of hours there over the years. Then we find something that makes us search out history. The knowledge of were its been or who owned it. My father is a WW2 veteran, he is now 80 years old. There are no sites dedicated to his unit, 268th coast artillery. He fought in Guadalcanal, New Guinea, and the Philippines. This is a great web site. God Bless All who served there country. Thanks again, David

Entry of May 04, 2003 at 15:37 [EST]
Name: Claudy WINANT
Unit: Belgian Navy
EMail: winant@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Thanks to all members of the 517th, Gene BRISSEY-Ben BARRETT - Bruce CHESTNUT, for the responding on my e-mail to the 517th. My best regards to "Wild Bill" and thanks for his support. The Belgian people is waiting for you all and expects that you are coming to Soy-Melines and Erezee to remember, for the 60th anniversary, that you were in the Belgian Ardennes (the Bulge). Thanks a lot lads, for what you did there. To everyone who is watching this site, I can tell you that the 517th P.I.R.-soldiers wouldn't be never forgotten by the Belgian people. We don't forget what you did to deliver us from the German oppressor! I would be grateful for any recollections from veterans on their memories of being in Belgium during the war. Please could any comments be e-mailed to me at winant@ Anecdotes about meeting the local population would be welcome. Please include your name, age, what your rank and job were while you were in Belgium. With many thanks, Claudy.

Entry of May 05, 2003 at 22:49 [EST]
Name: Robert Jacobsen
Unit: Service Company
EMail: vjacob24@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm writing on behalf of my father, Sergeant Robert Jacobsen. He was one of the first volunteers for the 517th. I listen to his war stories almost every night. He fought at Anzio, occupied Rome, then went to Nice and finally the Bulge. Would love to put him in touch with some of his old friends.

Entry of May 06, 2003 at 11:37 [EST]
Name: James Metzger
Unit: Company C 517th PIR
EMail: jmetzger@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father Paul C. Metzger was a private in Company C 517th PIR. He passed away in 1984. I do not have any information about his service during WWII and he did not talk much about it. I checked the December 1944 Roster and he is listed. Does anyone remember Paul Metzger? If so and you can share some stories, please contact me. Thanks.

Entry of May 06, 2003 at 17:25 [EST]
Name: Fred Stark son of Sgt. Gerald Stark
Unit: 517th1st batt C company
EMail: tbarwalk@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I'm trying to locate some military records of my fathers service waited six month for the V A to get back to me with a note that says the records were destroyed in the fire, does anybody have a suggestion on where I can find some records,

Entry of May 07, 2003 at 08:05 [EST]
Name: James Metzger
Unit: Co C 517th PRCT
EMail: jmetzger@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I do have a 42 page document that was sent to my mother shortly after my father, Paul C. Metzger passed away. The document is titled: A Record of Company "C", 517th Parachute Infantry, In the War Against Germany. If anyone would like a copy, please send me your mailing address and I will send to you. This is a great website. Thanks to all!!!!

Entry of May 18, 2003 at 00:21 [EST]
Name: Jeremy Washburn
EMail: washburn48@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: my Grandfather was in the 517th and I was just interested in finding info about the unit and if anyone knew him his name was William Thomas Latimer he received 2 purple hearts and a bronze star If anyone has any info please email me it would be very appreciative I was to young to ask about it before he passed away

Entry of May 19, 2003 at 08:37 [EST]
Name: Jean Latimer Standridge
EMail: jean@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: My dad, William Thomas Latimer, was a member of the 517th. If anyone out there remembers him, would love to hear from you. Jean

Entry of May 20, 2003 at 23:06 [EST]
Name: Richard N. Barsamian
Unit: Co. "I" 3rd Pltn. 3rd Bttln. 517th
EMail: acis@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: March 26 1943 to Nov. 2, 1945

Entry of May 24, 2003 at 00:13 [EST]
Name: Janice Roseberry
EMail: georgeroseberry@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I would very much like to hear from anyone that knew my father-in- law. His name was Lt. George Roseberry 517th service Co. I believe he served with the 517th from start to finish. Thanks so much for this web site and all the stories and sharing of history.

Entry of May 26, 2003 at 13:40 [EST]
Name: Charles J Sadlo III
EMail: Bolo612@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am looking for anyone who may have served with my father. He was 2nd LT. Charles Sadlo he was killed in 1944 in Provence, France. He was in A. CO.

Entry of May 30, 2003 at 23:32 [EST]
Name: neil blanton
Unit: uss enterprise cvn65
EMail: blantontems@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: my dad was a member of the 517th Co.B.  I was wondering if anyone remembers him he was in the 517th from start to finish .his discharge states he was a squad leader he was a sgt. at the time of discharge.  He was wounded dec23rd 1944 in Belgium maybe that will ring a bell with someone.  My dad never talked about the war before he passed away so I'm hoping someone in Co.B remembers him and could contact me. my address is 326 county road 42 Toronto Ohio 43964 phone no.740 537 4726 thank you

Entry of Jun 05, 2003 at 11:08 [EST]
Name: Rob Rapley
EMail: rrapley@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: We are producing a documentary for PBS about Terry Sanford, who served with the 517th and later became Governor of North Carolina and US Senator. I would like to speak with men who served with him. In Dec 1944 he was a 1st Lieutenant, Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion.

Entry of Jun 07, 2003 at 10:55 [EST]
Name: Dennison E. COMPTON
Unit: USS Conger (SS477), 24th Mech. Infantry Div., MAAG Vietnam
EMail: LTCCompton@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I recently found the grave of my boyhood friend Willis Woodcock. On the grave marker I found he was KIA with Co. I, 517th RCT, on 12 Sept. 1944, in Provence. If anyone knew Woody and can tell me about his death I would appreciate it. D. E. COMPTON LTC, USA (Ret.)

Entry of Jun 09, 2003 at 12:41 [EST]
Name: bruno salle
Unit: firefighter
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: I would like to have information on the 517th in Fayence's region in the south of France. I look as well for a badge of the 517 eme to put in my collection. I am writing a book on this time. Thank you

Entry of Jun 13, 2003 at 21:43 [EST]
Name: Dave Knee Jr.
Unit: C Co. 1/501 101st Airborne Div. Vietnam
EMail: dlknee@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My father, David Knee, was with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 517th. I went on line to see if I could find his outfit, which I did. If anyone out there remembers my father, he is alive and well. If you have any stories or incidents that you shared with him during the war that you would like to share with me, I would love to hear them and pass them along to him. I was with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam and can relate to your experiences. Hope to hear from someone. Please email me. God bless you all, you were brave soldiers. Dave Knee Jr.

Entry of Jun 15, 2003 at 02:21 [EST]
Name: Jen Hernandez
EMail: battlefrogs@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Was looking for information on my grandpa and now I found it thanks to your web site. But I am lost. I found he was in B Co. 1st BN 517th PRCT. When I look for the patch it goes to 506. His name is Frank Faccinto, maybe I read it wrong. Can you please help me? Thank you and your website is very helpful keep up the good work!

Entry of Jun 21, 2003 at 08:27 [EST]
Name: Jack Charles Walbridge
EMail: mecogs@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am the son-in-law of Jack and am helping him get acquainted with the internet so he might be able to communicate with some of his old buddies. I have the deepest respect for you men and what you were able to accomplish. Please accept my humble Thank You for your service to our great country. R. Cogswell

Entry of Jun 21, 2003 at 19:28 [EST]
Name: John Winn
Unit: 5/20th Inf, 2/7th Inf,4/12th Inf. 1990-96
EMail: C46thVA@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hi I've been researching the 517th for awhile now and I've got some questions regarding insignia. 1) When was the "Pocket Patch" designed? In "Battling Buzzards" the author claims that this a post war patch but in "1st Airborne Task Force" on page 296 we see PFC Terrel wearing one on his jacket. 2) The 2nd Battalion Scroll also illustrated on pg 296 as well as on pg 58 of "Geronimo!", was this scroll used by any other battalions during the war? Are there any photos showing this scroll being worn on any sort of dress uniform? The reason I am interested is because I am organizing a Living History group to portray the 517th PRCT. We want to get it right!! We are having some of these scrolls made up to use in our display. Thanks John

Entry of Jun 25, 2003 at 16:06 [EST]
Name: John Winn
EMail: C46thVA@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Just thought I would drop you all a line to let you know that the group I have formed to portray/recreate the 517th will be attending the Camp Toccoa reunion. Hope to see you gentlemen there!! John

Entry of Jul 04, 2003 at 02:32 [EST]
Name: Barbara Brown
EMail: b0bsweet@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Daughter of Silas Don Brown HQ 3rd My sister and I are trying to find out as mush as possible about our Dad, Any information that anyone has would be gratefully accepted. Donna, my sister, Dad and myself plan on coming to the Kissimmee reunion.

Entry of Jul 06, 2003 at 08:29 [EST]
Name: Bill Brooks
Unit: B Troop 2/17 Cav, 101st Abn Div
EMail: billandjo84@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, David K. Brooks (died in 1994), was with the 517th and I was curious about the unit.

Entry of Jul 09, 2003 at 01:50 [EST]
Name: kathy Green
EMail: kathygreen@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: This website is amazing! I am currently doing research on my grandfather, William (Bill) Delaney, who was killed in action on December 24, 1944. He was in C Company. If anyone has pictures or stories I would greatly appreciate you sharing them. Thank You God Bless

Entry of Jul 09, 2003 at 13:26 [EST]
Name: John Winn
Unit: 5/20th Inf, 2nd Inf Div. and others 90-96
EMail: c46thva@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Thanks Ben for the useful information in your emails. Now, for a few more questions. 1) What sort of uniforms were being worn when you went into the Bulge? What condition were your uniforms and equipment in when you started out for the Bulge? 2) What sort of insignia if any was worn on Dress uniforms while the 517th was a separate unit (i.e. after separation from the 17th AB Div and before the 13th AB Div). I read somewhere that some men wore a simple tab on the left shoulder that said "Parachute" but I've never seen any evidence in the photos I've looked at. I look forward to hearing back from anybody who may want to answer these questions. JW

Entry of Jul 09, 2003 at 22:51 [EST]
Name: bernie burris
Unit: 960th airborne air control squadron
EMail: aburris3@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Sirs: I am sorry that I missed your reunion. I am an avid fan of history and the Airborne. While stationed overseas, I went to many battlefields, some of which many of you fought on. I am currently reading the book "The Battlin' Buzzards" and it's very interesting. If you all are every back in Oklahoma City, please announce it. I would love to listen to your stories and maybe get an autograph or two in my book. Thanks for all you've done. AIRBORNE!!!

Entry of Jul 28, 2003 at 13:13 [EST]
Name: Diane Haverin
EMail: dhaverin@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, William M. Branch, was with the 517th. Unfortunately he was seriously wounded June 18th, 1944 in Italy. I would love some advice on how to get his medals replaced (they were stolen) and would love to know if anyone has any photos taken in the few short days he was there. I do know he was awarded the bronze star, purple heart w/ dbl. oakleaf cluster, etc. I am trying to get some things together for his grandson to have. Thanking you in advance.

[Note:  William Branch was with B Co. - BB]

Entry of Jul 31, 2003 at 01:10 [EST]
Name: Patrick McArdle
EMail: pmcardl@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: A note to let members of the 517th know that Park Stompro, B company, passed away on July 5, 2003. His remains will rest in Arlington National Cemetery.

Entry of Aug 01, 2003 at 10:02 [EST]
Unit: 92nd NCB
EMail: jpettit@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine

[Note:  Bernard Donohue was with H Co. - BB]

Entry of Aug 11, 2003 at 21:53 [EST]
Name: Jack L Rogers
Unit: 517 Parachute Inf.
EMail: patjr@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: On February 5/6, what co of the 3rd battalion led the attack in Bergsteun,Ger.?

Entry of Aug 13, 2003 at 09:55 [EST]
Name: James R. Lemaire
Unit: "A' Co. Hq. 505RCT, 82nd A/B (7/44 - 3/45)
EMail: lemairecoa505rct@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Am searching for anyone who might have been in Co "I" of 517 during WW2 and who might have known JOHN S. PENN.... John was with the 517 Co "I" on Christmas roster 1944 and KIA at Manhay on 12/27/44. A friend in Rochlinval/Trois-Ponts area would like information in regarding his hometown who might have still be around. He has some equipment belonging to the former trooper and would love getting in touch with someone to see if perhaps they would like this to be sent to anyone n his family. I can be reached at the above email address or at : James R. Lemaire, 1499 Chretien Pt. Rd., Sunset, Louisiana 70584-5309. Sincerely, Jim Lemaire

Entry of Aug 19, 2003 at 11:13 [EST]
Name: John Neiler
Unit: 517 G & Regimental HQ
EMail: j_neiler@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Some other time

Entry of Aug 19, 2003 at 15:50 [EST]
Name: TSgt Greg Rodgers
Unit: currently serving in the U.S. Air Force (14 years)
EMail: gregory.rodgers@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My grandfather, Larry Huffner, served in the 517th. I don't know what company, but am trying to find out as much as possible. My grandfather passed away in 1999. Unfortunately I didn't get to talk much about his unit's history. If anyone can help me with info, photos, etc it would be greatly appreciated. Just want to make sure his service, dedication, and commitment are never forgotten in our family...I also want my son to know more about his great-grandfather! Thanks and god bless TSgt Greg Rodgers

Entry of Aug 21, 2003 at 12:19 [EST]
Name: Joe Combest
EMail: Joe.Combest@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My dad, Ben Combest, was in 517. G Company, I think. He does not like to talk about it. This website is a great reference. Thanks.

Entry of Aug 21, 2003 at 20:03 [EST]
Name: LTC Stevenson M. Wallace
Unit: Special Forces
EMail: smacgw@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: My Dad was in the 517th, in G Co, PFC Charles Wallace, he was wounded in the battle of the Bulge, mustered out at Bragg I believe as a Sgt. He's in the VA hospital near Nashville TN now with lung cancer, doesn't look good. He told me so many stories about the Regiment and the battles and the men who made history... Best regards, Stevenson M. Wallace

Entry of Aug 28, 2003 at 22:02 [EST]
Name: Terri Walker
EMail: terjess at yahoo dot com
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Is the Cpl Orville Stubbs of Company E, 517th, the same person as my relative, Orville Stubbs, born about 1897 in Nebraska?

Entry of Sep 20, 2003 at 22:48 [EST]
Name: Jim Lathers
Unit: Company C 517 th
EMail: bocojimbo@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Saw this web site listed in the static line and just checked it out - looks very interesting.

Entry of Sep 22, 2003 at 00:54 [EST]
Name: bernie burris
Unit: current /960 airborne air control squadron
EMail: bernard.burris@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Sir/Ma'am: My name is Bernie Burris and I am a member of the World War 2 Airborne Demonstration Team. We recently took part in your last reunion held this past June in Oklahoma City. We are going to be having a recruiting drive at the Tulsa Gun Show, 18-19 October in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We would like to invite any 517th members who are in the area, to take part in the event. This would be a great opportunity for young people to meet true heroes. We have also extended an invitation to Mr. Jake McNiece of the 101st as well. The more the merrier! If any of your members are interested please contact me at bernard.burris@, business (405) 734-0951/52 or fax (405) 734-1968. Thank you and I await your reply.

Entry of Sep 25, 2003 at 07:04 [EST]
Name: Tom "Duke" Davis
Unit: G Company, 511th PIR
EMail: duque2@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Hal or Phil higginbotham and I Volunteered for the paratroops at the same time at Camp Shelby, MS. He was assigned to the 517 and I to the 511. I saw him one more time at MacCall. We were from Crowder, MS. He had a sister Named Jackie. Any info would be greatly appreciated. He may be pictured in the Company E photo, but my memory is that he was in A Co. in MacCall, Thanks

Entry of Sep 26, 2003 at 23:35 [EST]
Name: Alan Fleischer
Unit: Navy 51/55
EMail: flysher1@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Sept 25 2003 I am trying to locate my cousin Ted Weiss U.S. Army 1944 or 45 received the Sliver star medal in Germany Arm insignia I believe was Triangle with a tank not sure. he lives in NY or Jersey still living any help if possible Thanks

Entry of Sep 27, 2003 at 11:36 [EST]
Name: Douglas G. Cowan
Unit: Son of Pvt. Ian Cowan, 1st Btn, Co-B
EMail: douglas34474@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Dad never talked about his experiences with the 517. I could draw the "Buzzard" by the time I was six. If anyone recalls him please drop me a line. I would like to find out more about his experiences. Thank you.

Entry of Sep 28, 2003 at 21:45 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th

Entry of Sep 28, 2003 at 23:14 [EST]
Name: Jacob Koehnen
EMail: ffjakek@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Dear Members, My name is Jacob Koehnen. My grandfather is PFC Donald Vaughn, he was a member of A company with the 517. Unfortunately I'm writing on the sad note that my grandfather has passed away. It happened on September 25th. I was lucky enough to recently spent time with him, and to hear the stories and see pictures of his time in the war. He was infinitely proud of his involvement with the 517. I consider myself lucky to have his name in my bloodline. I would like to share with you a story about my grandfather that forever has changed my life. On memorial day of 2003 I made a trip to see my grandfather. He had been very sick at the time. I was very privileged to have been able to spend that holiday with him. We went to the services at the local cemetery. My Grandfather had been confined to wheelchair on his outings due to his weakness. When the tune "Taps" began I watched my Grandfather struggle to stand up out of his wheelchair and put his hand over his heart. I broke into tears and at that moment realized just what his time in the war and this country meant to him. He was a part of something that shaped this country. I am forever thankful for what he and all of you sacrificed; and what continues to be sacrificed by today's military. A lot of people changed the way they viewed this country after the Sept. 11th tragedy, myself included, but the way I view this country and the flag will forever be impacted by the simple feat of watching a man stand up out of his wheelchair. So for all of the members of the 517, I am the grandson of a Battling Buzzard and his venture into WWII has touched me more than anything in my life. God Bless all of you, and God Bless America.

Entry of Oct 01, 2003 at 23:58 [EST]
Name: tim kelly
EMail: tim.c.kelly@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was in the 517th. His name was Leroy C. Kelly. He was from Niles, Michigan.

Entry of Oct 06, 2003 at 01:02 [EST]
Unit: army
EMail: seckart1
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: my brother pfc william eckart was kia in manhay dec 27 1944. he was in co i 3rd bn . his best friend was ed gunn I would like to hear from any one who knew my brother or could give me information about ED GUNN

Entry of Oct 06, 2003 at 14:36 [EST]
Name: a mammone
EMail: amammone@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: i am related to sgt. nick tinello who was an original 517th member. he and all members of the unit made sacrifices which we should all be grateful for and recognize. much media attention is given to the 101st due to Hollywood. Americans were fighting in the pacific from 12/7/41 on and we invaded north Africa in nov 1942 with over 100,000 men, facts that are forgotten. my regards to the warriors.

Entry of Oct 08, 2003 at 03:50 [EST]
Name: Roy Scott
Unit: None
EMail: rscott7000@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My dad, Kyle Scott was in Headquarters Company 2nd Battalion of the 517th. I did not find this out until 20 years after his death. Dad never talked about the war or his time in the service. I would appreciate hearing from anyone that knew dad and/or had a more detailed knowledge of his units activities. Thank you for your time and effort.

Entry of Oct 11, 2003 at 20:05 [EST]
Name: Bill MacRae
Unit: C Company, 1st Battalion, 517th PRCT
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Bill MacRae, C Company visiting from Syracuse to Erie, PA to visit his son and daughter in law, as well as get together with Douglas "Deacon" Jones and Deacon's wife Betty (this is son Bill working the keyboard!).

Entry of Oct 22, 2003 at 18:06 [EST]
Name: John Santiago
EMail: jsgraph@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My grandfather, Albert Brandal, served in G Company. He never talked much about the war, except for the occasional joke when asked (he loved to gripe about the Brits stopping for tea in the middle of a march). This website helped me a lot, as I am trying to piece together and understand how he served our country. Thanks for making this site possible.

Entry of Oct 25, 2003 at 21:35 [EST]
Name: JV Miller
Unit: US Navy
EMail: jvmiller99@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father Howard E. Miller served with the 517th. He passed on October 19th 2003. I would like to hear from anyone who knew him. Please feel free to email me.

Entry of Oct 26, 2003 at 00:10 [EST]
Name: Howard E. Miller
EMail: 3millers@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Howard E. Miller, was a member of Company G, 517th Parachute Infantry during WWII. I'm writing this to notify everyone that he passed from this Earth on October 19th, 2003. Should anyone who knew him care to correspond I would like to record any memories you may have of him. Like many who survived, he said very little of his war experience.

Entry of Oct 26, 2003 at 08:18 [EST]
Unit: usn, vf-211,vx-4,vf-124, air wing, F- 14
EMail: boaters@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine

Entry of Oct 26, 2003 at 21:18 [EST]
Name: Al Eckart
Unit: army
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Just wanted to correct email address I forgot

Entry of Oct 27, 2003 at 21:58 [EST]
Name: Glen D. Brown
Unit: Hq Co 3rd Bn., 517th Prcht. Inf.
EMail: Bunchofbrownies@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Father was in the Airborne during WWII. I have taken his unit from his "New York Port of Embarkation", he sailed on the ship "Madawaska" from Havre, France on 12 Aug 1945. Any pictures of him he is wearing a 13th Division Airborne patch. I would like to know more about his unit, and suggestions on how to go about tracking down details concerning his involvement with this unit. I would like to correspond with someone who could give me some insight into the heroes of this unit. thank you, Glen M. Brown

Entry of Oct 30, 2003 at 06:33 [EST]
Name: David H. Hall, Sr.
Unit: Navy, RVAH-12
EMail: dhhallsr@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Good friend of mind and the 517th, my father-in-law, Sgt. J. K. Horne, Jr. (517th '43-45) and National President of the 517th ('97-99) joined his many good friends who have gone before to the Post Everlasting. Commander of American Post 30 1961 in Albany GA,  gave all he had but lost his fight to double-pneumonia. He loved the 517 the because of the many of the brave men that he served with. For the past 33 yrs I have heard many stories of the events that he and his friends had during WWII. The 517th lost another loyal supporter, one that never wanted to miss any of the reunions, J. K. will now be with John Young and the many others who loved America and served well. I Loved that man.

Entry of Nov 06, 2003 at 09:56 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine

Entry of Nov 07, 2003 at 23:22 [EST]
Name: carol monkhouse nash
EMail: ctn_56@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: my father was george r monkhouse of the 517 he died in 1976 at the age of 49 after being retired from the army 13 years. he retired a captain. my father raised me the army way very strict. I miss and love my dad very much. I want to thank everyone who helped my daughter especially Mr. Doty who even sent her pictures of him from these times her name was Kim Allison thank you all and god bless. carol monkhouse nash.

Entry of Nov 14, 2003 at 08:20 [EST]
Name: Jessica Monkhouse
Unit: not yet
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Sgt. Cecil Doty, I am writing to you on behalf of the picture with my grandfather in it. As you may have guessed, my grandfather is Pvt. George R. Monkhouse. I never met him because he died in the early 70's, way before I was born. I just want to thank you for the picture.

Entry of Nov 18, 2003 at 20:33 [EST]
Name: douglas vendola
Unit: first cav
EMail: vendolav@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hello.  My dad Frank Vendola was a member of the 517.  He passed away this Feb. He was still a paratrooper at heart. stayed strong to the end.

Entry of Nov 23, 2003 at 20:50 [EST]
Name: Anita Collins
EMail: User356332@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I wrote a note last year asking for information on Raymond F. Thompson of the 517th. I did find that he was in "H" co. Does anyone remember Raymond or what happened to him?

Entry of Nov 30, 2003 at 22:03 [EST]
Name: Grandson of Wayne Hibben, Thomas Hibben
Unit: Bco 2-8 INF, Bco& HHC 1-6 INF
EMail: t_hibben@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am looking for any information on my Grandfather. He was in F co. 517. Due to his death in Feb of 2000 his records are unknown all with his awards he has earned. My family and I are trying to put together a display for him. We would appreciate any assistance anyone would have. THANKS

Entry of Dec 05, 2003 at 23:35 [EST]
Name: Arlo Mildenstein
Unit: A Company 517 PRCT
EMail: amildens@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: As Adj. of the local DAV Chapter I was reporting the passing away of one of our members to the National DAV. I decided to see if there was any thing new there. When I hit links I hit pay dirt when I found your site.

Entry of Dec 10, 2003 at 21:15 [EST]
Name: William Bowen
EMail: hdnighttrain99@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Just wanted to know if anyone remembers my father, Max F. Bowen [C Company]? He served with the 517th during the battle of the bulge? If anyone has any stories I would love to hear them.

Entry of Dec 15, 2003 at 18:58 [EST]
Name: Vera Stano
EMail: kstanno@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father served in the 517th Airborne during WWII. He was at the Battle of the Bulge. Does not talk about it. I have a picture of him after he was released from the hospital after suffering severe frostbite. Can anyone tell me some personal stories? Does anyone know/remember my dad, Willard Kohler [HQ Co, 2nd Battalion]? He is now 79 years old. Thank you.

Entry of Dec 18, 2003 at 16:44 [EST]
Name: Philip Trill
EMail: Ptrill@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I have been trying to trace my father's (Philip Trill) military history. He died in 1987 and I wish I knew more. If anyone knew him, I would really appreciate anything you could tell me. Thanks to the 517th for making the world I grew up in a much better place.

Entry of Dec 21, 2003 at 14:51 [EST]
Name: John R. Ervine
Unit: 1st Bn.11th Marines{1968}
EMail: honjohn@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I have been asked by my father to do a search for units and personnel that he served with during WW2.Thanks to your excellent coverage of the 517th i am able to hopefully get a lot of information for him. His name is Wayne C. Ervine and he lives in Vale, Oregon. If anybody recognizes him or can supply any info to me I would be deeply indebted to you. He specifically mentioned serving under 1st Lt. John A. Alicki and Capt. Robert Newberry. Thank you for your help and more importantly to all of you for your sacrifices to our Great Nation. Semper Fi, John R. Ervine

Entry of Dec 23, 2003 at 16:09 [EST]
Name: Diane Haverin
Unit: My dad was 517th B Company
EMail: dhaverin@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Dear Mr. Barrett (Ben and Bob), I had visited w/ you back in July. I want to again thank you for putting me on the right track in recovering info on my Dad, William M. Branch. Our State Senator is trying to help with the medal replacement and I have purchased "Battling Buzzards" as well as "Paratroopers Odyssey". I want to wish you two as well as all the 517th friends and family a wonderful holiday season. Sincerely, Diane Haverin

Entry of Dec 25, 2003 at 13:07 [EST]
Name: John R Berry
Unit: 517th PRCT WWII
EMail: jberry@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am sighing in for my DAD he and I are looking over the site! Thank you very much for working hard on this site.

Entry of Dec 27, 2003 at 00:07 [EST]
Name: Tom Christensen
Unit: 452nd GH, USAR
EMail: logjammer@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I recall my father, Peter Christensen talking about his good friend Boom Boom Alicki. I almost fell off the chair when I saw my dad in a couple of pictures submitted by Lt. Alicki. My father took his last jump in June of 2000. He always spoke highly and of fondness of his brethren in arms in the 517th.

Entry of Dec 31, 2003 at 16:02 [EST]
Name: Jess H. Pipkin
Unit: HQ CO. 2ND BN. 517TH REG.
EMail: jpipkin@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine

Entry of Jan 03, 2004 at 12:58 [EST]
Name: Bobby Liddell, Jr.
EMail: bobliddell@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I am looking for information about my father's (Bobby Liddell) service. He passed away in 1981, and he did not talk much about what happened. He served from December/January 1944 to the end of the war, and was a Sgt., and a machine gunner in Company F.

Entry of Jan 03, 2004 at 18:50 [EST]
Name: COL(R) Dino Papas
EMail: dinopapas@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: T/5 Spiros Gogos, who was killed on 18 June 1944, was my uncle. I was lucky enough to receive from my grandmother a set of his wings and had them pinned on me at jump school in 1976. But I never had any information about his service and the circumstances surrounding his death in Italy. I noted with great pride that he was posthumously awarded one of only six DSC's presented to members of the regiment. Having spent my 26 years as an Infantryman in many airborne units I'd very much like to hear from anyone who might have known my uncle. Thanks very much in advance. Airborne! Dino Papas Colonel U.S. Army Retired dinopapas@

Entry of Jan 06, 2004 at 12:08 [EST]
Name: B.Dahl
EMail: leybarsinister@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Great site! Well done tribute to the brave soldiers who served in this unit. Keep up the good work. Have passed on info to my friend who served in this unit in the Second World War. Thank you!

Entry of Jan 06, 2004 at 22:03 [EST]
Name: John R.Ervine
Unit: 11 th Marines
EMail: honjohn@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I thought i would make a return trip to your site and let you know that I passed on info to my father Wayne Ervine and he was sure happy to get it. A special thanks to Boom Boom Alicki for his nice response and also a special thanks to Ben for sending me Mail Call. When my dad gets by i'm sure we will spend a few hours reading over Mail Calls and looking over the web site. I received the following link so thought I would pass it on for those who may not of seen it. Sincerely, John Ervine

Entry of Jan 09, 2004 at 23:50 [EST]
Name: Steve Milovich
Unit: 82nd Adv tm MACV, 196th Lt Inf (attached) and others, 1965-1969
EMail: dee6894@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Greetings to the 517th, and the citizens of France and Belgium My uncle was Pvt Jack J. Milojevich, 2nd Bn F Co. Jack died of wounds on 1-3-45 after being wounded around Christmas of 1944. He was posthumously awarded the Silver Star. I knew little about Jack as my dad didn't talk about the war very much. When I saw the photo posted by Mike Varner, of his dad James Varner and my uncle Jack, I almost fell off my chair! Ever since I was a small child I can remember that same photo of the two, framed and sitting on the old upright piano. For some reason (memories fade) I thought Jack was with the 101st and I researched their sites to no avail for several years. Finally I found him as being with the 517th. The past two days I've spent on your site, and I'm so proud to know he served "with honor" in such an elite unit. I've read almost everything on your site, and will continue with what little I haven't read. I would appreciate hearing from any one that knew Jack. It would mean a lot to me. I want to share something from my dad, Robert P Milovich. He was with the 11th Abn in New Guinea and the Philippines. The day that Jack died, my dad was in a foxhole somewhere over there. That night he had a dream... In the dream: my dad and Jack were walking down the country farm lane out of Saratoga, CA in the afternoons glow, Jack reached up and put his arm around my dad's shoulder and said: "It's ok Bob". If any of you remember Jack Milojevich, please contact me, and God Bless you all. Steve

Entry of Jan 11, 2004 at 18:45 [EST]
Name: silas don brown
Unit: To start my career, the 517th
EMail: symar@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: member 517th 3rd battalion hq. robert reber's platoon How tall is yours? A Reber statement between him and me. Will see you on the 17th.

Entry of Jan 12, 2004 at 02:02 [EST]
Name: Jay Littlefield, grandson of Major Donald W. Fraser
Unit: He was in 517 Paratrooper
EMail: sirjj2001@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I was just trying to get some information about the reunion in Kissimmee. What are the dates, etc. He would like to attend. Please call (850)-997-6700, his daughter Bonnie Fraser Littlefield.

Entry of Jan 15, 2004 at 16:18 [EST]
Name: Tom Evans
EMail: thomas.evans@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father was Malcolm Evans of Company A. He served under Major Don Fraser and jumped in southern France. I recently read the Battling Buzzards book, but wish that I had read it earlier. What a tough bunch! If anyone has anything to share about my father, I'd like to hear from you.

Entry of Jan 22, 2004 at 17:14 [EST]
Name: Jesse Ellington
EMail: ellingtons@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My dad was in CO.A or C. He died at Camp Mackall on Oct 1st 1943. He was buried in Cincinnati, Oh. I have several pictures of him I hope to send. One I think is with Major Boyle, shaking his had in front of a C 47 with another trooper. I used to own the Shoneys Rest in Toccoa and met some of the outfit there. Sincerely, Jesse Ellington

Entry of Jan 23, 2004 at 16:04 [EST]
Name: Joseph and Marie-Louise Spencer
Unit: Headquarters Battery 460th Field Artillery
EMail: joemarlou@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Glad to visit this site, my first time here.

Entry of Jan 25, 2004 at 09:33 [EST]
Name: Danny G. Brogdon Jr.
EMail: goep54@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I have been searching for information on my father, Dan G Brogdon for years. He didn't talk much about his experiences. If anyone knew him, I would very much enjoy hearing from you. Danny Brogdon,

Entry of Jan 26, 2004 at 16:29 [EST]
Name: Brett Mack
EMail: mackb80@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I'm excited to have found this website. Great website! My grandfather served with the 517th PIR. He loves to talk about his days in the airborne. I'm eager to learn about what my grandfather did as well as all the other fine men that served this country. He's name is Agnew Beavens from Reading, PA (if that rings a bell with anyone.) I'm going to pass along information I can find for him on here. If anyone recognizes his name drop me an email. Thanks. Have a great day!

Entry of Jan 26, 2004 at 18:01 [EST]
Name: Christopher P. Green
EMail: Cpgreen32@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Fantastic website! I'm trying to find out some information on my grandfather Sgt. Bill Delaney, C Co. who was killed in action December 24,1944. If anyone who knew him could drop me an e-mail with any information or stories it would be greatly appreciated.

Entry of Jan 28, 2004 at 08:49 [EST]
Name: Richard L. Anderson
EMail: rla8@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: This is a great site! This past weekend I had the chance to talk to a veteran of the 517th, Andrew P. Lubic. What a great experience that was for me. I am a teacher and each spring we have a short-term which last a week. Each year I teach a course based on Stephen Ambrose book "Band Of Brothers". I am hoping that I can convince Mr. Lubic to come and speak to my students. They need to hear these stories! Again, this is a great important site. We need to be constantly reminded of the sacrifices people have made for us.

Entry of Feb 01, 2004 at 18:49 [EST]
Name: Jean Loup
EMail: schyzowolf@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I live in southern France and have a paratrooper helmet from the 517th with the name Moles written on it. Apparently this would be the helmet of PFC MARVIN O. MOLES . If any body has any information whatsoever about this person, please inform me! I would love to hear from you. Jean Loup

Entry of Feb 03, 2004 at 16:53 [EST]
Name: Jean Loup
EMail: schyzowolf@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: By the way, PFC Marvin Moles was in "I" company, 3rd battalion. JL

Entry of Feb 10, 2004 at 17:01 [EST]
Name: Fred V Kozisek
EMail: fkozi@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I have the separation papers of my brother Rudolph R Kozisek which had him in Co I 517th prcht inf at the time of his discharge at Fort Bragg NC. He passed away in 1997 and in the last few years I have become interested in family history. He didn't talk much about his army experiences but he did mention that because of Gen Patton's army his last scheduled jump was cancelled. I don't have any information on how long he was with the 517th but he took a grade reduction to join the airborne. He had been with the Balkan operational group in 1944 from what I have been able to research. I would appreciate any information about his army service.

Entry of Feb 14, 2004 at 21:15 [EST]
Name: Shirley J. (Smith) Catterson
Unit: My Dad: 517, 2nd Battalion, D Company
EMail: NoshCat@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm enjoying this site very much and was thrilled to find my Dad's name on the 1944 Christmas roster. He was Edward J. Smith -- passed away, sadly, in April 2001. Over the years, he shared so many stories about parachute training and World War II. Does his name ring a bell with you? I'd love to hear from you if you knew him.

Entry of Feb 16, 2004 at 12:44 [EST]
Name: jered woody
EMail: baseball91383@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I want to find my grandpa his name is John Woody and he was in the 517th paratrooper infantry E company if you have any information about him please email me

Entry of Feb 17, 2004 at 10:08 [EST]
Name: Ronald J. Rock
Unit: my father was Sergeant Robert J. Rock Co. C 517th
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father passed away in 1978. I am checking to see if anyone from his unit is out there and remembers him. I would love to hear some stories about my father. Please let me know. Sincerely, Ronald J. Rock

Entry of Feb 24, 2004 at 23:50 [EST]
Name: Geoff Hackman
EMail: hackmans@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm wondering if anyone has any stories/knowledge or info on my grandfather, Lt. Ralph Allison or his Company, 'C'.

Entry of Feb 27, 2004 at 14:49 [EST]
Name: Bill MacRae
Unit: 517th, C Company
EMail: gbmacrae@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: For anyone attending the WWII Memorial opening Memorial Day Weekend (May 27, 28, 29, and 30), I'll be staying at: Unirez Club Quarters 839 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 463-6400 Buy me lunch!

Entry of Mar 06, 2004 at 20:18 [EST]
Name: Rebekah Ruppel, granddaughter of Howard Ruppel
Unit: none
EMail: worldbound@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I was researching my grandfather's writings and found this site. I want to thank you guys for the work you are doing.

Entry of Mar 09, 2004 at 13:28 [EST]
Name: Bruno
Unit: Firefighter
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Hello, I would want information and photos concerning the paratroopers fallen to Fayence and Callian, in southern France on august 15 , 1944. I wait for news of Howard Hensleigh. Thank you, A friend of France

Entry of Mar 14, 2004 at 17:10 [EST]
Name: terry birder casey
Unit: n/a
EMail: casey@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I was searching Google using my brother's name, James Patrick Birder. He served with the 517th during WWII. The first google hit sent me to a picture of him. I would appreciate an email from anyone who may have information regarding him. I'd also appreciate an email from whoever is in possession of the photo of him on this website because I am wondering if you knew Jim.

Entry of Mar 21, 2004 at 13:15 [EST]
Name: Gary Beaulieu
EMail: gbeaulieu@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Doing family genealogy research i found that my GG Fathers brother LEO BEAULIEU died on the last day of the Battle of the Bulge. He has been resting in Luxembourg since that fateful day Jan 8, 1945. Anyone that would have information about him would be greatly appreciated. 513TH 17 Airborne div. Thank you.

Entry of Mar 22, 2004 at 21:33 [EST]
Name: Matthew Braud
EMail: mbraud@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, DeWitt H. Braud from Baton Rouge, LA, served in the 517th. According to the Christmas Roster, it appears that he was in Company H. If you knew him or served with him, I would appreciate hearing from you. His war years were seldom discussed. Thank you!

Entry of Mar 29, 2004 at 21:33 [EST]
Name: Jim Hennessey
Unit: Co.E-345th-Regt-87th-Inf.Div.
EMail: ND-JimHennessey@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I enjoyed my visit to this web-site very much. Good Luck.

Entry of Apr 09, 2004 at 13:47 [EST]
Name: Edward A Konek
Unit: Company D and E
EMail: ontarget400@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I am posting this for my father. He was in Company D for about 1 month, wounded in Belgium in January 1945, and reassigned to Company E when he left the hospital on March 10, 1945. Stayed with Company E until August 1945. If you served with him, please feel to contact Edward at the listed email address. Thanks for all you did.

Entry of Apr 11, 2004 at 15:02 [EST]
Name: cliff w dillard
Unit: 11th abn. 188th p.i.r.
EMail: cwd11ab@ aol.coom
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Yo: troopers does anyone remember if there was a parachute in between the crossed rifles on the guidon?  When is the next 517th reunion? cliff dillard from ks.usa

Entry of Apr 13, 2004 at 12:18 [EST]
Name: SSG Andrew Wilson
Unit: C Co. 1/507th (ABN) Ft. Benning, GA.
EMail: WilsonAS@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Gentlemen, we here at C Co. are putting together several display cases that will be used as a permanent home for the 517th. We are doing this in tribute to the many achievements and sacrifices made by this incredible unit. We have already been in contact with a few of your members, but would like to hear from anyone else that may have stories, photos, or memorabilia that would be willing to donate to this project. We are going to have a display case for each of the battalions as well as one for the engineers and field artillery. Any items or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Entry of Apr 13, 2004 at 14:57 [EST]
Name: Charlie O'Neil
Unit: 1AD 4BN 29th FA
EMail: oneil72@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Donald "Don" O'Neil served as a member of the 596th AEC during WWII. He is since passed on and I am trying to piece together his years of service. If anyone has any information please contact me. Thanks you in advance.

Entry of Apr 19, 2004 at 14:16 [EST]
Name: Russell Johnson
Unit: active duty Marine
EMail: Ktrjusmc@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I was wondering if anyone had and photos or information on my father TSgt Norman Johnson.

Entry of Apr 19, 2004 at 22:28 [EST]
Name: John Haar
EMail: JHaar1@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Just trying to find out about my fathers experience in the 517th. Anybody remember Cal Haar? I would like to hear from you. Thanks

Entry of Apr 19, 2004 at 23:06 [EST]
Name: Toni Jane Bucynski
EMail: bucynski@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am searching for any information, pictures, or simply contact from anyone who would know my grandfather Alex Tait who passed from us in July of 1996. He was a 1st Lieutenant in the HQ company of the 517th in WWII. He then went on to serve in Korea where he ended his time there as a Major. I am extremely proud that my grandfather had the honor of serving with all of you in the 517th -- I know that he cherished his connection with you. May God bless each of you.

Entry of Apr 20, 2004 at 12:03 [EST]
Name: Ted R. Bowman
Unit: 1st Bat. B Co. 1st Plt. 3rd Sqd.
EMail: bridget_lynn74@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Looking for members of my unit, sqd, or plt. Jumped on Aug 15 1944. Injured and then returned to my outfit in Soissone Fr. Month later, went to the breakthrough at the bulge. Fought through the bulge, caught a tree burst in the Huertgen Forest. Transferred out to the 13th Airborne down in Sens Fr. (Emails are welcome, will go to my grandchild, and she will print them for me.)

Entry of Apr 21, 2004 at 16:18 [EST]
Name: Trenton Yenokida
EMail: tyenokida@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My grandfather was Eugene 'chop chop' Mars a medic in HQ Company, 2nd Battalion. Thank you all for your dedication and service to our country. You have made it what it is today and what many are fighting to keep. You have been a family to my grandfather while you served and throughout the years. If there are any memories of him you can pass on to me and my family I would be very grateful. Thank you.

Entry of Apr 21, 2004 at 16:20 [EST]
Name: Steve Kotulak
EMail: sbk@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My father, Method A. Kotulak, served with the 460th, Battery C. If anyone remembers him or has any photos, please contact me. Thank you.

Entry of Apr 25, 2004 at 14:51 [EST]
Unit: D CO, 313th MI BN, 82nd ABN DIV
EMail: aaron.c.dunn@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Spoke with Nicola Esposito of HQ CO, 3rd BN while attending the funeral of my grandmother. He is my grandfather's cousin. We compared experiences (his of Europe, mine of Iraq). Nice to find a relative who is a fellow paratrooper.

Entry of Apr 25, 2004 at 18:28 [EST]
Name: Orville E. Downey
Unit: HQ 1st 517th PRCT - Commo Pltn
EMail: oedondowney@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Joined 517th March 1943 - Discharge from 517th Oct 1944. It was a great outfit.

Entry of Apr 25, 2004 at 20:35 [EST]
Name: T. Scott Atkinson
Unit: Various Units, Air Force Communications Service (FEb 61 - May 67)
EMail: s.atkinson@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Private Erwin W. Scott Jr. was my uncle. I understand that he was in 2nd Battalion, D Company. I am interested in learning as much as possible about his war experience. I learned in March 2004 that he was interviewed by the Nimitz Museum to obtain his oral war history; I am expecting to receive a copy that I would be willing to share. He passed away on March 28th 2004 and many of the surviving family is interested to learn more about his WWII experiences. If you knew him or about him I would be interested in learning your information.

Entry of Apr 27, 2004 at 11:41 [EST]
Name: Diane Bush
EMail: ubooks@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Coy Bush served in the 101st Airborne, 517 PIR, Headquarters Company Am I in the right area? Thanks to all.

Entry of May 03, 2004 at 20:54 [EST]
Name: Tony Rubino
EMail: toneyr@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father Joseph M Rubino served with D Battery 460th (He died about 5 years ago). I thought I'd wish you guys all the best. And, yes I have my copy of "Paratroopers Odyssey" to pass on ton my son. May God never forget the sacrifices that those living and dead have made in defense of their country!

Entry of May 12, 2004 at 06:54 [EST]
Name: Kenton Floyd Immerfall
EMail: kfihome46@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Uncle, Floyd A. STOTT, was a Lt. in the 517th. He was K.I.A. near Manhay, 27 Dec 1944. I would like to get in touch with anyone who served with this BRAVE man that I am named after. The last correspondence from Floyd that was given to me by a now-deceased relative listed his unit as Co. "I", 3rd Bn, 517 P.I.R. Thank you, Kent

Entry of May 20, 2004 at 20:40 [EST]
Name: Vanessa Nizzardo
Unit: Robert W. Schumacher, Company B Sergeant 517th Paratroopers
EMail: vdasig@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hello, my name is Vanessa. My grandfather served in WWII company b 517th paratroopers. He attended most of the reunions until he passed in July of 1992. I was wondering if anyone knows him or just can contact me regarding your experiences with him. I found this website so interesting. I am trying to find info for my grandmother Jean Schumacher regarding Edmond Jordan, his dear friend.

Entry of May 21, 2004 at 07:16 [EST]
Name: Judith Eugene
Unit: Intelligence NCO 631
EMail: jhe_arch@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Like so many others, I am looking for the men who served with my Father. His name was Donald "Goon" Eugene, and he was a member of the Regimental Headquarters Company, Intelligence and Reconnaissance Unit NCO 631, under Captain Al Dearing. I live in the Washington DC area and would love to meet and reminisce with those who are coming to town for the WWII memorial ceremonies. Thank you for your service to our country.

Entry of May 22, 2004 at 22:33 [EST]
Name: Patrick Skelly
Unit: 9377 Ord Tech Unit, US Army Ballistic Missile Agency
EMail: patskelly@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I saw a reference to "Listner" at the top of this board in a 'Google' search. In 1947-1948 I was a cadet at the Cardinal Farley Military Academy, Rhinecliff NY, where a Maj John J Listner was Asst Cmdnt of Cadets. Is this the same officer? What's the latest news on him? - Pat Skelly, Military History Network

Entry of May 29, 2004 at 13:31 [EST]
Name: Dennis L Forrester
Unit: B Co 2nd S&T
EMail: veraf248@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I served in B co 2nd S&T det. to camp Edwards. As Motor Pool Mech. from 1977-1978 in korea

Entry of May 29, 2004 at 21:56 [EST]
Name: Neal McAfee Jr
EMail: mcafee@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My name is Neal McAfee. My Grandmothers Brother (my Great Uncle) was in the 517th. His name was Cleo Nelson Browning. He was Killed in action, I believe in February 1945 near Manhay. I'm starting to do some research about him. I always heard about him and I never really knew what happened. He is listed as "FOD" (finding of death) not "KIA". I'd like to know more about this. I would appreciate any information about him or to hear from anyone that knew him.

Entry of May 29, 2004 at 22:33 [EST]
Name: Josh Brooks
EMail: joshbrooks01@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am the grandson of Riley Graham Watts, better known as "Breezer" by his buddies, who served in the 517th, service company. My only account of his war experience has been through the wonderful scrapbook he left behind. A handful of the men in the Christmas roster from 1944 are in this scrapbook including, Tony Scaggs, one of his best buddies. This book also contains a publication by the 517th that gives the history of their campaign throughout Europe. In the back are the signatures and notes from many of the men he served with. I am sure that others have this same publication because it is also signed by his sergeant to the whole crew. I am trying to find out more about his company and friends during the war. Our discussions of the war were about the men he served with. I know that he considered these men his brothers. I am very proud that he served with the many fine men that make up the 517th. If you have any information about Graham Watts or any interesting history on the 517th please respond. God Bless, Joshua Riley Brooks

Entry of May 31, 2004 at 21:22 [EST]
Name: Johnny Ingram
EMail: rsq602@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My uncle, Arlton E. Bearden, was KIA in WW2. According to our records he died June 22, 1944 with the 517th PRCHT INF 13 ABN. On one of the web sites for this group lists him as a member of Co. I.  This is all the info I have , I am trying to piece together how he died. A story from a friend said he was killed in a drop by a machine gun, (his body looked like a flour sifter according to story) but I have read and found no drops on or around this date, esp. the 517th. My mom thought he was in the Normandy Invasion, but 517th wasn't there per history. Did anyone know Arlton Bearden or remember how he died? Or where? Could the date of his death be wrong? Thank you so much for this site and your part in WW2.

Entry of Jun 01, 2004 at 12:29 [EST]
Name: Joe Pettit
Unit: 121st NCB,att: 4th Marines(1944-46)
EMail: joepettit2003@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: To: Ben Barrett, "h" Co. Ben, My Bro-in Law (deceased), Sgt. Bernard Donohue, told me that he was one of the "originals"; he mentioned Cols. Zais & Graves. His shoulder patch was an Eagles Claw grasping a bolt of lightning. He was wounded in Italy (June "44", and again in So. France Aug "44" (Opr Dragoon). Thanks! Joe Pettit

Entry of Jun 02, 2004 at 21:20 [EST]
Name: Robert Dickson
Unit: USMC 1979-1995
EMail: rjdckson1@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My late father John B. Dickson (d. 23Mar1970) was a PFC in Co A of the 517th. He went by the name of "Jack Dickson" He was from Rochester, NY. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who might remember him or any remembrances they would like to share. Thank you Sincerely , Bob Dickson

Entry of Jun 02, 2004 at 21:57 [EST]
Name: Diane Mays Williams
Unit: HQ CO, 2ND BN, 517th PIR
EMail: diwill@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I'm proud and honored to make an entry to your guest book. I have recently learned that my father, Charlie Mays, served with the 82nd Airborne as a radio operator in the 517th. He was a replacement, arriving 30 Jan 45 just prior to the Schmidt minefield incident. He served through the fall of Germany and was heading to the Asiatic Theater when the war ended - I believe he returned stateside to New York on either the USS Oneida Victory or USS Madawaska Victory on 20 Aug 45. These two ships were deployed to the Asiatic Theater from Le Havre on 14 Aug 45, but orders were cancelled when the Japanese surrendered, so the ships brought the troops home to New York instead. Lacking points for a discharge, he reported to Ft. Bragg and was discharged 8 May 46. He was killed in an auto accident in 1970 at the age of 44. I am researching his military history and would be grateful to hear from anyone who served with him and remembers him. He was PFC Charles W. Mays from Shelbyville, Indiana. Thanks for the privilege to add my family's name to the guest book, and thanks to all of you who served and protected our nation in the 517th.

Entry of Jun 08, 2004 at 11:51 [EST]
Name: Anne Valliere
Unit: not me my uncle 42nd Division 11th Airborne of the 517th Army
EMail: alvalliere
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Looking for information on my Uncle Carroll Eckert from York, PA. I believe he was in tne the 517th Army(511 going overseas)- 11th Airborne - 42nd Division The dates he gave me that he jumped into Southern France were Aug. 6, 1944 and on Sept. 9, 1944 he was wounded and was in the Naples hospital and then shipped back to Brooklyn. He is still alive and lives in York, PA Thanks, alvalliere@ 802-479-2419

Entry of Jun 09, 2004 at 01:03 [EST]
Name: Martin Hunsicker
Unit: Company G 517th Parachute Infantry
EMail: hunsberry_farm@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am searching for anyone who knew my father (Martin Hunsicker) when he was in France in 1944-45. You can e-mail me at the above address.

Entry of Jun 16, 2004 at 13:59 [EST]
Name: Harry F. Moore
EMail: hmoore@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Would like more information about my "name-sake" Uncle. Harry F. Moore 460th PFA KIA August 16, 1944

Entry of Jun 18, 2004 at 01:51 [EST]
Name: Jim Shumate
Unit: 92nd Bomb Wing, SAC
EMail: zshuz@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm trying to find out if anyone has any info on my Uncle, Lt. John Shumate from Betheda/Chevy Chase, MD, who was a paratrooper with the 517th, serving in Italy and then north towards Germany. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim Shumate

Entry of Jun 20, 2004 at 15:30 [EST]
Name: Mel Dahlberg
Unit: F Company, 1st Platoon, 2nd Squad
EMail: melmaedahl@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I just got a computer installed and I immediately arranged to get hooked up to the outfit's website. I'll be looking to getting future updates on the mailcall list.

Entry of Jun 27, 2004 at 09:19 [EST]
Name: Blane Dolges
EMail: blanehawk@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Jimmy A. Dipko Staff Sergt. KIA June 24th 1944 E Co 2nd Battalion Jimmy was my cousin looking for any information. 1-800-433-1986 Ext 5955 or 440-546-5955. Thanks, Blane USNPS Ranger

Entry of Jul 02, 2004 at 20:36 [EST]
Name: Brian
EMail: bej7274@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hi, I am looking to interview 517th veterans about their experiences during WW2 for a book. If interested please contact me via email at BEJ7274@ Thank you.

Entry of Jul 03, 2004 at 07:54 [EST]
EMail: bbrou@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Is anyone going to be in le muy on aug. 15th for the celebration of the liberation? My dad was in 1st batallion, company A; Joseph (Joe) Broudy.

Entry of Jul 06, 2004 at 22:25 [EST]
Name: Lester R. King
Unit: 643 Tank Destroyer Battalion
EMail: lrking6@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: We were attached to the 82nd during the Battle of the Bulge. The two remaining guns of the 3rd Platoon, A Company provided rearguard duty for the evacuation of Manhay. We were the last to leave and had to fight our way through the German troops surrounding the village. I am proud to have been attached to such a grand outfit.

Entry of Jul 10, 2004 at 23:51 [EST]
Name: jered woody
EMail: baseball91383@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: my grandpa was a 517th member in the war his name was john l. woody

Entry of Jul 17, 2004 at 11:25 [EST]
Name: Calvin Siegal
Unit: F Co 290th Inf Regiment 75th Inf. Div.
EMail: Csiegal@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I was hit by 5 German machine gun bullets, Christmas afternoon, Dec. 25, taking the hill called La Roumiere. Didn't get to an evac hospital (in a barn) until mid night. It was cold and nasty. But I'm still here!

Entry of Jul 17, 2004 at 11:45 [EST]
Name: Robert Cohen
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I was just a 8 years old boy in Southern France. I met some veterans of the 517th, with my Jeep association in 1984 in Saint Raphael. I was présent at the 1993 Convention in Niagara Falls, Some veterans of the 517th becamed very dear friends for ever. Thanks again for coming! God Bless America!

Entry of Jul 21, 2004 at 12:55 [EST]
Name: Dave Isler
EMail: djisler@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I am seeking information from anyone who may have known my dad during the war. His name is Arthur R Isler. 460th Artillery Batt D.

Entry of Jul 25, 2004 at 11:19 [EST]
Name: SSG Michael S. Mullins
Unit: Grandfather Bernard (Moon) W. Mullins HQ Co 3rd BN?
EMail: michael.mullins3@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hello, My name is SSG Michael Mullins and I am a paratrooper currently serving in Afghanistan. I am researching my Grandfather's WWII experience. Unfortunately, before he passed away, he never talked to anyone about the war. I have since discovered he received 4 bronze stars and was a member of the 517th prct. I also believe he spent time in HQ Co 3rd BN. I am desperately seeking any leads or information from anyone that might have known him. His name is Bernard W. Mullins ( his nickname was Moon), and he was wounded Christmas night in 1944 at the Battle of the Bulge. I have his DD 214, but it is very vague. Any information or leads you might provide me would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at e-mail address: michael.mullins3@ Thank you.

Entry of Jul 27, 2004 at 18:41 [EST]
Name: George W. Kennedy
Unit: 517th 460th Artiliary "Dog Battery"
EMail: ridgway00@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Looking for lost buddies from the Dog Battery 460th. Please contact if you have any info about anyone that may have served with me. Thanks.

Entry of Jul 30, 2004 at 15:41 [EST]
Name: Ashley
EMail: BigBalla3969@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I was not in the army but I was wondering if anyone knows how much someone would pay for an antique WWII Battle of the Bulge jacket. This jacket was worn in Pattons Army in the Battle of the Bulge. Its a dark green army jacket. On the left sleeve by the cuff there is a black patch with 1 green line in it. There is another patch that's green with three yellow lines in it in the same spot. Up on the left shoulder of the sleeve there is a black patch with three green arrows. Above that there's a multicolored red and blue patch with the number 10 in yellow. Underneath the pocket on the left side there is 4 pins. The first pin is mostly red with 3 white stripes on each end. The second pin is mostly blue with white, black, and red stripes. The third pin is mostly red and at each end there is white, blue, yellow, and orange stripes. The fourth pin has 3 stars on it, it has brown on each end, and it has green, red, black, and white stripes on it with one blue stripe in the middle. Over the right pocket there is a diamond shaped patch with a gold eagle on it. On the right sleeve by the cuff there is a green patch with a wreath on it. If anyone can price this authentic jacket please email the address above. Thank You.

Entry of Aug 02, 2004 at 22:40 [EST]
Name: Thomas Thornton
EMail: tom@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My uncle, Andrew "Bud" Murphy, was KIA in Italy on June 18, 1944. I don't know much about Uncle Bud except that he was a good boxer, popular among friends, and has the distinction of being the first KIA of the 517th in WWII. I have named a son Andrew in his honor and would like to share some information with him about his great uncle as he gets older. If anyone can pass along any stories, photos, etc. about my uncle it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Tom Thornton

Entry of Aug 03, 2004 at 17:08 [EST]
Name: Connie Kallen
EMail: conjokal@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm the daughter of Private First Class John Kallen of the 517th, Headquarters Company 1st Battalion. If you knew my Dad or know of any stories about him I would love to hear them.

Entry of Aug 06, 2004 at 13:51 [EST]
Name: Joe Richardson, Jr.
EMail: richardsonlbi@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Recently posted a picture of my father, Joseph J. Richardson, who is listed in the December 1944 roster with D Battery of the 460th. Would appreciate anyone who knew our father to email. I do have some old photos of a machine gun section possibly 460th.

Entry of Aug 06, 2004 at 23:02 [EST]
Name: Susan Scherer Clark
Unit: WAC's and 633rd Spt Group USAR
EMail: seclark@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My father Technical Sergeant Roger B Scherer was in the 517th, Service Co 1. He has told some stories but of course, only the "good" things. This past year has been hard on his health and I would like to hear from anyone who may remember dad and have some stories or greetings to pass on to him.

Entry of Aug 13, 2004 at 19:54 [EST]
Name: joepettit
Unit: 92nd ncb,att 4th marine div
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Att: Ben Barrett; Ben, on 6/2 you advised me that you would contact Cecil Doty to see if he knew my late Bro-in-Law, Sgt Bernard Donohoe. Have you any news? Thank you ! Joe Pettit

Entry of Aug 15, 2004 at 23:45 [EST]
Name: Leanne Hostetter Voelkel
EMail: BLBD.Voelkel@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am looking for military information on my father, Ralph S. Hostetter, who is deceased. His discharge papers are the only source of my information. He was a technician third grade 517th Parachute Combat Team. He arrived in southern France on 11-9-44. The papers listed Northern France, Ardennes and the Rhineland as battles/campaigns he served in. The papers list him as a surgical tech 7861. National Archives in St. Louis has told me that records were destroyed in a fire in 1973. Would anyone know of him and or what he may done while in Europe. Thank you and may God bless all you veterans for you have served us well!

Entry of Aug 21, 2004 at 15:13 [EST]
Name: Charles
EMail: bronson451457@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Thank you all for protecting our freedom. I have a relative Henry Woehrer who was in H company and died in the Battle of the Bulge. If the site operators are interested I can scan some photo's of him at boot camp and send them to you. If anyone remembers him on this site, I would love to hear any stories you may have.

Entry of Aug 24, 2004 at 16:42 [EST]
Name: Carol Wellington
EMail: carolwell@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I found this page through MSN WebTV search. I am making a web page honoring my father, a Paratrooper Infantryman in the 517th PRCT. I am truly grateful for your web page for the education and information. I have added you to my credits. Thank you.

Entry of Aug 26, 2004 at 17:20 [EST]
Name: Kenneth Flore
EMail: bigdadamoose@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Trying to find information on my Uncle, Larry Stedman. He served in the 517th PRCT B-company 1943-45. Also would like to say Thank You to all who sacrificed for this great nation. God Bless you.

Entry of Aug 30, 2004 at 10:46 [EST]
Name: Forrest B. Wellman
Unit: 517th Prct Inf.
EMail: fbw1925@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I would like to give you my new mailing address: Forrest B. Wellman 5002 Eagle Perch Way, Greensboro, N.C. 27407 Thank you.

Entry of Sep 02, 2004 at 18:31 [EST]
Name: Calder,Joseph H.
Unit: H Company, Hqs 3rd, Service Company
EMail: joscalder@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Joined H Company about July 1943. Was with the 517 until it was deactivated. I was transferred to the 505th when the 517th was deactivated. Stayed with 505th until January 1947 when I transferred to CIC.

Entry of Sep 07, 2004 at 17:22 [EST]
Name: Marilyn Helmkay-Wass
EMail: marilyn.wass@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I am trying to find Bernard 'Lucky' Coyne, who married my aunt Sylvia Whetton whilst stationed in England in WW2, I believe they returned to Alaska, my aunt died in 1970, they had 4 children Peter, Terry, Buddie and Katie

Entry of Sep 15, 2004 at 15:32 [EST]
Name: A worried neice
Unit: none
EMail: aberrantzepher18@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I am looking for anyone who would have known Frank J Bowman. He was From Climax Scott Michigan and a golden dragon

Entry of Sep 18, 2004 at 21:08 [EST]
Name: Kathleen
EMail: overnormal@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: I am the daughter of a Navy mine-sweeper veteran of WWII. His name was Dale Anderson. HE WAS AN ELECTRICIAN ABOARD A WOODEN mine-sweeper. Much like the paratroopers his outfit went before the battleships clearing the harbors of deadly mines. I was born after the war, but am steadfast in my support of all veterans who put their lives on the line to protect my freedom. My hats off to ALL veterans. God bless all of you. Your valor creates my world. THANK YOU. Kathleen (Anderson) Norcutt Indianapolis, IN.

Entry of Sep 27, 2004 at 09:29 [EST]
Name: Carol Hartman Beisel
EMail: millennium1@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: For awhile now, I have been thinking about whose served with my father, George William Hartman. My father survived the D-Day Invasion and The Battle of the Bulge, but lost his battle with cancer in 1972. He was with Company B. If there is anyone who knew him, please email me, it would mean so much. I knew he received the Purple Heart, but just found our he also received the Silver Star and several Bronze Medals. I thank all of you who fought as well as died for our country's freedom. I am truly grateful.

Entry of Oct 02, 2004 at 12:19 [EST]
Name: Ken Ruland
Unit: 2/75 rgr, 2 USFAG
EMail: kennjenn@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Need information on Cpl. Frank W. Hayes, our school is attempting to acquire the reserve center in his name and wish to carry on his legacy. Plan memorial ceremony on opening and plaque for school, need any/all info. Thank you, All The Way

Entry of Oct 04, 2004 at 17:49 [EST]
Name: Joseph Bisch
Unit: B Co 2/8th Inf. 4th ID '86-'88
EMail: Jbis4@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: My mother found my grandfather's footlocker. Within it was a jump manifest from August 15th, 1944. On the top of the page, it says "RESTRICTED", HEADQUARTERS 1ST AIRBORNE TASK FORCE, APO 758 US ARMY, FLIGHT FORM. My grandfather's name was Joseph A. Largan, and at the time of this jump, he was a 1st Lt. The names listed on the manifest are as follows: PFC Dan G. Brogdan (MIA); CPL John A. Stewart (WIA); PFC Donald F. Fulton (WIA); PFC Doren G. Emerick (WIA); PVT Glenn L. Lambert (KIA, noted to have been killed by a sniper); CPL Charles A. Bell (WIA); PFC Robert W. Mullinax; PVT Bernard W. Mullins (WIA); PVT Cecil W. Embry; SGT. Nicola Esposito; PVT James P. Wagner; PVT Bradie E. Richie, Jr. (WIA); CPL Ivan J. Bezon; PVT Wister J. Moore; PFC Thomas J. McMahon; PVT Albert O. Boyer (WIA); and PFC Robert Craig. PVT Craig's name is written in pencil, and a handwritten notation indicates that my grandfather never saw him again after he was given last minute instructions on the plane. Time of the jump was 0430. Altitude of the jump was about 700 feet. The plane was typed as #12, then above this, it is written in "08". Then next to this is the number 43-100859. On the opposite page of the manifest are lists of towns they encountered, written in my grandfather's hand. Fighting is denoted by a checkmark next to the name of the town. The check marked towns are Les Arcs; Callian; LeMuy; St. Vallier; Grasse; LeBar; St. Cezare; Levens; L'Escarene; Touct (?) Lescare (?); Cot de Braus (?); Peira Cava; (can't read next one); Malmebry (?) and Roetgen.

Entry of Oct 07, 2004 at 21:30 [EST]
Name: Chris Skipper
EMail: c_k_skipper@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am searching for any info that anyone may have regarding my grandfather, John A. Skipper. He was a Pennsylvania native. My family did not really have any info., but I was able to find a copy of his discharge through our local veterans affairs. His discharge states that he was discharged from Co H, 517th Para Inf Regt, 13th A B Div. Any bit of info. that could shed light on the past would be invaluable and greatly appreciated.

Entry of Oct 10, 2004 at 14:28 [EST]
Name: N. Turner, Grandson of Col. John Lissner of F company
Unit: My grandpa was Col. John Lissner of F company
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Well, I just wanted to say that this site is really educational and interesting too. I think that it is worthy of the veterans of WWII. Keep up the very nice work.

Entry of Oct 24, 2004 at 19:24 [EST]
Name: Tony Rubino
EMail: toneyr@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I was wondering if anyone knew my father Joseph Rubino D Battery 460 PA while he served in Europe. I saw his name on the Christmas roster of 44. He died several years ago and I remember him talking about his unit. I would love to hear from someone who served with or remembers him. I can only imagine that he didn't say much since he was born in Italy and came back to Italy as an American G.I. I think your website is great! It lets a younger generation know the sacrifices that our fathers made so we could all enjoy the freedom we have today.

Entry of Oct 29, 2004 at 09:02 [EST]
Name: William Setzer
Unit: 5th Psyop BN Abn
EMail: harbourlyt@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Looking for my old command SGT Major, long retired, who was with the 5th Psyop BN Abn in Boeblingen, W. Germany in the early 70's. Sam Povich. Povich is a veteran with the 517th.

Entry of Oct 29, 2004 at 20:31 [EST]
Name: James Barrett SFC (retired)
Unit: Retired Military
EMail: kylar33@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I am the son of Rudy Cervantes and a recipient of "Mail Call" I have recently retired from Active Duty and have moved to Dunedin Florida and I am seeking any 517 members that are in this area and part of the DAV or VFW or American Legion or not... Would like to sit down with one of you "Heros" and chat and buy you a beer... Email me or give me a call @ Kylar33@ or phone @ 727-580-4770. Jim Barrett

Entry of Oct 31, 2004 at 21:35 [EST]
Name: Michele Makros Weitzel
EMail: iconart@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I stumbled across this web site while searching for info on Camp Grant, IL where my father, Michael Makros, began his WW II training with the 26th Training Battalion. He was Company A, the first group of medical replacement personnel trained. He received further training at Billings General Hospital. He wound up as a Tech 5 in the Medical Corp and was assigned as Ships Compliment on the Marine Wolf. The Marine Wolf did many shuttles between LeHavre and Southampton as well as Algiers. I am currently looking for anyone who may have been transported on the Marine Wolf. Also, I am looking for any pictures, affiliated stories etc. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Also, thank you for keeping this part of our history alive. Sincerely, Michele

Entry of Nov 01, 2004 at 14:48 [EST]
Name: Jerry Gomes
Unit: 101st Vietnam
EMail: azores@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hello to all! WWII Airborne Demo team of Oklahoma would like to meet you all. Does Jesse Darden know about the team?

Entry of Nov 06, 2004 at 19:35 [EST]
Name: Charles Taliaferro
Unit: USA 3/26
EMail: ctaliaferro@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Attention military veterans . . . having problems getting your veteran's benefits? Check out the Kitchen Table Gang's website at It's a great resource, with loads of new helpful information and might be able to give you direction towards the right answers you have been searching for.

Entry of Nov 08, 2004 at 22:06 [EST]
Name: Ronald J. Rock
Unit: 517th Co C
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Looking for anyone who would know where I can contact Paul Yukovich 517th Co C

Entry of Nov 10, 2004 at 12:43 [EST]
Name: E.Royden Clarke
Unit: USAF
EMail: eclarke@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Am writing WW11 histories of Veterans from the County of Hyde, in North Carolina. Does anyone in the 517th remember "John M Hardison" from North Carolina, ammunition handler. His discharge shows he was with the 515th, combat experience reflects that of the 517th, somebody help me out---- Thanks, ERC.

Entry of Nov 13, 2004 at 10:01 [EST]
Name: Dennis Petine
EMail: dpetine@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: We are looking for anyone who may have know my father-in-law who was in the 517th - 82nd Airborne - His name was James Guancione from New Jersey - He served in WWII in Italy and France God Bless all of you Veterans Dennis & Maria Petine

Entry of Nov 13, 2004 at 20:36 [EST]
Name: Jeffrey T. Van Ness
EMail: jeffrey.vanness@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am looking for "any" info on my grandfather, Joseph F. Van Ness B/1/517. He was killed on 31 August 1944 and is buried at Rhone. Details have been sketchy over the years, well, really non-existent. He was killed 11 days after his only son, my dad, was born. I had always heard he was killed in a jeep accident. I saw an entry in the 517 history of a jeep accident in late Aug '44 that killed 3. I am stationed at Benning currently and went to the new 17th ABN DIV memorial. His name was not listed. I have a few photos of him with a 17th ABN patch. It struck me kinda weird. His mother has long since passed and his wife, my grandmother, doesn't really want to talk about any of it. Likewise, my dad never knew much about his father. I would appreciate any and all info someone could tell me. I appreciate your sacrifices. JV+

Entry of Nov 14, 2004 at 16:11 [EST]
Name: Kirk Freeman
EMail: freeiowa@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Greetings and Salutations, I am looking for any information/stories on Pvt. Ray Wockenfuss (I Company) from men who served with him. His health and spirits are failing and I thought some trips down memory lane might cheer him up, as stories from his days in the service always seem to do so.

Entry of Nov 15, 2004 at 00:41 [EST]
EMail: bflittlefield@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Does anyone know of the reception at Manhay, and the exhibition in DECEMBER 2004 (Dec. 15-24,2004)? My father, Don Fraser, received a letter from DAHIN Jean Francois. He spoke of the exhibition. Is anyone going to it? Dad would like to go, but we need to know whether it is just an exhibit or a celebration with festivities. Please let us know any thing about it ASAP. Thanks for your help. Bonnie Fraser Littlefield

Entry of Nov 15, 2004 at 20:54 [EST]
Name: Robby Scruggs
EMail: burtscr@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father Raymond Scruggs passed away in 1994. He did not talk often about his role in WWII but to say he served his country. He and my Mom tried to attend as many reunions as possible before he passed, I do have bits and pieces and have found some mentions on him. My Mom is still alive (76) and was very proud of him, as we all were but she also doesn't mention a lot of what he did except for relative items. Any additional info on my Dad would be greatly appreciated. We still miss him and are very proud of his accomplishments. I wish I was half the man he was..... Thank You Robert Scruggs

Entry of Nov 19, 2004 at 06:21 [EST]
Name: steve
EMail: tennesseeridge2000@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: My dad was in the 101st airborne division during the Normandy invasion. Back then they had a book they gave them like an school annual. Had pictures of the men in that division etc. Does anyone know if they reprinted these and where I could get one? Thanks my email is posted.

Entry of Nov 19, 2004 at 16:34 [EST]
Name: Bill Gearon
EMail: ebgearon@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Uncle, Lt. Raymond D. Gearon, a member of your unit, Co. I, passed away yesterday after a short illness at age 88.

Entry of Nov 20, 2004 at 04:26 [EST]
Name: Leti Baar
EMail: lbaar@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Am interested in hearing from anyone who remembers my Uncle Fred Zavattero and his exploits during training and the war. Through diligent searching I find he served in the 596th PCEC. Thanks - Leti

Entry of Nov 25, 2004 at 17:55 [EST]
Name: Robert Garcin
EMail: ragarcin@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Happy Thanksgiving. Sitting with my father, 79 year old Thomas E. Garcin. You will find him listed as a private in Company B, 517th. He never talks about it, but their story has been told over and over. These guys are the real deal! Check it out, a book has been written about them: the Battling Buzzards... I'm honored to be with my dad and to honor all the men who served in these units!!! Please respond if you read this!

Entry of Nov 26, 2004 at 16:12 [EST]
Name: Stephanie Ledgin
EMail: ledgin@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: While doing a general search on my last name, your site came up with photos of one Jimmy Ledgin. If anyone knows/knew him, please contact me directly as I would like to know if we are related as I am told "all" Ledgin's are related and he is unknown to me. Thanks. (email ledgin@

Entry of Nov 28, 2004 at 14:20 [EST]
Name: Janis Higginbotham
Unit: dad is Kenneth "Hal" Higginbotham
EMail: janisbru@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hi, My dad is Kenneth "Hal Higginbotham" and I am enjoying reading the couple of comments about him and the company Christmas picture of '44. Dad is doing well. I'll be happy to relay info to him. He does not like computers or Internet unfortunately. He's still sharp, honest and brave as ever. I'm VERY proud of him. Janis

Entry of Nov 28, 2004 at 15:27 [EST]
Name: Janis Higginbotham (Hal's daughter)
EMail: janisbru@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father, Hal Higginbotham, said he was part of a parachute team that did a victory jump into Berlin at end of war with all the dignitaries from countries there. Anyone had any luck researching film archives? I'll bet this item was on a reel shown in movies. Thanks. Janis

Entry of Dec 01, 2004 at 04:08 [EST]
Name: Michel Quiles
Unit: France
EMail: michel.quiles@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Mr President, Dear friends, The veterans present in Le Muy on August 15/16, 2004 during the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Provence landing this day will remember me to have kindly requested to them to sign stars of our 60-year-old American flag, thus with only 48 stars. I had already had signed the first 24 stars by the veterans who liberated the 1st village of NORMANDY "Ste Mère Eglise". I had reserved to the 24 following stars with you the liberators of the 1st village of PROVENCE "LA MOTTE". Not having been able to meet you in this village, it is in Le MUY, that I finally could find you "the GI S of the 517th, 596th, 460th, 551th, 550th. Unfortunately I was able to get only 12 signatures, thus it remains for me 12 stars to get signed. I plan a trip to the United States to attend a yearly meeting. In order to complete my mission. I am looking for someone to help me. The meeting is planned on April 10/16, 2004 in Palm Spring (CA)or on August 15/19, 2004 in Savannah (GA). I will plan my strip accordingly after I get in touch with my future contact. Thank you so much. A Grateful Frenchman. Michel Quiles (South of france) PS: You can see my photos reportage on this site column: Reunion Info photos/ "LE MUY 60th photos from Michel Quiles (part-1/part-2) E mail: michel.quiles@ Regards to (517th) Mrs Gene Frice, Merle Mc Morrow, Leo dean, Lud. Gibbons, All. Jonhson, jesse Davis, Jim Bain. (550th) Franklin paravitch. (551th)Doug Dillard, Joe Ciccinelli, Richard Field, Thomas Foran. French resistant Aimé Léocard.

Entry of Dec 01, 2004 at 20:07 [EST]
Name: jered woody
EMail: jered454@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: yes my name is jered woody im the grandson of john woody the E company machine gunner who played poker and football. if you guys can get a hold of me please give me some photos or info on him my family and my grandma would like that. he died just recently by lou gehrig's disease and i need to know some stuff about him.

Entry of Dec 03, 2004 at 09:35 [EST]
Name: Christine Fox
Unit: No, a friend was a member of the 517th
EMail: cmfox@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm trying to put together a "memory" book about the 517th for a "great" friend. The book will be a Christmas gift and I was wondering if anyone could help by giving me tips on how to find patches, articles or anything else that might make the book an exceptional gift.

Entry of Dec 05, 2004 at 19:27 [EST]
Name: Andrus, Thomas D.
Unit: Co E 5th SFG (ABN) APO SF 96240
EMail: tombon@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: trying to fill gaps for a WWII TROOPER

Entry of Dec 09, 2004 at 08:42 [EST]
Name: Harris Johnson
Unit: USAF Korean War Period
EMail: harrisjohnson@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My wife, daughter of PFC Lawrence P Shipp a member of the 517th Service Company Italy, WIA 28 June 44, through France, 1944 Christmas Roster, Belgium and Germany, is interested in hearing from anyone who knew him during that period. Thanks. Harris Johnson

Entry of Dec 16, 2004 at 00:51 [EST]
Name: Andrus, Thomas D.
Unit: 5th SFG (abn) , RVN 1965-66
EMail: tombon@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Am sec/treas of Black Bear Chapter of the 82nd Abn Div Assn. Just grabbing info for chapter member. ABN, ABN!

Entry of Dec 20, 2004 at 10:29 [EST]
Name: Dennis L. Forrester
Unit: B co 2 S&T
EMail: veraf248@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I served in Korea in B co 2 S&T company in 1977-1978

Entry of Dec 23, 2004 at 02:23 [EST]
Name: Cynthia Craig and Larry Simon
Unit: Father in law, James R. Simon, C company
EMail: craig@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My husband's father, James Simon, Company C, died when my husband was a baby. We have his citation for the bronze star during the Battle of the Bulge and some of his letters home, but my husband has always wanted to know more about his father. We would love to hear from anyone who remembers him.

Entry of Dec 31, 2004 at 10:56 [EST]
Name: tim hughes
EMail: rhughes4@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am the grandson of SSGT. Edmund Powless, I Company.  My grandfather has 5 daughters, 7 grandkids, and a handful of great grandkids. He's retired from a lifetime at the huron cement co. Now he serves as the deacon at Holy Apostles church in Oneida, WI.  Anyone with any info about him would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to find out everything I can about this heroic unit so I can pass down the info to my family. Your bravery and sacrifice will never be taken for granted, thank you all.

Entry of Jan 06, 2005 at 23:41 [EST]
Name: Andrew M.Carrillo
EMail: drewcarrillo@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My Great Grandfather was in the 517 PRCT/H comp.

Entry of Jan 07, 2005 at 23:57 [EST]
Name: janice desso
Unit: company H
EMail: janbridge1@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Thank you for the Thunderbolt fall issue, which i have read while visiting my mother Cass Desso -- great articles, and allows for thoughts and memories of my Dad, Paul Desso Thanks

Entry of Jan 10, 2005 at 00:16 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th

Entry of Jan 10, 2005 at 08:23 [EST]
Name: Steve Mrozek
Unit: Co.F,425 INF (LRS)
EMail: steven.mrozek@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: Over the last 20 plus years, I have served as the National Historian for the 82d Airborne Division Association. Several years ago I came across some items that once belonged to PVT Arthur L. Markle. I believe he was a member of 3rd Battalion's Co. I. I also believed he was a Pathfinder in the Southern France operation. He also was awarded a Silver Star and a Bronze Star. I would like to hear from anyone who knew him. Thank you!

Entry of Jan 14, 2005 at 00:47 [EST]
Unit: army
EMail: seckart1@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: I am the brother of William J Eckart kia Dec 27 1944 in Manhay. I have talked to Fred Beyer and Jack Castiglione.  They were good friends.  (Sorry to hear of Jack's passing I read on mail call)  I also want to notify of my new email address it is seckart1@   Had a great talk with Howard Hensleigh at the FL reunion last year. I won't make it this year, but hope to be in Savannah.  God bless all the men of the 517th AL

Entry of Jan 18, 2005 at 02:27 [EST]
Name: Jared Kamrowski
Unit: 517th PIR Service Company
EMail: jarhead085@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hello I'm a freshman at the University of North Dakota and my grandfather Harold G. Kamrowski was a member of the 517th PIR Service Company as of the records of Christmas 1944. I am very interested in his past but my grandmother is getting older and she doesn't remember much and none of my relatives know much about what my grandfather did during the war. I'm just starting to figure out where and what he did. If you have any information about the Service Company, or any information on my grandfather himself it would be great to hear from you!!

Entry of Jan 18, 2005 at 22:13 [EST]
Name: ellen smith
EMail: ellen@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm looking for information regarding my father, 1st Lt Reed Terrell. He was part of the 517 Parachute Infantry. I believe he may have been in I company from some of the things I have read on this Website. My father died in 1966 when I was 3 and I have no memory of him. any stories that you can provide from his days in WWII would be very much appreciated. Sincerely, Ellen Terrell-Smith

Entry of Jan 21, 2005 at 02:24 [EST]
Name: Angela Renoux
Unit: my uncle -10th Division
EMail: mackymoo@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: looking for information On Captain George A. Renoux from 10th Division was in the 54th Armored Infantry Battalion served under Colonel James O'Hara. any information would be helpful. thank you

Entry of Jan 26, 2005 at 13:13 [EST]
Name: William Turley
EMail: wturley@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: This is an inquiry on behalf of the Musée de la Libération de la Provence, which I visited a couple of weeks ago in Lançon, France. The Museum is still under development, and its focus is on the recovery and restoration of military objects from WWII. Alfred Degioanni, the curator, is very keen on obtaining the cooperation of veterans of all armies that sought in southern France. The 517th Parachute Infantry is one of two U.S. units (the other is the 509th) that M. Degioanni so far has been unable to document. He would like very much to contact veterans who fought in his locale. Can anyone on this list help?

Entry of Feb 01, 2005 at 06:27 [EST]
Name: Frank van Lunteren
Unit: No
EMail: macfrank517@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I am a Dutch history student, interested in the airborne operations in the ETO during WWII. I am working on a book about F Company of the 517th PIR. I would like to get in touch with former members of F Company.

Entry of Feb 12, 2005 at 19:15 [EST]
Name: Morris McDowell
Unit: 30th Armored Div TN. National Guard
EMail: garandaddy@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My Cousin was a member of 'H' Company 517, K.I.A. Jan, 5, 1945 Bergeval, Belgium. I enjoy the individual stores of how the individual soldier dealt with the rigors of war. Keep the stories coming.

Entry of Feb 26, 2005 at 11:20 [EST]
Name: John Ecklund
EMail: John.Ecklund@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am the great nephew of Harold C. Daniels, who is buried in Henri-Chapelle. My Grandma talks of you a lot. Wish I could've known you. Thank you so much for your sacrifice. Love always. John Ecklund and Family (grandson of of your sister Delores)

Entry of Mar 13, 2005 at 21:43 [EST]
Name: Bucky Simmons
EMail: bucky@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: We hope everyone will attend the 2005 Camp Toccoa Reunion. This years events will be the second weekend of Oct. Camp Toccoa Thanks ! Bucky Simmons VP Toccoa Historical Society. Toccoa Ga. 30577

Entry of Mar 16, 2005 at 11:06 [EST]
Name: Richard L. Anderson
EMail: rla8@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I am leaving today to visit Europe. It is my first visit and I am very excited due to my interest in World War II. I have had the honor of talking at length with one of your members, Andrew P. Lubic, and I plan to see some of the places he fought along with his fellow soldiers in the 517th. It will be an honor to see those sacred grounds. Thank you for what you did for our Country.

Entry of Mar 28, 2005 at 12:12 [EST]
Name: scott hosier
EMail: HosierWarRoom@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am trying to find information about Ray "Pop" Boyce and William (Bill) Frieze of HQ Company, 2nd Battalion, 517th PIR. I am a high school history teacher that has found a scrapbook of Ray's that contains WWII pictures, etc. I would like to find more about these men, so I can preserve their memory. Thanks Scott Hosier

Entry of Apr 01, 2005 at 18:30 [EST]
Name: Jameson Walls
EMail: punk345hel@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I am the great grandson of J.B. Walton. I am trying to find all the information possible about him and the things he did in the war. I am proud of what he did and to be his grandson.

Entry of Apr 07, 2005 at 00:04 [EST]
Name: Bud Kinder Jr.
EMail: bud@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Hello, I was just wondering if anyone remembers any stories about Howard Kinder a.k.a. Bud Kinder from the 517th F company. I am his oldest son, and I really don't know that much about his history. The only friend that I know my dad had in the service was Ray Cole. If anyone has stories please post them. Thanks, Bud Kinder Jr.

Entry of Apr 08, 2005 at 01:56 [EST]
Name: charlie york
Unit: Career FF/paramedic
EMail: andyork@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: I met this individual while shopping at a Costco store in Salem, Oregon April 6, 2005. My 3 y.o. son and I noticed this spry man wearing a white 517th hat with wings attached. I didn't get his name, just that he was getting ready for a 517th reunion. You mentioned how great it is to be a dad... well you were right. It is great to be a dad (a boy and two girls).  They along with my wife are my life. Thanks to you we are able to raise these children, without oppression. I wish I had time to hear your story because time was so short, You had an impact on me and I couldn't even imagine what you have endured. It was an honor just to pat you on the back. Thank you to you and all of your brothers in arms.

Entry of Apr 11, 2005 at 08:25 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: unknown

Entry of Apr 11, 2005 at 09:37 [EST]
Name: Charles "Whitey" Hillsdale
Unit: 517th PRCT
EMail: scott@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: It is with sadness I report the passing of Lt.Col. Charles "Whitey" Hillsdale. He passed away on March 31 in West Palm Beach, FL. Military burial will be held at 0845 on May 18 at Arlington National Cemetery. Anyone wishing to forward comments and tributes to Whitey please call his daughter, Carol, at 561.805.7799 or email me, Scott Williams (son-in-law), at scott@ Thank You,  Scott Williams

Entry of Apr 12, 2005 at 22:31 [EST]
Unit: 67th Inf. HHC 173d Airborne Bde. [SEP.]
EMail: bkranyak@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm Commander of DAV Chapter 88 Aston Pa. While conducting our annual " Forget-Me -Not" drive I was talking with an old neighbor.  He asked how to find out about his deceased brothers unit.  Although I served in Viet Nam in 66-67, we can't forget the men that went before us. I was a point man in Nam, now I'm the first here.  We need stories from our men that are walking pieces of History.  Come on follow Me---- BILL KRANYAK Commander / Certified Service Officer DAV Chapter 88 Aston, Pa.

Entry of Apr 19, 2005 at 16:15 [EST]
Name: Mary Adair
Unit: 517th PRCT/HQ/ 3
EMail: ciphergrapho@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My uncle was in this unit, his name was Thomas F. Paturzo. He was from NYC, a tall Italian kid. Did anyone know him? He died somewhere around, Ardennes/Alsace, I think he died of wounds in Feb either 1944-45

Entry of Apr 21, 2005 at 21:45 [EST]
Name: J. Donald Brubaker
EMail: dcjjjbru@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I have very little information regarding my father who was in the 517th. Charles E. Brubaker. His brother, my namesake, J. Donald Brubaker was also in Airborne but probably not the 517th. The 517 documentation shows a Charles "P." Brubaker who was awarded a silver star. It may be possible that my father's middle initial "E" was mis-typed since it would be quite the coincidence of two people with almost identical names in the 517th.

He passed in January 1990. Any information regarding his service would be appreciated.

Entry of Apr 28, 2005 at 08:57 [EST]
Name: Ken Ruland
Unit: 1/10 Inf 4ID
EMail: kruland@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Gentlemen I salute each and every one of you, and I ask for your help. My daughters school has taken possession of the Cpl. Frank W Hayes Army Reserve Center and wishes to honor this great American by keeping his name alive on the school. Unfortunately we have little information on him. His family that remains are not in any condition to offer assistance so I beg for any information available on him. Thank you in advance and "All The Way"

Entry of Apr 29, 2005 at 20:51 [EST]
Name: ACLS
EMail: acls15@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Greetings! I enjoyed looking through your website. For The safest Air Medical Transportation, take a look at our site and feel free to contact us! The address is

Entry of Apr 30, 2005 at 16:25 [EST]
Name: John Burke
Unit: 121st NCB
EMail: seabee121usa@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Would like to hear from anyone who served in the 121st NCB 1943-1945

Entry of May 03, 2005 at 16:10 [EST]
Name: Terry (Birder) Caseu
EMail: casey@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Over the past year, I have been attempting to gather information about my brother, Captain James Patrick Birder. He served as CO with Company I and was killed in action in Bergstein, Germany on Feb. 7, 1945. I wish to put this information together into some visual/written form to pass on to Jim's nieces and nephews so that his memory will be kept alive among the younger members of our family. Several troopers have graciously sent me their recollections already but before I close my research I still would appreciate info or stories about Jim that troopers may remember.

Entry of May 05, 2005 at 08:30 [EST]
How I found the 517th page: unknown

Entry of May 06, 2005 at 11:47 [EST]
Name: Jay Sutcliffe
EMail: jay.j.sutcliffe
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: My father James Sutcliffe was in H company, and although he was extremely proud of the 517, he rarely mention his experiences with the troopers. He past away three years ago and I think of him often. Only during his last few months did he share some of his experiences, and for the first time I could sense his pride of being apart of something as extraordinary as the PRCT. I had asked my mom the combat team he was assigned to and she thought it might be the 517, only because this was his lucky number that he played. This might give an indication as to how much we new, and the amount he shared with us. Doing a search I found your website. I wish my father was alive to see this. I had no idea of the experiences that the brave men of the 517 endured. I was familiar with the Battle of the Bulge through high school history classes, but again I had no idea what was accomplished and the amount of bravery that was put forward by the men who fought this battle. I’ve always been extremely proud of my dad but after reading through the website (I think I’ve read the entire site at this point) it only adds to the admiration. Thanks so much to the people who have put their time into this site, so that the excitement, gallantry, heroics, and patriotism that the paratroopers put out can be view by many, and captured for posterity. My father was buried with his most prized possession, his paratrooper bracelet. I wish I would have kept it, my sister has his purple heart, I saw it for the first time after he had passed away. Thanks to all of the brave men of 517 and God bless you. One Proud Son Jay Sutcliffe

Entry of May 07, 2005 at 11:08 [EST]
Name: Ben Barrett
EMail: ben517@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: Jay Sutcliffe, please send me your complete email address.

Entry of May 08, 2005 at 19:06 [EST]
Name: Jay Sutcliffe (son)
EMail: jay.j.sutcliffe@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I did not enter my entire e-mail address, sorry.

Entry of May 24, 2005 at 22:29 [EST]
George Ross
Son of George Ross...F company
How I found the 517th page:
Stopped in to find out about up coming events

Entry of May 28, 2005 at 07:09 [EST]
Name: Bob Dickson
Unit: Son of 517th veteran
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hi, I am looking to contact men who might have served with my father John B. (Jack) Dickson. He was in the A-company and served with the 517th from Nov 1944 until his discharge. He was wounded on 25 Dec 44 near Soy. I also wished to contact his company commander Don Fraser. I have posted photographs of Jack Dickson on the website. Although my father has long passed on (1970), he was very proud of his service with the 517th. From a grateful nation, Thank you all for your service. Sincerely, Bob Dickson (585) 621-5851 rjdckson1@

Entry of May 30, 2005 at 22:05 [EST]
Name: robert a. scalesi
EMail: scalesi6@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm trying to find any information, a picture or any thing on my dad. His name was anthony j. scalesi.  He was with the 85th division, and was killed in action on may 14th 1944.  Any kind of information would be appreciated thank you. his son robert scalesi

Entry of Jun 04, 2005 at 18:59 [EST]
Name: Jeff wilhoit
Unit: Hospital Corpsman USN 69-73
EMail: sjwilhoit@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My dad was in the 517th. His name was Sgt William (Bill or Willy) E. Wilhoit. He was inducted at Ft. Benjamin Harrison Ind. Mar 3 43. I have a small blue card with the heading of "BATTLING BUZZARDS" of the 517th Parachute Combat Team. It states that he served in the European Theater from 5/44 to 3/45 Co. "A". Anyone remember him? He was wounded in Bergstein Germany 2/8/45. He was from Rochester, IN. He passed away in Mar.'90. Would love to hear from you. Please contact me at sjwilhoit@ Thank You, Jeff Wilhoit Lafayette, Indiana

Entry of Jun 05, 2005 at 13:30 [EST]
Name: Dennis M. Sura
EMail: denny.sura@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was Michael A. Sura who was a member of the 517th in Europe during WWII. He survivied but died in 1982 while still living in Chicago. I remember many of his stories and his friends (spelling), Seeburger from NY, Monkhouse from Detroit, Huggler from SC, and a fellow from Alpena, MI. If anyone remembers my father or any of these other troopers I would like to hear from you. Dennis Sura

Entry of Jun 05, 2005 at 15:24 [EST]
Name: david skovera
Unit: n/a
EMail: davskov@
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: my grandfather (matt skovera) and great uncle (paul skovera) were both in the 517. i know for sure my grandfather was in the 3rd battalion. if anyone could share some info. about them during these times i'd greatly appreciate it. thank you. dave skovera

Entry of Jun 06, 2005 at 13:51 [EST]
Name: Dennis M Sura
Unit: 517 PRCT Company H
EMail: denny.sura@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father was Corporal Michael A. Sura. I would like to know of some men that served with Dad. He mentioned names like Dick Huggler, Fred Harmon, Manfred Seeburger, and George Monkhouse. Dad died in November of 1982 but left us a lot to be proud. He was wounded three times and the last in believe in that huge minefield near the end of the war.

Entry of Jun 07, 2005 at 13:34 [EST]
Name: Michael D. Coy
Unit: Many 101st Vietnam, 78th Trans Germany, Berlin Brigade, 52nd MP Company Ft SAm Houston, TX etc
EMail: mdkoi@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Just dropped in to say high and I wish I had more time. Library just gives us 1 hr to do our thing. Got to find results on my retirement from the military. Fighting this retirement since 1989. God Bless have a great Father's Day.

Entry of Jun 09, 2005 at 11:13 [EST]
Name: John Dempster
EMail: jdempster@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Really great to read about the unit that my uncle, Willis A. Woodcock, was in during WWII and the events that led to his death in Sept/44 at the age of 19.

Entry of Jun 16, 2005 at 20:26 [EST]
Name: Jo
EMail: Devaney@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hi Everyone, My Uncle, Patrick Leroy Michaels was in the 596th Engineer Company, 517 Parachute Regiment. Unfortunately he was killed at 19 so I really don't have a lot of information to go on. The story goes he was killed in an automobile crash. If anyone can supply me with information I would appreciate it very much. Thank you all for your dedicated service to our country. Sincerely, Jo

Entry of Jun 17, 2005 at 20:02 [EST]
Name: Jo
EMail: Devaney@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Hello, I'm looking for any information on my uncle, Patrick Michaels. He was with the 596th Engineer Company, 517th Parachute Regiment. The only information we have is that he died in a automobile accident when he was 19. I would appreciate any information that comes my way. Sincerely and thanks so all the solders for your dedication and sacrifice to our country. Jo.

Entry of Jun 21, 2005 at 18:42 [EST]
Name: Jeff Moats
EMail: jmoats@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Looking for anyone with information or who knew my father PFC James Paul Moats Co.G. Still receiving the Thunderbolt.  Keep up the good work.

Entry of Jun 22, 2005 at 19:16 [EST]
Name: Gail Rothmann
EMail: gailymr@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Thank you Jim Mortensen for introducing me to this site. I will be busy for days! I love reading about our heroes. My boyfriend Mark Ryan was in the military, as many of our family members and friends were. Thank you for my freedom.

Entry of Jun 27, 2005 at 12:01 [EST]
Name: Terri Webb Price
EMail: tlprice70@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My dad, Bob Webb, was in the 506th and knew a Jim Mackenzie, who trained with him at Camp Toccoa, but then was transferred to the 517th as a cadre to train others. He came to see my Mom and Dad when they were visiting Mom's mother in Charlotte, N.C. I remember the visit. My Mom's name is Muriel Munn Webb. If anyone has any info on him I'd appreciate it. Mom looked at a picture of a "James Mackenzie" outside of Rome, but she said that was not the Jim she knew. Thanks for any info. Terri Price, proud daughter of Bob &n Muriel Webb. "Airborne!" I just visited the Memorial at the site of Camp Toccoa and "drove" up Currahee Mt. Awe inspiring!

Entry of Jul 01, 2005 at 01:34 [EST]
Name: Ray Nickerson
Unit: Co.d,188PIR 11th Airborne Div
EMail: rama6712@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My brother Bill was with 517th Parachute Inf. combat team as a medic.  Jumped into Southern France Aug 15th, entered the town of Les Arcs, had to hide out in the cellar while the French fought the Germans.  They didn't want him involved.  He was with the 513th in the states and worked for the army camp new paper "The Lucky 13".  I was with the 11th Airborne Div. in Japan and my CO was Capt. Ralph Kennis, He was a Pathfinder with the 517th in the jump Aug 15th. Both he and my brother have passed away in the last few years. Good men.

Entry of Jul 03, 2005 at 14:34 [EST]
Name: Jered Woody
Unit: I'm 14
EMail: jered454@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: ok no one probably knows me but I'm the grandson of John L. Woody. I'm 14 years old and I live in Oklahoma and my grandpa just past away about two years ago.  He told me some interesting stories about him losing his helmet and him getting lost and he had to walk all of that country to find his friends. Well I hope you enjoyed this comment and I really want to get in touch with some other veterans.


Entry of Jul 12, 2005 at 11:37 [EST]
Name: LTC Wiliam B. Wyatt
Unit: Multiple
EMail: wwyatt7@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: Son Of LTC Willard S. (Bud) Wyatt (Ret) Last duty assignment: Serving as the an operations action officer for the United States Army Material Command (HQ-AMC) for the Emergency Operations Center for G3 Plans. [Edited for length - BB]

Entry of Jul 13, 2005 at 11:59 [EST]
Name: Diane Haverin
Unit: n/a
EMail: dhaverin@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Mr. Barrett, I have written before and got some advice from you all on how to replace my Dads medals (which were stolen). I was even sent a 517th patch from you all a few years ago. My dad was Pvt. William M. Branch, 517th Co. B. He was wounded on June 18th, 1944 at Grosetto. Recently I was looking at all the photos and saw some photos sent in by Lisa Ferraiolo. She had several photos with my father in them. Is there anyway I could arrange to get copies of some of them? I of course would be more than happy to pay for them or send a check to help defray costs for the upcoming reunion. Actually, I would love to come to the reunion, but that is probably not possible. I do not have any photos of my father from that era. Let me know, Sincerely, Diane Haverin

Entry of Jul 13, 2005 at 23:08 [EST]
Name: Michelle Sarver
EMail: m_sarver@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My uncle, Sergeant Andrew Murphy, was the first killed in Grosetto, Italy on June 18, 1944. Anyone who remembers Andrew ("Andy" or "Bud") and can share any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Entry of Jul 23, 2005 at 07:50 [EST]
Name: Kathy Jamieson
EMail: katjamieson@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: In Reminisce Extra (August 2005) there is a letter from a Stewart Steele who was a member of the 517th Airborne Combat Team. He is looking for a Blue Book magazine article from December 1947 or January 1948 about the history of that combat team. Can anyone help me find that for him? Thanks

Entry of Jul 26, 2005 at 23:37 [EST]
Name: Joe Berish
Unit: 1st COSCOM
EMail: joseph.berish@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My Grandfather was Lester Murphy Co. F, He recently passed, I would like to hear any information anyone has on him. Being in the military myself, I would like to know more about him and his service, Thanks--

Entry of Aug 13, 2005 at 19:12 [EST]
Name: John Lucero
EMail: starmanjl@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am looking for anyone from E Company that would remember my dad, Hob Lucero

Entry of Aug 21, 2005 at 17:03 [EST]
Name: Bucky Simmons
EMail: bucky@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: The Toccoa/Stephens County Historical Society would like to invite you to attend our third annual Camp Toccoa Reunion and Reenactments. Camp Toccoa now made famous by "Band of Brothers" and "Saving Private Ryan" was the birthplace of the 501st, 506th, 511th, and 517th Parachute Infantry Regiments. We will have Veterans, or their families, from all four regiments attend along with Veterans of all conflicts since WWII. The 506th and 501st Vietnam - present day will also have men attend, as well as 101st, 82nd, Rangers, and most other units of the U.S. Army.

This year we are expanding the focus for our reunion and reenactments to include all WWII units. Allied, and Axis. We are having great response throughout the U.S. and Europe. There will be onsite camping and display areas for reenactment groups. Every group that attends are invited to take part in the battles. We will have several hundred re-enactors take part along with several different military vehicle associations.

There will also be displays, and aircraft from today's military. The event will take place at the Toccoa Airport, October 6-9, 2005. We also invite re-enactors and veterans to visit our local schools on Friday. If you ,or someone you know that might be interested please invite them, along with Veterans of all wars.

2005 will be a reunion to remember as this years reunion will include the Grand Opening of the New Toccoa/Stephens County Historical Society Museum. The museum will be housed in the restored Toccoa train depot where most men who trained at Camp Toccoa first came into town. Another event will be the unveiling of the stables used for quarters by first A, then E company of the 506th P.I.R brought "across the pond" from Aldborne England, which will be located inside the museum building.

This has been a $325,000 + dollar project, that is being raised by donations and proceeds from past reunions. We hope everyone who can, will attend the weekend events !

For registration info and agenda of events check on ,or contact me at: 2004 reunion photos- Photo Gallery.

Thank You, Bucky Simmons Vice President, Toccoa/Stephens County Historical Society Toccoa, Georgia. United States

Entry of Aug 29, 2005 at 19:36 [EST]
Name: Lora Fryczynski-butler
EMail: lbutlerdg@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My father, Gerald Fryczynski, was in the 460th. The only vacations we had growing up were paratrooper reunions. My parents are both in poor health, but I would like to continue to keep up on the "family" that all of you have been to us.

Entry of Sep 04, 2005 at 12:04 [EST]
Name: Marilyn Helmkay- Wass
EMail: marilyn.wass@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I am searching for my uncle Bernard 'Lucky' Coyne, anyone out there know him?

Entry of Sep 05, 2005 at 16:08 [EST]
Name: Calvin R. Perkins
Unit: RA MACV-292nd RVN 70-71
EMail: labmanhntr@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: My uncle, Sgt Leslie E. Perkins, 517th C Co, 1 Bn has rarely ever spoken about his military experiences. I have been trying to put together a family military history for him, and his two brothers whom all served in WWII. I don't want their personal sacrifices and heroism to be forgotten. Leslie Perkins served with some of the finest fighting men in our history and I am forever grateful for all of your service to preserve freedom and democracy for the world. God Bless you all for what you did for all of us. Les is a quiet man, very humble and will not voluntarily speak of his service. He did tell me that there is quite a bit of unit history on the internet, which I have been taking advantage of. Any of his friends who have photos or stories of Les, I would love to hear from you. He lost all his military mementos in a fire some years ago. I'm trying to learn about the 517th awards and citations as well as his own personal awards, badges, medals etc.. nephew Calvin R. Perkins 885 Orange St. Red Bluff, CA 96080-4229 labmanhntr@

Entry of Sep 18, 2005 at 15:59 [EST]
Name: Chris Brann
EMail: docb@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Thank you for this superb website. I am looking for information about my dad. He was a corporal in HqCo/2nd/517. His name was Durell Brann (Brandy). He was wounded around Christmas 44. I would certainly appreciate any info. Thank you.

Entry of Sep 22, 2005 at 09:51 [EST]
Name: Lisa Ferraiolo
Unit: B company 517th
EMail: crabboy31@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My father in law Louis Ferraiolo was in B co i have shared old photos with you all, was happy to be contacted by Diane Haverin from TX who saw her dad in the photos i gave her my ph # and she called we chatted and i learned her son in law is on his 3rd tour and being shipped back to Iraq,

Entry of Sep 26, 2005 at 01:22 [EST]
Name: ernest taylor sgt.
Unit: 517 h co. 3plt 1sqd
EMail: ktaylor@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: would like to hear from old friends

Entry of Oct 02, 2005 at 23:19 [EST]
Name: Charlotte Boedeker Walters
Unit: D Company 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment
EMail: allsportallstars@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: My Dad, Frederick William (Billy) Boedeker was a member of D Company of the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment from 1943-1945. Is there anyone from D company who remembers him. Or is there anyone who could tell me the particulars of the D company experience during WWII ?

Entry of Oct 05, 2005 at 19:15 [EST]
Name: Reta Hare
EMail: riverladyblue54@ or Harehardy4@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: my uncle, Melvin Verser Weeks, was in the 517th parachute regimental combat team prct, WWII. he was known as Doc Weeks in Harrisburg, Arkansas where he lived, he deceased. I am looking for any information about him. I am really glad to find this site. thank you for any help.

Entry of Oct 09, 2005 at 09:01 [EST]
Name: Yvonne Rose (Daughter of Herbert A Downs)
Unit: 517th H Co.
EMail: davon@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I have recently obtained the discharge papers of my dad Herbert A. Downs and found that he was in the 517th P.I.R. H Company. He very rarely spoke of his service and we do not have much information. If anyone remembers him, I would like to here from you. If my dad were alive today, Im sure he would like this sight!
Thank you very much! Yvonne Rose, Bloomsdale Mo.


Entry of Oct 14, 2005 at 16:58 [EST]
Name: Ben
Unit: French Commandos Marine
EMail: gingerbread@
How I found the 517th page: unknown
Comments: I try to have any informations about Emil Kosan (596th). Photos, testimonies, articles,... I have in my collection about ten covers from this man. In the book "battling buzzards", we can read interesting stories from Emil Kosan. Ben


Entry of Oct 20, 2005 at 06:20 [EST]
Name: Gerald LaVine by daughter Donna LaVine
Unit: 517th, Company D, 2nd Bat
EMail: MinnesotaDJ@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I want to thank Mr. Sutcliffe for calling my father. I know much information about the 517th and have copies of his books. I had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Sutcliffe when my Dad high tailed it out to my house to return his call. My Dad is very much alive and in better condition than folks much younger than him. I thank God every day that I have this time with him. Thank you Ben & Bob for this site, it's wonderful! I hope to add some of my Dad's great stories and pictures. He is too humble to brag, so I have to pry it out of him. Thanks also to all who served to protect our freedom. God Bless, DJLaVine

Entry of Nov 09, 2005 at 19:10 [EST]
Name: Daniel Curtis/Audrey Ogniewski
EMail: dhcurtis732@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: As veteran's day approaches I would like to wish all 517 members THANKS for protecting and guaranteeing our countries freedom.  In the memory of PFC Daniel Ogniewski, Co D (KIA Sospel 11/4/44).  We will offer our prayers for the health and well being of all surviving members of the 517th and their families. God bless you all and THAMKS AGAIN!

Entry of Nov 15, 2005 at 18:47 [EST]
Name: Ira D. Crytzer
Unit: HQDA Civilian
EMail: fcrytzer@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Question: Where do I send a picture of my father, (Ira C. Crytzer, Jr.) who was in 3d BTN, I Co, 517th as a Private or Corporal (not sure which) throughout WWII, for your records and website? He now lives in Williamsburg, Virginia, and is getting on in years (83 at this time):
P.O. Box 2466
Williamsburg, Virginia 23188

His most vivid memories were his time with the 517th. I want to honor him in some way that he will remember. Are there any other members of this unit near Williamsburg, Virginia that he can link up with?

I retired as a Department of Army Civilian (Army G-4, Logistics) from the Pentagon on 28 October of this year. He was there at my ceremony, and my retirement speech was a dedication to him and his experience with the 517th and his later experience as an Air Force Officer on B-36 Bombers during the Korean Conflict. He taught me everything I needed to know when I deployed as an Army civilian logistics team leader with the 82d ABN during DESERT STORM, and again with the 1st Armored Division during OPERATION JOINT ENDEAVOR (Bosnia). I want to honor him, how do I do that?

Please advise,

(GS-14 Ret) Ira D. Crytzer
3340 Rollingwood Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22192
(703) 583-5365

Entry of Nov 24, 2005 at 21:04 [EST]
Name: John Egelhof
EMail: jvaulter@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: I am one of the eight children of Pfc Joseph B Egelhof, who joined Co. D in September of 44 after jump school in Rome, served in Co. D till after the Bulge when he became a scout in the Hq. Company. He was a BAR man and died in 1980. I attended a reunion with him in the 1960s in North Carolina

Entry of Dec 03, 2005 at 20:02 [EST]
Name: Michelle BeDen
EMail: michelle4favre@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I was surprised to find a page like this!  My grandfather Clifford Swan was a member of the 517 and I was just doing a little research since he is a man of few words about his experience in the army. It is nice to see that people who make a difference are never forgotten.

Entry of Dec 07, 2005 at 20:40 [EST]
Name: Fritz Crytzer
Unit: US Army Civilian for 30 Years
EMail: fcrytzer@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My Dad was in the 517th, from Toccoa to the Berlin Occupation. 3d Bn, I CO. His name is Ira Crytzer. Does anyone out there remember him, and can tell me something about him? Please contact me at (703) 583-5365, or fcrytzer@

Thanks, Fritz Crytzer

Entry of Dec 12, 2005 at 17:02 [EST]
Name: Gary Brissey
Unit: Retired Navy Chief (2000)
EMail: chiefb_1996@
How I found the 517th page: Other
Comments: Great Web Site. My uncle, Gene Brissey served in "E" company. He played a major role in my decision to join the Navy and serve my country. Very proud of him.

Entry of Dec 24, 2005 at 12:38 [EST]
Name: Robert Van Ness
Unit: Navy / AirTevronOne
EMail: vturbinator@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My uncle was Joseph F. Van Ness of B/517. He was killed on August 31 of 44. We don't know much about him. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do. I salute all the vets who were in this outfit. Thank you for your sacrifices.

Entry of Dec 25, 2005 at 17:38 [EST]
Name: Charles A. Zamorski
Unit: I Company
How I found the 517th page: A friend told me
Comments: Happy Holidays to all from my unit and may peace be with you all. Charlie

Entry of Dec 27, 2005 at 08:56 [EST]
Name: Michael Hucal, Staff Sergeant
EMail: rupiper@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: My name is Chris Rupiper, and Michael Hucal was my grandfather. He passed away in March of 2000, but I've been doing some researching to find out any stories or tidbits of information from his military service. I appreciate anything that you guys can provide. Chris Rupiper

Entry of Dec 30, 2005 at 21:20 [EST]
Name: Dan Dinneen
Unit: N/A
EMail: fc51@
How I found the 517th page: Heard from a member of the 517th
Comments: I have a friend that was in the 517th A company Vic Quarante

Entry of Jan 01, 2006 at 21:37 [EST]
Name: forrest
Unit: USCG
EMail: ragsdale
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Looking for any info on my Father ww2 service. He joined at 17 years of age in Atlanta Ga. He was in the 17th airborne. I tried to get his records, but the government told me they were destroyed in a fire some where in Washington. He did not talk a lot about it to my mother. She thinks he trained in N.C. and fought somewhere around the Rhine river. His name is James Byron Ragsdale. If anyone one has any info on him or history of his unit please let me know. Thanks to all the Men who served their Country in all our Wars.

FK Ragsdale

Entry of Jan 03, 2006 at 16:13 [EST]
Name: David M. Gassman Jr.
Unit: Grandfather = 517
EMail: dgassman@
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: Gentlemen,

Hello, my name is David Gassman. I am the grandson of a 517 veteran... Charles "Nick" Gassman from Louisville KY.

Grandpaw died when I was a very young man. I have now come of age and gained an appreciation and interest in the history of the 517. Any information you could provide me would be greatly appreciated. Rest assured any information or stories of the 517 will be passed down to my son.

Best Regards,
David Jr.

Entry of Jan 03, 2006 at 21:53 [EST]
Name: Michel Quiles
Unit: Non
EMail: michel.quiles@
How I found the 517th page: Link from another web page
Comments: The "moulin de l'olivette" and the Big Red One, when olive oil is source of stroke. Like people say, I felt into it when I was a child. In the 50's, 60's, I was a child in Oran (Algeria), we were three friends and like every children from all over the world , we were playing and acting the war. Bernard was the German soldier, Tony was the Italian one and of course I was the American one. My father had lived the 1st landing in November the 8th in 1942 in North Africa. I need not have to wait for a long time to be fond of the world war story.

During my travel in Normandy for the 60th birthday of the D Day, I was in touch with some American veterans. I wanted to make veterans sign my flag with 58 stars. For this occasion , I recorded a movie of an hour and a half for memories , and there is a very impressive moment recorded at the cemetery of Coll. An unknown veteran is involuntary the star of this recording. He was in the 1st Infantry Division, The Big Red One. This Division was the first, with the 29th The Blue and Grey, to land at 6.30am in June the 6th in 1944 on Omaha Beach.  Taking only them into account the had 2600 death at the end of the day. This unknown person , wearing the big red 1, was blind when I had recorded him. I immediately had a question "Was he blind from the combat or after the war?"

During December , by chance I found the web site "" dealing with veteran and the story of Omaha Beach. That is why, I sent to the webmaster of this web site a recording of 45 seconds about this veteran in the cemetery where lie 9386 GI's. Sir Laurent Lefebvre answered me that this veteran was called Smith Shumway and he lost his sight in combat during the Cobra operation around St Lô, more exactly at Marigny in July 1944. And he told me that the movie had particularly touched him because Sir Shuman was one of the twelve veterans whose travel for the 60th birthday was financed by selling books about their stories. After looking for him, I found his email address. The day before Christmas, I sent him the short movie. On Christmas day, his son in law Sir John Bennion, sent me back a very touching thanking message. At that point started an email relation and we took and appointment to meet each other and make him sign one of the stars on flag on June the 5th of 2005, at the museum Omaha at St Laurent sur Mer. As the custom is, my wife Liliane and I really wanted to offer him a present, which remind him our country. That is in Manosque, that we had the good idea of offering him a typical Mediterranean present.

Sunday June the 5th is unforgettable for both of us. Without counting the meeting on the same place just a day and a year after our first meeting, our farewells were marked by an unexpected coincidence. After our meeting at the museum Omaha, we had to go to the cemetery of Colleville sur Mer. When we left, Sir Bennion gave us a little document , which explains Sir Shumway's life. On the way, I read the document and I had the surprise to see that the day before his surgery, Sir Shumway has asked for Mormons so that they can give him a benediction but there were no Mormons. So he asked for olive oil as a blessing but there was no olive oil either. So he was blessed as well as he could by mineral oil.

Reading these lines, I understood that my gift would have been appreciated not only for its gustative values but also would have seen as a symbol of gratefulness from all the French. When we had to leave each other, I made a little speech to bring this coincidence into relief. "Sir Shumway, our meeting will always be marked by an historical coincidence. I really believe that today on this 61st birthday, I was blessed to repair an unfair situation. That is 61 years late that I have the honors to give you what has missing the day before your surgery "your desired olive oil"".

The story does not tell if I realized a 61-year-old wish, but it is absolutely for sure that the Americans were really amazed by this present and could not believe it . But anyway, they enjoyed all this because now the story about olive oil is a topic that can't be ignored in any of Sir Shumway's speeches. A grateful Frenchman. God bless you. Michel Quiles Email (Translation: Anne Debert)