Dear Terry, Your brother deserves all the devotion you
gave him by retracing his steps through Europe. It was an honor to serve in the
3rd Bn. with him. He and men like Flave Carpenter, Floyd Stott and
Frank Dallas held I Company together and made it function, taking all its
objectives. When Jim took command near Col de Braus he only continued the
leadership he had exercised as its executive officer beginning back in the
We are delighted you enjoyed the trip. We know it had its
emotional moments as you surveyed the terrain and visualized the obstacles he
encountered in taking it. We trust you will be able to pass on to succeeding
generations some of what you learned about the 517th. It should
assist them in facing the difficulties the nation faces and will face in the
Our best 3rd Bn. airborne regards, Howard
Boom Boom (Replying to Morris McDowell )
Appreciated your comments. It would have
been an honor and pleasure to have met with you this past reunion.
However, this old body of mine plagued with sciatic nerve and after
effects of shingles these past 15 years has prevented me of making any trips. I
am in constant pain and limited is walking.
Ray Hess
Thanks for answering my E-Mail I was wondering if
Joe Samosoka's remains
were in the Netherlands Cemetery His name was not on
the list of 517 men
buried there. Joe died in my arms the last day of combat
at Bergstein . Best
regards to you Ray R Hess
Darrell Egner
You had the correct address but her company won't let
mail come through. After the Florida Mini last year I tried to send
the picture of you and her that ended up in the Thunderbolt. I never could
get through to her. I believe I sent it to Bob Christie
I am sending a cope of this mail to Silas Brown, her
Dad and maybe he can help put her in touch with you. I sure would hate to
see her dropped from Mail Call.
Bob Christie will be in my prayers. Thanks for
letting us know.
Keep up the good work,
Darrell Egner
Bob Barrett
I did get the new Thunderbolt. It might have been
here for a day or two.
Also, I got the audio and video files from Lance
Anderson, and posted them. See if you can watch them. To watch the
videos, you might need to load Quicktime if you don't have it
Also, check out Lance's video bio of his
Pat Seitz and Allan
Dear Ben: would you please let Bob Christie know:
(1) What a marvelous, beautiful
job he did on the latest issue of the Thunderbolt. It was wonderful to
read (and he needs to know that my opinion has not been influenced in any way by
the fact that he was so kind as to use my letter as his front page
lead)! The whole issue was so well done! Airborne, All the
(2) Most importantly, he and
his family are very much in our thoughts and daily prayers as he starts his
treatment. May the Good Lord continue to give him strength, courage, lots
of love, laughter and healing.
Pat Seitz and Alan Greer
Bob Barrett
Both the audio and video links work fine for me. The
video just takes a long time to load. It is a big file. The
other video, his dad's bio, is even larger.
I suggest that you just put the audio in your email,
and tell them that the other videos are on the web site if they have a fast
Ben, I regret that I was unable to hear or view the
message. I have web tv and there are many attachments for which I am at
times unable to pick up. I'll talk to Pat and Alan and determine if they
received the tape. I appreciate your efforts and am disappointed because I would
like to see and hear just what this old trooper did say at the reunion. As
you know I didn't write the talk or had any notes so I am concern as to
just what did I say. Again, Ben thanks for your efforts. With
tremendous respect. Airborne all the way. Dick
Ben, Please write a separate check made out to me (Bob
Christie) for the Mini Reunion. Don't combine other things like Dues, etc.
It is a bookkeeping nightmare for my beebee brain. Thanks. The dues are coming
in like crazy. Thanks a lot!
Dear Ben,
promised, please find attached a couple of pictures taken in last October in
Sospel on “Pont de la Liberation” and Col de Braus.
the pictures you can see Mrs. Terry Casey (sister of Cpt James Birder of I Cie),
Patrick Casey and friends. Terry wanted to see the places her brother has been,
but she already explained you the reasons of this trip in a previous message
posted in the Mail Call!
just wanted to add some pictures of this wonderful day we spent together. I have
been so happy to make a vet’s family benefit of my knowledge to guide them for a
visit of the places where the 517th has been staying /
Hope to see Terry and her friendly team again
Frederic Brega
(Nice – Southern