Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 7:50 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 1130 517TH PRCT- OCTOBER 25,2006
70  Pleasant St. Cohasset, MA.02025  *781 383 0215 * Mail Call : Ben Barrett
MAIL CALL   Click to play or right-click and save MP3 file.< Click on
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Washington Reunion. Arrival Wednesday June 27. Banquet Sunday July 1. Depart Monday July 2
Kissimmee Reunion Banquet  Wednesday Jan. 24.

Mail Call                                  
517th Mail Call
Mail Call Archives        

Reunions           Florida Snowbird Mini-Reunion     January 21 - 25
 2007                   Palm Springs, CA. Mini                April
                             Washington, DC  National          June 27 - July 2

 Click on to find the mission of the Auxiliary and an enrollment form
Donna Hilliard

     I noticed that when you go into the 517th's web site that you can pull
up the information on the Florida Mini Reunion.  Is there any way that
same thing can be done on "Mail Call"?  It would really be nice if people
could just click on the "Kissimmee, Fl. Mini" and get all the information
that they need.  also, I know that a lot of people are having trouble
making reservations.  I was told that if you only mention the date and the
word"  517th PARACHUTE" that the people working the reservation desk will
be able to help you.  If you try anything more detailed, like our real
title, they won't know what to do.
Click on Florida Snowbird Mini-Reunion  here or above in 2007 Reunions.-Ben

Edith Miller
Just for the record, I really appreciate receiving the mail call to remind me how good you all are.  And for the record again, Howard Hensleigh is not the only Iowa booster!!  Many good wishes to you all--Edith Miller, wife of deceased paratrooper Joe Miller
from Eric and Mickael, Airborne Museum Le Muy
Hi Ben,
After the letter from Gene, and your project to come back, if you want to have any idea of prices for Hotel accommodations, coach renting from the Nice airport and everything, just let us know..
Warmest regards Mickael & Eric
Michael Sura
 was looking at the picture Cecil Doty had on the web of my Dad's Squad.  He was in H company, 3 platoon and the sergeant was Price.  I am trying to find out who some of the fellows are in the picture particularly Manfred Seeberger.  Can anyone help?

Dennis M. Sura

O  248-465-6348
C  248-755-2721

Donna Hilliard


Thank You so much for your very quick response.
Now, I have a different kind of request.  We were in Flagler Beach this
weekend and discovered that the owner of the Very Wonderful " Topaz" Hotel
that we were staying at was in the 517th.  His name is Paul Lee and he was
in the HQ CO 1st battalion and like my Dad was in Heavy Mortars- he carried
the "tube".  He was a replacement from the 509th? and was shot in the
stomach not too long after he was transferred to the 517th, but he with a
great amount of pride considers himself a 517th man and is very happy that
he can re join his fellow troopers.  He gave me $30.00 to send to Bob to
make sure that he can start getting the "Thunderbolt." For this addition, I
mailed him my copy.  I am trying to get him and his son Mark to come to the
Florida Mini.  If anyone knows or remembers him, it would be great to hear
from them.
                              Best regards,
     Please give my heartfelt apologies to everyone who I still owe books.
It has been a very rough year, but I am beginning to come back.
                              Love to all