Plan to be at the
Washington Reunion as it is only a short distance for me to
travel. Neither Edna or I are in good shape.
Please keep E Mails coming.
Richard Hammel Co E and a short spell in Hq 2
Bill Christian
Hi Ben I hope my copy of the reunion was clean. Do you use my copy or
do you have to retype the sheet. If there was something wrong with my copy I ll
send another. I've been having some problems lately with my computer, especially
after my 14 yr old grandson spends a couple of hours playing war games on the
set. Let me know since I don't want the troopers think I'm loosing it. Thanks
and God Bless Bill
Tom Mcavoy
Hey Ben, About the game last week Ohio state and Mlchigan score 42-39
Ohio State?? The sharpies played the numbers in the Ohio State
lottery (pick 4 -I think a daily game ) Don't you know it hit and
400 winners had picked it??? I wonder what it paid??? Tom McAvoy
Peter Jansson
Good Morning Mr. Barrett:
First off, I beg your forgiveness in yesterday's
mail. After I had sent it off to you, I re-read it and, to my chagrin
noticed I had spelled your name "Bennett". I guess my brain was merging
"Ben" and "Barrett" into your surname. Shameful. The first
thing they teach you in elementary English class is to proof read your work
before submitting it. In any event, I printed a bunch of stuff off of
the website that you had in that DAV announcement, including the one on "WWII
vet's web site helps the 517th stay connected." What a marvelous piece of
journalism!! You must be very proud sir. I left my office in Quincy
early (around noon) after having printed all this for my Dad and drove to his
house in Plymouth. Dad, myself, and my older brother Paul poured over it
and discussed it till after 6 p.m. When growing up Dad never wanted to
discuss his service history, but as he has aged, he has opened up more to my
siblings and I. It's funny, on Sunday before he called you he brought up
the "Santa Rosa" and the trip from Norfolk, VA. to Naples. Two things he
spoke of were the fact that because of its speed, it did not travel with a
convoy (if his memory serves correct). The other thing he chuckled
about was that there were also WAC's on board. Then I peruse the site, and
see a whole history of the "Santa Rosa!" In ending, I just want
to say how much everyone is indebted to you (and your son) for all the work you
do to preserve the proud history and tradition of the 517th. I never knew
this site was available, and in studying it for just 2 days, I am in awe of the
sacrifices and valor of this regiment. I consider it an honor to have just
had the opportunity to speak with you electronically. I hope to someday
shake your hand and thank you. If I can make sure my workplace is secure
and running smoothly, I promised Dad I'd love to accompany him to Washington on
June 27th. In admiration and thanks, I shall now sign off. Peter W.
This photo was taken on
our 1994 trip to Belgium-Ben