Dear Ben: Thanks for the Mauldin squib on dear
old Georgie Patton. A number of Fleet Landing residents knew him and his
kids. One lady reported that one daughter could swear for fifteen minutes
without drawing a deep breath. We troopers owe Georgie one, or
two, for rescuing those screaming eagles at Bastogne (like Montgomery did
not do at the bridge which wasn't really too far) and for moving so fast
that he crossed the Rhine at Worms on un-blown bridges. That meant we
did not have to drop on the other side to give him a bridgehead.
I always knew Bill was an excellent cartoonist that
caught the irony of the front line soldier, but I did not know the prose flowed
from his pen as articulately as is evident here.
When better emails are posted, the Barretts with do
it. HH
The message "MAIL CALL NO.1223 517TH PRCT- NOVEMBER 24, 2006"
sent to "" violates General Mills profanity
From Fri Nov 24 18:46:36 2006
Received: from
Subject: MAIL CALL
NO.1223 517TH PRCT- NOVEMBER 24, 2006
Bob Barrett
It has the words
“goddamn” and “bastards” in it. He
is at a corporate site, General Mills, that apparently
has a very strict incoming email policy.
Claire Giblin
I hardly ever forward, but this one is good. Claire
Doug Wade
have been researching my uncles( William D Wickersham) life travels
and would like to know if anyone remembers him? He was with H company 517
prct from Italy to the end when he transferred to the 508th for honor guard
Thanks Doug
Jesse Darden
Hope everyone has a happy
Thanksgiving ours was a blast with Tom, Wife and the two girls. Hope all
of you 517'ers had the same. wishing a merry Christmas to everyone Tom and
my daughter Kristy will be with Lou and at the FL. reunion see you all
Mark Baird
Hi Ben, As I have noted before in these
epistles, Bill Mauldin and I were childhood friends in Mt.
Park, N.M., but
the reason for writing now is the cartoon of the Sgt. asking for volunteers
that didn't
owe him money....
While A Co. was in reserve in
Piera Cava for a few days, a "friend" taught me to play Double
1st platoon was in a school house and if we ventured out, we
were shot at, so most of the time we were
there was spent playing cards. That
lesson cost me about $260 in that time frame, and the procedure was
consolidate the winnings and losses. I ended up owing Sgt. Kiefer and
unbeknownst to me at the time, I
didn't go on many patrols or be up
front when moving out for several months until I finally got paid
to settle my debts. Then guess what ....???
When we
met in the late 1980s in Anaheim, CA , I asked him if he remembered that , but
of course he
denied the whole thing. Kiefer was one of the
best soldier/person that I ever had the pleasure of
Mark Baird