Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 11:10 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 1322 1321 517TH PRCT- MAY 21, 2007
70  Pleasant St. Cohasset, MA.02025  *781 383 0215 * Mail Call : Ben Barrett
PLEASE SEND ALL PAYMENTS FOR THE REUNION REGISTRATION TO THE ARMED FORCES REUNIONS.  It would be helpful to the Armed Forces Reunions for us to  register as soon as you can decide what tour if any that you want to sign up for.  Important! Registration fee for children is $25.00 . ( 12 and under ). The AFR would  like you to register for the reunion as soon as possible so that plans can be finalize. Hotel reservations are coming along fine but Reunion registrations are lagging behind.
Please let me know if you want to receive Mail Calls or if you have a problem receiving them. You can always read Mail Calls by clicking on
Washington Reunion June 28-July 2 . All rooms for early arrivals are taken.   Banquet Sunday July 1. Depart Monday  July 2
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 Click on to find the mission of the Auxiliary and an enrollment form

Morris McDowell


I wanted to update you on Fred Harmon's condition. He is getting stronger, and is now in a private room. The doctors are now optimistic about his recovery, at least may be able to go home. He will be in the hospital for several more days, so if anyone would like to send a card, the address is : Providence Hospital 2435 Forest Drive, Columbia, SC. 29204. I am sure Fred would enjoy hearing from his buddies. Thanks Ben & Bob for the 517 pipeline. Morris McDowell

Howard Hensleigh

Ben:  Although never an official member of H Company, I patrolled enough with H Co. platoons that Fred Harmon and I exchanged Christmas cards for many years.  In Joigny when Capt. Jackson was leaving the outfit on points, he asked me to replace him as commander of the company.  Col. Paxton requested me to remain as the 3rd Bn. S-3, so I missed the opportunity to be an official member of that band of H Co. brothers.  Nevertheless, Fred Harmon's Christmas card was always the first to arrive each year. 

This last week end, the remaining members of the 3rd Bn. S-2 section were in touch.  Chuck Boyer, Ray Scruggs, Frank Wakeman, and Jack Castiglione have made their jump into the great beyond.  We lost track of Tom Weil after he was married in 1947.  That leaves George "Red" Meline, Rene Benoit and yours truly.  Red and his son Bob came from points north in CA for a visit and we called Rene.  Rene responded to our questions that considering a man of his age and habits he was in better shape than could be expected.  He has recovered nicely from a stroke so we had a good time in recounting some of our most memorable patrols and midnight requisitions of Fiat cars and jeeps.  Red is doing well and spends a lot of time caring for Betty, his bride of many years; they are surrounded by family members.

Note to Steve Markle--As unappointed legal advisor of the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team Association, Inc., I hereby grant permission for the reprinting of the Turner Publication pictures.  The objective of our association is to honor the men who fought in the combat team.  The republication of those pictures will assist in achieving that objective.

Airborne all the way,  Howard Hensleigh

Lory Curtis

Thanks Ben for putting the book on Mail Call.  I humbled and honored.

Tom McAvoy

Lory Curtice,  I would like to buy a copy of your book, Tom McAvoy 3447 So. Sadlier Dr.  Indianapolis Ind. 46239 Please advize cost and your mailing address (Regt. Hdq Co.-Co.H 3rd Btn,- Hdq Co.3rd Btn. Tom McAvoy
Tom McAvoy

Come on guys  Tell us what is ailing Fred Harman??? Tom McAvoy
Tom, Just reporting news that I receive from a good friend of the 517 and Fred Harmon- Ben
Steve Markle
    My mom forwarded the latest issue of mail call to me with Col. Dalrymple's generous offer and yes, I would like to get in touch with him. Also, can you add me to the mail call list. I very much interested in the history of the unit.

Bob Dalrymple
Ben: Please allow me to help on Steve Markle's 596 project. As CO of that outfit from it's activation to 29 Jan '45. I am intimately familiar with just about everything we accomplished, if I can remember. Steve is welcome to pick my brain, if he so desires . I am anxious to see  and know what he has sent you. Pfc Francis T Ropyak was KIA near Piobino, on or near the last day of our combat in Italy. I tried to copy this to Steve using his e-mail address as shown in you mailcall, but it was refused delivery . Bob