President Dick Cheney - video
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517th Parachute
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Steve Markle
Bob and Ben,
I saw that at
least one guy had problems with the video that was posted on Google (and how
Paris Hilton was related to this video I'll never know!), so I have put
together a number of options for people who have had trouble with the
Google link (or just want a personal copy). All are available here;
If you want to grab any/all of the
downloads for the 517 site, please be my guest.
As a last resort, and for our friends
that do not use the Internet, my daughter has just finished mastering a DVD of
the video. Because of the total length (under 12 minutes), it can fit on the
mini DVD's for easy mailing (inside a card) for most users. Anyone who has a DVD
player that does not have a top loading, or tray loading DVD (i.e. a front
loading with no tray) will require a full size DVD.
If you go ahead and send me your
mailing addresses, I will forward a copy of the DVD.
I can pull the VP's talk up but it will run for a
second and then cut off. After a few seconds it will run again for a
second and then cut off. It makes a 12 minute speech well over half
an hour. Frankly I never finished it.
Needless to say I do want to see it or better yet read
it. Heaven forbid if it's my computer. I will cal AT&T tomorrow
as every time it rains my DSL cuts me off and I lose what ever I am working
on. I will ask them if it's my computer or a problem with
What do you think?
Darrell ! Get out of the rain.- Ben
Don Harte
Hello Ben
Hope all is well with you and your family. I'd like to be added to
Mail Call.
Don Harte ( son of Sgt John Harte, 460th PFAB )
Pat Seitz and Allan Greer
Dear Ben: We have just replayed the
video of the Vice President's speech at the reunion. Thank you to you for
posting his speech on Mail Call, to Steve for filming it, to those whose hard
work secured his attendance (you, Claire, Frank Ramos?). It was a
wonderful tribute to the outstanding men of the 517th and we are so blessed that
it was done and to have had the privilege to hear the words of gratitude and
praise on behalf of the nation to the 517th's heroes and their families.
Sincerely yours, Pat Seitz and Alan