Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 7:32 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: MAIL CALL NO.1468 517TH PRCT-JANUARY 6, 2008
70 Pleasant St. Cohasset, MA. 02025  *781 383 0215 * Mail Call : Ben Barrett< Click on
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Mail Call                         
Mail Call Archives       

Snowbird mini-reunion     
Kissimmee, FL
Jan 20-24, 2008

Banquet Jan. 23

Palm Springs, CA

April 13-18, 2008


Recent website additions:

The Thunderbolt - August 1943

The 551st Attack on Trois Ponts, 2-7 Jan 1945
River Crossing and Attack at La Roquette, 27-28 August 1944
Howard B. Goodman, Service Company

Paras en Provence: Le 517th PRCT Dans Les Alpes Maritime
       from Armes Militaria Magazine (
cover, article)

Boom Boom Alicki

Happy New Year to 'one and only' of the 517th PRCT Airborne family.

May the Almighty continue to protect and keep you safe and healthy throughout 2008.

Boom Boom Alicki

mickael , Eric, town of Le Muy
 Airborne Museum
Le Muy France 
Hi Ben,
We still in touch by the mail call and continue our task to preserve, cherish and perpetuate for the new generation all Airborne documents, photos and souvenirs artifacts found or donated by airbornes veterans since more than 15th years now, and I will try to sent you some photos of 517th members or family visits and donations after all these years if you have room on the web site.
If you agree please let me know .
 we think that after all these years many of you came and visited the museum, but some never have the possibility and that will be good to have a brief display of it in the 517th Web site .
The last donation was from Bob Dodds jr, son of paratrooper bob Dodds/3rd Bn.517th, he agree and will be happy to have the photos of the donation on the web site if you think it's a good idea.
keep in touch
warmest regards

John Krumm

Dear Sir,

I am looking for any information (stories, photos, etc.) regarding my Grandfather John Krumm.  He passed away when I was very young.  If you have any other contacts, please let me know.  Thanks so much for your time.  God Bless the USA!

Michael Krumm
Beverage Manager - Axel's River Grille

Bob Cooper
Tom McAvoy
Tom I have DirecTV Satellite the weather channel on DirecTV is 362

 Howard Hensleigh

Dear Claire:.

One objective of the Association is to sponsor events and publications that continue the fellowship we once had as a fighting unit.  There was a desire of the troopers to keep in touch with the band of brothers with whom we fought.  Reunions, the Thunderbolt and more recently Mail Call and the Website have fulfilled this objective.  In fact the last two have increased the communications to a greater extent than ever before and will leave an easily accessible permanent record.

Another objective is to keep alive the memory of the Combat Team, its members and its accomplishments in freeing the world of the type of base abuse to the human soul inflicted by Hitler and his Nazi cohorts.  Had that continued without our effort to stop it, life in our lifetimes would not have been worth living.  We have an obligation to preserve the memory of our fallen troopers, who gave their lives to preserve our way of life.  Anything we can do to further this goal is right up the alley of what the Association and the Auxiliary are about.  As a prime example are furthering our relationships with our friends in Southern France and Belgium who remember first hand what we did to remove the Nazi Yoke from their necks.  They are doing their best to preserve in history the memory of our Combat Team right where our fighting occurred.  Erecting plaques in Sospel and le Muy are jobs to be completed while we have the personnel and funds to do it.

It is great that the Auxiliary has pitched in and taken up the slack that may have occurred without it.  That is what Jan and I had in mind when we pushed the idea that already had a groundswell behind it.