Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:22 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 1684- 517TH PRCT- DECEMBER 24,2008
70 Pleasant St. Cohasset, MA. 02025 ,781 383 0215 * Mail Call : Ben Barrett 
Hello, MAIL CALL< Click on
     Fifty-seven years ago on Dec. 16, 1944 The Battle Of The Bulge began. I am including in this "Mail Call" a poem from L'OFFENSIVE DES ARDENNES by Eddy Monfort. This is a rough translation from the French. Eddy gave me his book when we visited Belgium in 1994. It is written in French.   The village of Manhay was twice occupied by German forces in the war and in December 1944 the order was given to take and hold Manhay at all costs.
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517th Annual Florida Mini-Reunion January 17,18,19, 20, 2009

Banquet on the 20th (Tuesday) and Departing on the 21st (Wednesday)

Hosted by: Leila Webb, Location: Ramada Hotel & Inn Gateway

7470 Highway 192 West

Kissimmee, Florida  34747

Tele: 1(800)327-9170          FAX 1(407)396-4320

Contact: Leila Webb, Helen Beddow and Lou Darden

4155 Kissimmee Park Road

St. Cloud, Florida       34772


Room Rate - $65.00            Registration Fee - $40.00

                                                                  National Reunion

Palm Springs, CA                                                Salt Lake City

West Coast Party                                                July 2009

April 20-24, 2009

Bob Dalrymple


It is not a Hanukkah bush,
it is not an Allah plant,
it is not a Holiday hedge.

it is not a Holiday tree

Say it... CHRISTmas , CHRISTmas , CHRISTmas

Yes.... CHRISTmas - celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ




       Merry Christmas to all.    I spent Christmas eve with a bazooka along side
a machine gun and several other men on a road block that cold winter 64 years ago.
Dont remember who they were.

Don Gentry
Dear Ben, Ledlie R. Pace, B Company is listed in the December KIA post (Mail Call No. 1683) as Ludlier Page. All the B Company men listed were killed Christmas Eve 1944. May they Rest in Peace.
Were it not for my cousin Richard Baysinger, B Company, who was with Ledlie Pace when he was killed, I would not be the wiser. Or is that 'Wise Guy'?
Merry Christmas to all.

From Book by Eddy Monfort
Hold At All Costs

Where are the worthy GI’s running who liberated us,
They have their tanks, the Germans, with their equipment,
Have been driven back.  They seemed powerful,
Invincible soldiers, masters for a very long time.

Each time the return of the occupying forces is precise.
For the veteran of the underground the decision has been made.
Once again, in the Ardennes, there will be vengeance.
Flee people of the maquis, avoid judgment.

Civilians have left, replaced by soldiers.
Speedily, they have been crowded into truck beds.
Since Reims, in the rain, turning points, chaos,
For parachutists, what hell, no planes, no trucks!

They were the winter by the fire.
A surplus of potatoes, bacon, eggs.
The front has been made right.  Manhay is in the middle.
The site can be razed.   Order to leave the area.

The bolt on Fraiture has suddenly been released.
Spreading out toward Manhay, grenadiers and tanks.
Evening descending on the Ardenne obscures
The steel worms spitting their fire bursts

Suddenly, from behind the low clouds , the moon appears,
Unveiling the barrages, a chance for the enemy.
Under a pale halo, appears the reply.

Nine tanks will be destroyed, the snow has betrayed them.
This Christmas Eve, will be the breakthrough.
In the radio silence, for the imposed retreat,
An audacious Panzer, between two Shermans, slips in.
Spreading terror…a feat of great audacity.

The artillery intervenes from Monchenoul to Deux-Rys
In three days the batteries will destroy the dwelling    
Through numerous battles, until body to body,
Face to face with the enemy, their fate is sealed.

The region liberated, the village retaken,              
The spoils of the sinister building will be counted.
Where have the sheets gone, still so well-folded?
On a slain soldier, is where they will be found.

Friends have left in pursuit of the enemy.
But the heroic Ardenne regains his courage.
The meadows are cleansed and the lodging is rebuilt.
At vespers they tell the tale of this hard, cursed winter.

Today, the village, fixed like a terrace
on the side of the green massif where violent winds brew,
Has found peace, let us hope, forever.
Manhay, her story, her central square: it was well worth the detour.

Manhay “cost what it may”.  The alarm has sounded…and the order has come      
Hold at all costs-“Tenir coute que coute”

                                                     Emile PIRARD