Today is Pearl Harbor Day and I wanted all 517th family and friends to
know that John "Boom Boom" Alicki was a First Sergeant in an Air Defense
Artillery (ADA) Battalion on Oahu that fateful day. I remember a number of
years ago when I was a high school administrator I would go into the history
classes and teach the kids about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Most do not
know a thing about it. Anyway, I asked on Mailcall if anyone could provide
me with information about the attack, and Mr. Alicki responded right away, and
it was so great to tell the kids about someone I knew who was there on that day
so long ago. Well, that day changed our lives forever. Thanks to all
troopers, servicemen, and women who have done so much for each of us to keep
this country free.
Lory Curtis, son of Bud Curtis, HQ, 1st BN
Merle McMorrow