Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 7:32 PM
Subject: MAIL CALL N0. 1929 - 517TH PRCT- DECEMBER 8, 2009
70 Pleasant St. Cohasset, MA. 02025 ,781 383 0215 * Mail Call : Ben Barrett 

Hello,< Click on
Please make reservations for Florida Reunion Jan. 16, as soon as possible . Host has to make  down payment  for banquet.
Please do not  send downloads when just an email will do.
Please send links  when possible. It saves me for searching for the link and saves space on Mail Call.
Donations for whatever program involving the 517th should be sent to our treasurer Leo Dean at 14 Stonehenge Lane, Albany 12203
Please let me know if you want to receive Mail Calls or if you have a problem receiving them. You can always read back Mail Calls  by clicking on

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Joyce Turco
Hi Ben and all our 517th members and families.
I wish to send to all of you a message of Happy Holidays. We have to count each one and appreciate the friendship this organization has brought to all of us.
I can't believe this is the forth year without my life time best friend and husband and also our son who died a few months after his dad. We had many happy years together especially attending the reunions and Europe trips with the 517th.
Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
Joyce Turco widow of Leo Turco   A Battery 460th, 517th

Bob Barrett

Not sure if this is of interest to you or not.

Here is a link to a good article from the American Thinker.

Gina Votti
A season to remember the many sacrifices that allow us to honor The Sacrifice....

Gina Votti

Don Saunders
Please hold all e-mail until after Dec.14th as I will be in the hospital for a repair to my hip surgery that took place on March 26. It has been displaced 5 times since July 24th. I was scheduled for Tues the 8th But it had to be changed to the 10th at the Dr's request and from St. Joe's to the Arnot.
My computer is giving me some problems so I will take it to be repaired tomorrow I hope ant don't expect to have it back until I get home. I want to thank everyone who has sent me all the good wishes for a successful operation this time.
Thanks again:  Don
Harris Johnson
This video shows a different branch of service; however, I believe members of the 517 PRCT will enjoy seeing it.   
Harris Johnson
Today is Pearl Harbor Day and I wanted all 517th family and friends to know that John "Boom Boom" Alicki was a First Sergeant in an Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Battalion on Oahu that fateful day.  I remember a number of years ago when I was a high school administrator I would go into the history classes and teach the kids about the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Most do not know a thing about it.  Anyway, I asked on Mailcall if anyone could provide me with information about the attack, and Mr. Alicki responded right away, and it was so great to tell the kids about someone I knew who was there on that day so long ago.  Well, that day changed our lives forever.  Thanks to all troopers, servicemen, and women who have done so much for each of us to keep this country free. 
Lory Curtis, son of Bud Curtis, HQ, 1st BN
Merle McMorrow
We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
Attached is a picture of Chloe working on the silk scarf she made for me.