I know very little about his combat service but General Zais’ was at his funeral and had great respect for Olvie.
About the only thing I know about his W.W. 11 experience is that he was in England recovering from wounds as the Battle of the Bulge was being fought and that he took a reduction in rank to go over seas with his unit with the promise it would be restored when he got to England.
His two daughters Diana and Bonnie know next to nothing about his military service and I know it would be a blessing for them to know more about their father’s service.
Olvie was my brother-in-law and to me he was a hero of that great generation I so greatly respect.
Thank you for your kind attention and any help you might render.
Thomas Roberts
Olvie Nunnery was a Lieutenant in H Co.-Ben
Rosalinda and Trevor Markle Rocklin High School of 2010. Steve Markle children. Two of my favorites. - Ben