70 Pleasant St. Cohasset, MA.
02025 ,781 383 0215 * Mail Call : Ben Barrett Ben517@aol.com
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It took about 12 hours for the computer
grinch to send #1944.
Just about caught up on mail. No doubt have missed
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possible. It saves me for searching for the link and saves space on Mail
Donations for whatever
program involving the 517th should be sent to our treasurer Leo Dean at 14
Stonehenge Lane, Albany 12203
Please let
me know if you want to receive Mail Calls or if you have a problem
receiving them. You can always read back
Mail Calls by clicking on www.517prct.org/archives
Florida Mini Reunion
January 16 - 20,
Location: Ramada Gateway
Kissimmee, Fl
Contact: Leila Webb
4155 Kissimmee Park Road
St. Cloud, FL
Registration fee: $40.00 More
information Mail Call No 1916
Howard Hensleigh
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the 517th PRCT members and to all those
wonderful Auxiliary members that help us keep going. Howard Hensleigh
Ronald Stassen -Netherlands friend
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year to All
May all your
dreams come true for the New Year.

Chantal and Cynthia
Dieter Laes
Dear Bob and Ben, members and
sympathisants of the 517th PRCT,
About 65 years ago the 517th
PRCT fought bravely for our freedom, actions that shall never be forgotten not
in the U.S. not here in Belgium. By this way, I wish to thank all the
members of the 517th . Would
also express many thanks to those who are assisting me with my
research about the Soy-Hotton area. What started as a small interest
has become a real passion.
Wish all
of you the very best, a merry Christmas and a prosperous
Dieter Laes, Belgium
George Ross
Merry Christmas to all of you and your Families!
From Mom and the Boys
George Ross
Rick Sweet
Hi Ben and Bob,
I would like to wish a
Merry Christmas to the 517th family and all of our friends in Europe. I hope to
someday make it there and see where my father fought with the Germans. I am
thankful that it ended the way that it did and that he was able to come home and
start a family. The pictures that were taken from this years trip were
beautiful. I received the movie" A cut above" and sure did enjoy it. I
watched it with my Mom. My brother wasn't there but I did get a copy for him. He
will appreciate it and maybe get to know some of the characters that I know. I
will try to bring him to the next reunion. He is a Vietnam veteran! I was too
ugly to take, and my draft card number was too high. God Bless all of my friends
and I wish you all a very warm Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. I don't
want to lose any of you this year so Leo, stop jumping out of planes! Merry
Christmas everyone!
Rick Sweet
Shirley McCarey
Merry Christmas to all from Shirley McCarey. Keep your Prayers going
and a Happy New Year !!!
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Pat McCarey
"In God we Trust"
John 14-6
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