Curahee -- Every paratrooper
knows what that word means.
----- Original
Message -----
From: Annie Schuler
To: !000
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 1:42 AM
Subject: What Curahee means
this is amazing.... i love my son!!!!! And all that fought and are now
fighting for USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is wonderful. Our drive-by media would never cover a story like this.
I would like to add an email
address to your Mail Call rolls.
I currently receive Mail Call, but will be traveling for a time and can more
easily access it through this additional address.
I anxiously await the completion of the Monthly Casualty
Report Summaries by Unit. Have
a particular interest in Service Company personnel as my father in law,
Larry Shipp now deceased, cited only one Purple Heart when he assisted in
the completion of his discharge papers. His first was reported in the early
days in Italy, shown in the one available MCR for the Service Company.
However, he was wounded several more times and was discharged with full
disability after a wound in Germany in 1945. Once the MCR are available I
can put together the sequence for his survivors.
Thank you and thank
you for the work you are doing.
Harris Johnson
To all of the Barrett Family,
Thank you so much for including me at your father's funeral. It was a very
special event that will live with me forever. Your father was a great man
and I am so honored to have known him for the past 8 years. It was so
wonderful seeing so many of our 517th framily and friends in Washington,
D.C. I had the opportunity with our Auxiliary President Mike Wells to meet
with President McMorrow of the 517th PRCT Association while we were in D.C.
I am very happy to tell everyone we are planning one more National Reunion
in 2011, in July, to be held in Atlanta, with trips to Fort Benning, and
Toccoa, Georgia. Seeing these training sites will be treat for everyone. I
am sure our 517th troopers who will attend will have some amazing stories to
tell about Camp Toccoa, and Fort Benning. Anyway, it was so good to see so
many of you in Washington, D.C. and that is solely because of Ben Barrett
bringing all of us together. By the way if you view the pictures of Ben's
service you will see his flag was folded by paratroopers for a paratrooper.
What a great tribute.
Lory Curtis, son of Bud Curtis, HQ, 1st BN
Joanne, Bob, Paul, Sherry, et al:
Just want to thank Y'all for hosting us and providing the dinner, reception.
and tour guiding last week. It was very moving and fulfilling to share with
you in Ben's commemoration. Also very fulfilling to share time again with
your family, the Vets and their families.
God Bless and thanks again! Will stay in touch.
Tom Copsey
From: "RHONDA and MIKE WELLS" <>
To: "Bob Barrett" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 4, 2010 6:52:40 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: MailCall
Bob and the entire Barrett family:
Attached you'll find a couple of photo's from the funeral and trips in D.C.
that may be of interest to the family members.
On the long plane rides to and from the funeral my mind was often occupied
by the events that have transpired in my life that came about as a result of
the paths I've traveled in my search for, and discovery of, information
about my Step-Father's service in WWII.
As I went along the path of discovery I have came to many forks in the
path, where a decision had to be made as to which path to take. With no
markings to provide direction, I often picked the path that turned out to be
hardest to follow. However, on one occasion as I approached another such
fork, there was not only a sign to mark the way to go, but a man who showed
me which path to take where I would find a community with answers.
The sign was the 517th website, the man, Ben Barrett and the path led to
a community of those who knew much about the 517th PRCT. With the path now
clearly marked, and someone to help direct the way, the new path quickly
revealed many answers to many questions and provided connections to other
sources, and people, that could provide advice and futher direction.
Thank you, Ben! Even though the sun has set on your mortal journey, your
memory will rise with me every day. And every day I'll thank you, your
special family, and the members, families and associates of the 517th that
have helped me understand much about my Step-Father, his service to his
country and the trials that he faced.
May God Bless!
On behalf of the 517 PRCT I would like to thank the Barrett
Family for permitting members of the Unit to participate in the beautiful
and emotional ceremony held recently for our beloved comrade Ben Barrett.
Outwardly we know Ben would have been critical of the pomp and
circumstance shown but inwardly he would have been pleased with the
expression of love and respect displayed.
The memories of that beautiful day in April will be
short-lived for those individuals of Ben's generation but his children and
especially the grandchildren and others in their age group will long
remember the gathering on that day spent to pay homage to man with
qualities that are difficult to find in an individual today.
Years from now when Ben's final resting place is visited by
those who attended the recent ceremony on April 29, 2010, may they then
recognize what a good and beneficial influence his life's qualities had on
Members of the Unit would also like to convey to the
Barrett Family our sincerely and deep appreciation for including us in the
dinner following the tribute paid to Ben earlier in the day. It made us
feel like "family".
Merle W. Mc Morrow-President
After the ceremony at Arlington a number of us got into a
discussion as to the meaning of the folded flag of the United States and
why the 21-gun salute. I promised to furnish that meaning when I got
Meaning of Flag Draped Coffin
All Americans should be given this lesson. Those who think that America is
an arrogant nation should really reconsider that thought. Our founding
fathers used GOD's word and teachings to establish our Great Nation and I
think it's high time Americans get re-educated about this Nation's history.
Pass it along and be proud of the country we live in and even more proud of
those who serve to protect our 'GOD GIVEN' rights and freedoms.
I hope you take the time to read this ... To understand what the flag draped
coffin really means ... Here is how to understand the flag that laid upon it
and is surrendered to so many widows and widowers.
Do you know that at military funerals, the 21-gun salute stands for the sum
of the numbers in the year 1776?
Have you ever noticed the honor guard pays meticulous attention to correctly
folding the United States of America Flag 13 times? You probably thought it
was to symbolize the original 13 colonies, but we learn something new every
The 1st fold of the flag is a symbol of life.
The 2nd fold is a symbol of the belief in eternal life.
The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing the
ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of the country to
attain peace throughout the world.
The 4th fold represents the weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting
in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in time of war for
His divine guidance.
The 5th fold is a tribute to the country, for in the words of Stephen
Decatur, 'Our Country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be
right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.'
The 6th fold is for where people's hearts lie. It is with their heart that
they pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America, and the
Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with
Liberty and Justice for all.
The 7th fold is a tribute to its Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed
Forces that they protect their country and their flag against all her
enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of their
The 8th fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the
shadow of death, that we might see the light of day.
The 9th fold is a tribute to womanhood, and Mothers. For it has been through
their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men
and women who have made this country great has been molded.
The 10th fold is a tribute to the father, for he, too, has given his sons
and daughters for the defense of their country since they were first born.
The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and
King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob.
The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the
Christians eyes, God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.
The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are
uppermost reminding them of their nations motto, 'In God We Trust.'
After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the
appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served
under General George Washington, and the Sailors and Marines who served
under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followed by their comrades and
shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for them the
rights, privileges and freedoms they enjoy today.
There are some traditions and ways of doing things that have deep meaning.
In the future, you'll see flags folded and now you will know why.
Share this with the children you love and all others who love what is
referred to, the symbol of ' Liberty and Freedom.'
If not, hit delete..................
Our Soldiers have preserved your right to make this choice!
Not sure if you heard about this but during
the Palm Springs reunion, Hal Beddow, Leo Dean, and Allan Johnson went out
to the Perris Valley Sky Dive School and met up with the crew of Good
Morning America (ABC morning show) and ended up having a cameo appearance
in today's show;
Ceremony in Wanne this morning at the 517th
monument. Mayor of Trois-Ponts and a belgian veteran are paying homage with
respect. Our Love from Trois-Ponts. God Bless and Keep you all.
Irma and
Arnold Targnion

Wanne - 517th monument. The young boy is
Raphaël !
I can vaguely remember reading an e-mail recently from someone in either
France or Belgium inquiring about an incident that occurred in the skies
over the vicinity of the 1st Bn of the 517th. It referred to a German
aircraft being shot down in a dogfight directly over the position of the 1st
battalion on Christmas day of 44. I believe the German plane was described
as a "Junkers 88". The writer of the message was asking if anyone was
witness to the incident and if they have memory of the incident. I can
remember Uncle George [George Cavnar, Reg. HQ] speaking of this incident
years ago. I had the occasion to speak with him by phone yesterday and I
mentioned the incident to him. He said that he would be ok about speaking
with the inquiring person if needed. He was unsure of the type of German
aircraft that was brought down and that it had been involved in air to air
combat directly above their location. In his words, "the part that I
remember as being unusual was the fact that when the plane was spiraling
down closer to the ground it became upright for a moment until there was a
sudden shift in course and the burning craft flipped over and was flying
upside down at tree top level as it came closer to the ground. The German
pilot could be clearly seen by viewers on the ground and it was at that
point that the pilot fell out of the cockpit and his body hit the ground
with a sickening thud. The unmanned plane continued on in it's inverted
position until it also impacted the ground in a fiery crash." The 1st Bn
troopers on the ground were battle hardened guys that had seen a lot of
tragedy in this war but this event was stunning even to them. Uncle George
said that he literally only had to run a few steps to where the pilot lay
and checked him for a pulse but he was dead. With war being what it was
especially during the sub-zero temperatures of the deep freeze event known
as the "Bulge" the guys quickly relieved the pilot of his fur lined aviation
jacket, his boots and whatever else was salvageable. Although it is
considered as the the darker side of war, recycling clothing, weapons, boots
and other useful items became a necessary part of this war. If the
individuals inquiring about this incident will contact me@
, I will try to put you in contact with Uncle George.
Jerry Wofford
Jamie Evanish,
From "Co C" 517 PRCT Morning Reports I found the following information about
your Uncle Stephen R. Stepek.
(8 Jan 1945)
Dewey, Amil W. 71812 S/Sgt.
Marrit, Edward T. 71812 S/Sgt.
Kaizen, Lloyd L. 7745 Sgt.
Spears, William S. 7745 Sgt.
Cornell, Harry F. 7745 T/5
Ashworth, John C, 7745 Pvt.
Scribner, Jack E, 7745 T/5
Culver, Ervin N. 7745 Pvt.
Stepek, Stephen R 7745 Pvt. (7745 is a military number meaning a rifleman in
the infantry)
Above (9) EM asgd to and Jd Co fr Hq 2d Repl Depot per Par 64 50 329 Hq 2d
Repl Depot APO 776
dtd 14 Dec 1944
(31 Jan 1945)
33703201 Stepek, Stephen R. Pvt. MOS 7740 aptd Tech 5th Grade
(5 Mar 1945)
Stepek, Stephen R. 7740 Tech 2
Fr dy to sk in area NBC LD (From duty to sick in area Non Battle Casualty
Line of Duty)
I can tell you where he was from 1/8/1945 to 3/31/1945 from Morning Reports.
This is assuming he was with the 517PRCT "C" CO. up to 3/31/1945.
1/8/45-1/12/45 - Arbrefontaine, Belgium (no action) Two paratroopers in "C"
Company had been wounded in this village the day before he arrived.
1/12 - 1/13/45 - By truck to Stavelot, Belgium
1/14 - 1/20/45 -Logbierme, Belgium. Left Stavelot early on the 14th attacked
toward Logbierme, Belgium less than 10 km distance. In a two day battle in
Logbierme, "C" Co had 5 paratroopers killed, William S. Spears one of the
replacements that joined the outfit with your Uncle, two other earlier
replacements, and two others who had been with us since the outfits
activation in Toccoa, Georgia in March of 1943. Seven paratroopers were
wounded, including myself. I was in five Army hospitals from Jan 15 1945 to
January 1946. Since I never returned to the outfit, the remainder of the
events are from "C Co. Morning Reports. I assume your Uncle was with the
517th from January 8 to March 31, 1945, and maybe he was still with the
517th when the outfit returned to the U.S. in August of 1945.
1/21 - 2/1/1945 - Perfondruy, Belgium (no action)
2/2 - 2/4/1945 - Honsfield, Belgium (no action)
2/4 - 2/5/1945 - Left Honsfield by truck at 1:30 PM, traveled 50 miles to
Kleinhau, Germany, arrived at 1:30AM.
2/6 - 2/10/1945 - "C" Company was in reserve in Bergstein and Kleinhau,
Germany, no casualtiesi. The 517 Prct had a major battle and many casualties
during this period in Bergstein.
2/10 - 2/17/1945 - Left Kleinhau and traveled by truck and train thru Aachen,
Belgium, Northern France, to Joigny, France
From the above records I do not know where he was from the time he was
inducted in the service 03 Sep 1943 until he was in a replacement depot 14
Dec 1944. I do know he joined "C" Company on 08 January 1945 and was still
with the outfit on 05 March 1945. My Morning Reports for "C" Company go only
to 31 March 1945. His Discharge Papers on 13 Oct 1945 should indicate if he
was still in the 517 PRCT or maybe the Discharge Papers will indicate 13th
Airborne Division. He joined the 517 PRCT as a Private. Apparently he became
a Corporal on 31 January 1945. What happened after that I do not Know. Yes,
he received a Purple Heart while he was with the 517th. I have the following
paper: The following "C" Company men were awarded Purple Hearts by 517
Parachute Infantry Regiment General Orders in 1945. Stepek, S.R. is on the
list of 52 names. (Does not include Purple Hearts given in a Hospital). I
have another list of "C" Company Purple Hearts from 18 June 1944 till May
1945 with 135 Purple Hearts being issued. Stepek, S.R. is on this list. I
went thru "C" Company Morning Reports from 18 June 1944 to 31 March 1945.
Only those people who are evacuated to the hospital are listed on the
Morning Report as (LW) lightly wounded, (SW) seriously wounded, (SW & DOW)
seriously wounded & died of wounds, (KIA) killed in action. Also (LI) & (SI)
lightly injured or seriously injured by enemy action (such as concussion).
Always on the report will be (BC) battle casualty or (NBC) non battle
casualty. Also will be (LD) line of duty or (NLD) not line of duty. My list
from the Morning Reports has 94 names. Remember you receive a Purple Heart
whenever you are wounded or injured in combat as result of enemy action. If
a medic treats you for a minor flesh wound, you are eligible for a purple
heart but you might not be on a Morning Report. Stepek, S.R. is not on any
of the Morning Reports I have indicating he was injured or wounded in combat
with the enemy. The two most likely places he would have qualified for a
Purple Heart are Logbierme, Belgium !/14 - 1/20/1945 or Bergstein, Germany
2/6 - 2/10/1945.
Nolan L. Powell

Belgian WW 2 survivors with NLP (tall one in the center) at Logbierme
monument in June 2003

Monument to the soldiers of 517th PRCT 'C' Company killed in action in
Logbierme, Belgium.