Subj: FLAG DAY JUNE 14th
Date: 6/7/2002 9:00:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: BoomBoomAlicki
To: Ben517
"If one asks me the meaning of our flag, I say to him: It means all that the Constitution of our people, organizing for justice, for liberty, and for happiness, meant. Our flag carries American ideas, American history and American feelings. This American flag was the safeguard of liberty. It was an ordinance of liberty by the people, for the people. That it meant, that it means, and, by the blessing of God, that it shall mean to the end of time!"
--Henry Ward Beecher
Subj: #2 of Today, re MAIL CALL #306
Date: 6/8/2002 5:10:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Hi Ben, me again. Could not reach the antwrp.gsfc from MAIL CALL, so
went to Google, and found Astronomy.html site, got it there! Beautiful!
If someone else has trouble, you might want to tell them about Google and
the site. Certainly a sight to behold!
I couldn't get it to work either from last Mail Call. Try Gail's method or try this again. Google is a search engine. If you look for "earthlights" you can find it eventually. This link gets you there in one step.
Subj: Gene Brissey
Date: 6/8/2002 11:25:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Gene Brissey, Interesting story. Shows you that you always have to be alert. Especially if they want you SSN or a Credit Card number. I sent your post to everyone in my email address book with an AOL address. Thanks.
Another thing you should be aware of with AOL. A friend of mine used AOL. He closed his account and a few weeks later sold his computer. A couple months later he started getting billed again from AOL. The person who bought his computer double clicked the AOL Icon and was up and running "ON MY FRIENDS' credit card. When he called AOL they said that they do that incase you change your mind, all you have to do is sign back on and your account is reactivated. Of course the real reason is they hope you will forget and accidentally click the icon. If you quit using AOL, completely remove (uninstall) AOL from your system. Also remove all cookies from your system and clear your history file, and any personal files before selling a system.
Subj: Re: MAIL CALL NO. 306 517TH PRCT
Date: 6/8/2002 1:40:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: JOEMACK610
Hi Ben'
I'm enjoying the hell out of your most recent Mail Calls more especially #306. It really brings back old memories. My wife liked to flip when she saw the old tar paper shack we used to live in. In fact the training area where we went through basic wasn't much better, the company shacks were all lined up. The troops going through training today are sure lucky compared to what we used to put up with. Of course things were a bit different then and everything was done in haste, including billeting.
As I said in one of my earlier letters to you, I had a slew of pictures, but they were all destroyed in a house fire back in 1989, They were photos taken during basic training and during our stint overseas.
Joe Mackiewicz
Subj: (no subject)
Date: 6/9/2002 3:41:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Genedie77
Hi Ben and Friends:
Enjoyed your recent mails and mails from others resulting from my sending the scam letter concerning AOL. Heard from Mike Arterburn, Larry Zickefoose and others in mail call including our buddy Tom McAvoy. Pleased to read all of the inputs. Sure glad that I had the sense to call AOL Billing. Thanks to all!
Gene Brissey
Here is a photo of some 517 Req. Hq. members sent to me by Boom Boom Alicki. We will soon put it on the website.Will someone tell us what year photo was taken and where. Also please let me know if you receive the photo okay.
Front Row
Harmon B. Bryant and Lee Hulett
Middle Row
Jack Dunnaweay, Russell C. Johnson, Father Guennette, Raymond Dickerson, Unknown
Back Row
Unknown, Louis B. Holtzworth, Tom McAvoy, Emil Taraba, Unknown
Father Guennette our Catholic Chaplain, Russel C. Johnson, Lee Hullett and James B. Bryant are deceased.