Date: 7/25/02 9:58:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Ben517
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Thanks to all hotmail members for letting me know that you are getting the mail. I thought that you were but it helps to know for sure.
Ben or
__________________________________________________________Subj: Fwd: I am proud!!!
Date: 7/21/2002 7:34:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: SARGE31121 p
To: Ben517
I am proud to say it!! How about you? If so Pass it on!
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic, for which it stands;
one nation,UNDER GOD indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Date: 7/21/2002 7:59:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Dear Ben:Jump Boots–Little is said about them, but they, the parachute badge and the right to join the band of brothers was what we had in mind when we withstood the rigors of jump school. The boots, if they didn't blind the onlooker by their high polish, were a little more distinguishable from afar than the wings. The band of brothers was not distinguishable by anyone who wasn't on the inside---another brother. During the hot days of 1943 at Ft. Benning, when Russ Miller and I became eligible to wear them, we approached the shoe department at Quartermaster Sales. The non com who was entrusted to guard the boots examined our credentials and asked us our shoe sizes. In those days an 11 C was a big foot. Apparently not too many called for that size. The guardian of the boots produced a pair of one of the first makes of jump boots for me. They are of heavier leather and have larger brass grommets for the laces. Without batting an eye, I asked if he had another pair. So, I bought two pairs of those boots the earlier troopers had worn–a mark of distinction noticed by hardly anyone but me.When we hit the port of embarkation for the ETO, the first pair had 13 jumps on them and a million miles of Mackall before breakfast runs, and all sorts of outings with the troops including the Tennessee mud.. Somewhere along the line, probably in Southern France, they were replaced by the later version. The second pair I still have. They are about as dilapidated as I am, but I hope some saddle soap and kiwi polish will restore their gleam. My wife, Jan, realizing the job it will be to restore the gleam suggested that she take them to a shoe repair shop for rejuvenation. Jan couldn't understand. This was a job I had to do myself. Like Merle McMorrow’s wife Jan will let me wear the boots anywhere, if I can still get into them, but draws the line on my wearing them in bed. If this rejuvenation project works out well, you may see those old boots on this old trooper in Oklahoma City next June. I trust this will bring back memories for other troopers of those first boots and how we treasured them, even when the MPs and quartermaster diluted the honor to wear them.Airborne all the way! Howard Hensleigh
Date: 7/21/2002 8:57:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Hi Ben,
You indicated that message to us failed, however, we are getting your messages and appreciate them so very much.
I am struggling along after my bypass and subsequent problems caused by diabetes -
but hopefully all will be solvable as the surgeon indicated. Am scheduled for a cataract operation in August.
Airborne All the way,
Oscar Berg
Subj: Mail Call No. 332
Date: 7/21/2002 9:31:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Hi Ben~~
I have received all the Mail Calls (thank you) so apparently it's an MSN problem.
At any rate it doesn't seem to affect me. I'm tied to Hotmail for about another
10 months due to a rebate I got when I got this machine. Can't wait to get
another provider.
Looking forward to seeing you and Fran in Oklahoma.
Regards, Marty
_________________________________________________________________________________Subj: HOTMAIL
Date: 7/21/2002 10:12:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time
__________________________________________________________________________Subj: Lt. William Earl Price
Date: 7/23/2002 3:28:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Dear Sir,
My first cousin, Lt. (later Captain) William (Bill) Earl Price was a member
of the 517th...beginning with the jump into Southern France. I have no
further information but I'm trying to assemble anything about him for his
daughter who only met him shortly before his death several years ago. (She
had been adopted at birth and he had no knowledge of her existence until she
became 21 and decided to research her parents).
He was born in Union County South Carolina....
If you have a moment and could locate any information about him I would
certainly appreciate it.
my email address is
Again, my thanks,
Ralph Greer
Willaim Price was in Service company and is on our 1944 Christmas roster.
-Entry of Jul 24, 2002 at 12:59 [EST]
Name: Nacho Vasquez
Unit: Hdqtrs 3rd battalion co. Mortar Platoon
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm writing for Nacho, who would like to hear from any of his WW 2 buddies, especially Thomas Anderson, whom he lost touch with. Nacho lives in Anthony Texas. N Vasquez Gott
____________________________________________________________________Subj: Our Nation's Godly Heritage
Date: 7/19/2002 7:58:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: BoomBoomAlicki
To: Ben517
For most of us, handling money is part of every day. Even the design of
our currency acknowledges God's hand and His providence in the founding
of our nation. Toward that end, the Founding Fathers insisted that
meaningful symbolism be incorporated into the design of the Great Seal
of the United States that appears on the back of the one dollar bill. It
features a great pyramid that symbolizes our republic and its qualities
of strength and democracy. Across the top are the Latin words Annuit
Coeptis expressing our confidence in God and in His gracious leading in
the founding of our nation. Translated they mean: Providence [God] has
favored our undertaking. The pyramid is unfinished to remind each of us
that our country is a work in progress, and the contribution made by
each of us is significant. Over all, is the prevailing eye of God
Himself, watching over the development of our nation, from its earliest
moments to now. While some have misinterpreted the symbolism of this
seal, the reality is that it was designed to honor God and show our
nation's trust in Him.