As expected I am getting  corrections and names of those omitted on Relatives roster. I will wait awhile before I make  a new  roster with corrections and additions. I already know names that I omitted. Keep sending information. We now have about 80 names.

I want to thank all who  have expressed their appreciation  for the Website and Mail Call. However, it is most unlikely that there would be a 517th ASSN. to write about if it wasn't for the efforts of Merle McMorrow who alone saved the Assn. after the death of Bill Lewis. Too few know about all he had to do to retrieve records and other vital information to keep the 517 Assn. alive.. I doubt very much that anyone else could and would have done what he did to save the Assn.

Just got word from Bob Piper that he spent a couple hours with Ed Flannery yesterday at his home. Ed would like to hear from members. His # is (722) 589 8973



Subj: Frederick Mitchell 
Date: 2/1/2003 8:17:21 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: GloryB@centurytel.net
To: PRCT517@aol.com

First let me say you guys are doing a fantastic job with the web site!

Could you add the following information to the appropriate areas. According to my Dads Discharge papers
 Frederick W. Mitchell received:
1 purple heart - (injured January 3, 1945) GO # 11 Hq 67th.
3 bronze Service Stars & 1 Bronze Arrowhead.
These were presented at McCloskey General Hospital in Temple Texas, January 29, 1945
Thanks for all you do.
Gloria Mitchell Schinkal

Subj: 1944 roster 
Date: 2/2/2003 8:38:57 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: PRCT517
To: Ben517

PFC Dervyn Muth is on the Christmas 1994 roster with the Hq Co, 1st Battalion, the same unit as Boyle, Sanford, Beckstrom, Anderson, Smith, Chestnut, Talarico, Graham, and others who have written on the guestbook or sent in photos.

He is also listed in the casualty reports as KIA Jan 12, 1945.


Subj: Re: MAIL CALL NO. 416 517TH PRCT 
Date: 2/2/2003 9:51:49 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Ltlpws5355





Subj: Re: 517 relatives 
Date: 2/2/2003 11:33:40 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Tomx517

       Yes, Tom Cross Jr would like to receive E-mail traffic from Mail Call and anything else of interest dealing with our website. His home e-mail address is:
tcross8407@aol.com .
       You can add his name to the Roster of those wishing to help.
Regards, Tom

Subj: re: Friends and relatives roster 
Date: 2/3/2003 1:00:20 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: dinnylee@koalas.com

Dear Ben,   I guess I should tell you that "Virginia" is spelled wrong
on the "Friends and Relatives" roster.   You had "Virgina", and Andy
Jorgen is spelled "Jergen."    I don't mean to be picky,but it might as
well be right.   That roster is great, though.

By the way, when I got the big roster last fall, or whenever it was
sent, I found a man from my small town, North Bend, Oregon, who was from
the 517th.  His name was James Houg of  Headquarters Co. 1.
I thought, aha, that is great.   So I was getting ready to phone him,
when I got the "Thunderbolt" and saw that he had just died.    How
sad.   But then I called his wife, Mary, anyway.   We had a nice chat.
We talked of the military for a while.   She said she was going out of
town for a while, but then she would
like to get together with me.   At Christmas I sent her a Christmas card
and she sent me  one back, again expressing the same sentiments, except
she wasn't feeling very  well.   Then came the first of the year, and
there in the paper I found out she had just died on January 1st!!!!That
was quite a shock!!!

It really shoock me!!But it spurred me to finish the book (or story) I
am writing about Andy (1st Lt. Annon Jorgen.)   So I am working like mad
on that.

Thanks  again for all your work on "Mail Call."   We'll have to give you
a Medal of Honor.

Take care.   Virginia Jorgen

Subj: FW: Old Veteran 
Date: 2/3/2003 6:12:56 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: frederic@misaki.com
To: SARGE31121@aol.com
CC: Ben517@aol.com

Dear Mr. Holzworth,
Hope you are doing well and well received my below e-mail.
I had a talk this week-end with Mr. Bruno Sallé - Lieutnant of Fayence/Callian Fire Department who is expert in the "Liberation of Provence". Mr. Sallé is planning a major commemoration / exposition on this period (August 44) in next August 2004 in Fayence Fire Department Offices (2km from Callian center). I will assist him in this task.
It would be an honor for us and the city to arrange your invitation here for this commemoration and as veteran who contributed to the freedom of the city. Hope you can reply positivly. Maybe could we talk on the phone? Please let me know your telephone number to give you more details.
With best regards,
Frederic Brega (Mr.)
Misaki Boutique Department - Sales Manager
World Trade Center - Gildo Pastor
7, rue du Gabian
MC 98000 Principality of Monaco

From: Frederic Brega [mailto:frederic@misaki.com]
Sent: mardi 28 janvier 2003 17:57
To: SARGE31121@aol.com
Subject: RE: Old Veteran

Dear Sarge,
Thank you very much for your e-mail which made me very happy, with a certain emotion as well.
It is years now (I am 29, and started collecting everything about this period at...8!!) that my "free time" is dedicated to the "Liberation of Provence". This hobby takes a large place nowadays.
I know very well Callian near the city of Grasse where my familly is leaving today (but I was born in Nice). From this area (Callian and Fayence) the 517th and 509th have progressed on Grasse, Bar-sur-Loup, La Colle, Vence, Bouyon, L'Escarène/Lucéram near Col de Braus. The 1st SSF (Americano-Canadian Special Force) followed another road. What has been your mission here? Which city or Village?
The pepole here still have an important "collective record" of these important events of Summer 1944. In addition, many "remains" are still visible especially in Col de Braus.
What I try to do today:
Collect as much info as possible with the former soldiers, resistants, civilians who shared these events. If nobody takes care about that NOW then it will be lost for ever...what is stupid. So I try to bring my small contribution... I try to collect photos, various army documents and individual stories, all kind of material and relics which will be exhibited in the museum of Villefranche-sur-Mer (2 km from Nice)! This museum is only dedicated to French Alpin Troops today but we have the project to extend it to "Liberation of Provence". The dream should come true within 2 years....!!
I read in your e-mail that you are planning a trip here. It is a wonderful idea and I propose you to take a few days off in the office to drive you all around the place! Really it is a wonderful project!!
Hoping to read from you soon,
Best regards,

From: SARGE31121@aol.com [mailto:SARGE31121@aol.com]
Sent: mardi 28 janvier 2003 17:05
To: frederic@misaki.com
Subject: Old Veteran

Dear Sir:   I was there in 1944 and one of these days would like to return for a visit.  I landed around Callian France some where northwest of Nice.    I have some Static Line paper s  I will send to you and may help you out trying to learn about  the war. Also will send you a few other things as I go along.. I spend 20 years in the US Army Paratroop's  so have a few stories along the way.   the old Sarge  Lou Holzworth  my email sarge31121@aol.com


Subj: Re: MAIL CALL NO. 416 517TH PRCT 
Date: 2/3/2003 7:25:02 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: lbr915@hotmail.com
To: Ben517@aol.com

Please add me to your relatives roster.  Thanks!
Richter, Lori.......daughter of Orville Stubbs 

Subj: Re: MAIL CALL NO. 416 517TH PRCT 
Date: 2/3/2003 12:20:43 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: CNelson@cotton.org
To: Ben517@aol.com

Ben:  I get the email from you, but didn't see my name on the listing you are trying to update. by the way, enjoy reading the email.  I just sent an email to the nephew of D. Muth, who I believe was close to my father. Sgt. Marvin Miller, who you put me in contact with some time back, could also help Muth's nephew, I think.  

T. Cotton Nelson, son of Gerald M. Nelson, HQ 1st Battalion, 517th

Date: 2/3/2003 11:18:57 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: mattdeo@g2a.net
To: Ben517@aol.com

Thanks for sending " Jewish History In A Nutshel"Ben. The article & the
maps are very good.Matt
Thanks are due to Boom Boom Alicki who sent it in. I'm just the messenger.

_Subj: Re: MAIL CALL NO. 416 517TH PRCT 
Date: 2/3/2003 1:00:36 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: oldranger@uia.net
To: Ben517@aol.com

Please add me to the relatives of members of the 517. My Uncle Alton L. Allen was with D Co and killed in action Nov 4, 1944

Gerald Allen