Mail Call---BEn517@aol.com
Subj: Two Faced Lady
Date: 4/16/2003 8:30:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: rick@760media.com
Hi Ben,
My name is Rick Vasquez and I am the son of Nacho Vasquez. My mother is Nila Gott who you have had correspondence with the last year or so. I would like to
say that I have enjoyed reading the e-mails that go
through the webside and the new additions to it.
My father and I had many conversations about his
experiences just before he died this past January.
Especially his war experiences. He was very proud
of being a member of the 517th paratroopers and deservedly so. I have had the chance to read many exploits of your
unit, though not all as of yet. I understand a little more
of why he was so proud, though if you knew him, he never bragged or even mentioned it, unless someone asked.
That seems to be the theme with all veterans.
He wrote the poem Two Faced Lady years ago,
and recited it from memory to me last year. I think that
he understood how lucky he was to come back and
see the Statue of Liberty upon his return from Europe.
Please feel free to put it on the website.
Last week I had the pleasure to meet about thirty of
the members at the Palm Springs reunion. Though
none of the gentlemen knew him, they welcomed
me with open arms and to see them interact with each other, I now know why he was proud to serve the greatest nation with the greatest unit.
thank you, best regards
Rick Vasquez
Subj: Re: Poem
Date: 4/16/2003 8:00:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: ngott@neteze.com
Hi Ben,
Yes, he was the author. I found a lot more poems after his death. Not war, though. Not sure when he wrote it. Please put it whereever you want.

Subj: Boom Boom
Date: 4/16/2003 9:17:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: BoomBoomAlicki
To: Ben517
To Gene Brissey.....Sorry ole trooper this old beaten down body is limited to any distant travel over 300 plus miles. Whenever we have a reunion closer to home I would be the first to sign up and get together with you and others interested in my duties at Camp Toccoa 60 years past.
For the record after leaving Hawaii as a First Sergeant, Hq 53d AA Brigade, then finishing OSC, Parachute & Demolition Training, I was assigned to a Holding Company, Ft.Benning, Frying Pan Area.
While there Lt.Col. Walton, Exec O. 517 Prcht Regt interviewed me regarding if I would be interested being assigned to the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division which was in the process of being formed. That Col. Walsh (Cockatoo Lou) would be the Commanding Officer. Lt. Col. Walton said that they wanted me to assist in the formation of the Regiment by speaking to the newly arrived volunteers with a strong convincing short speech (blood and guts talk) with the purpose of separating the weak and hesitating from the strong and determined volunteers. Then take them to the Mock Tower, hook up and jump out. Those who hesitated off course were OUT. Those who jumped were IN.
Anyway, I accepted after we made a deal that when the Regiment was formed I would be assigned as Regimental Hq Demolition Platoon Leader.
I dont recall ever meeting a volunteer group at the Rail Station. Must have been someone else. Most volunteers would be brought to me at the Camp.
Yes, we screened individual records to seperated the wheat from the chaff.
Those with questionable record would be quitely eased out. After all remember our goal was to get the BEST ever..mentally, physically and determined Airborne Infantry fighting force.
I do admit on one or two occasions that I overlooked some minor flaws and allowed some to pass. Their pleas convinced they would do their best. I told them if I heard otherwise, I would come and bust their ass. The rest is history. HAPPY EASTER TROOPER.
________________________________________________________________________Subj: In re: Nate Rubenstein
Date: 4/16/2003 9:22:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: chrislindner@bellsouth.net
Hi Ben: I am back again for another question for you or anyone that might be able to answer this. I found an envelope that my Mom had sent a letter to my Dad on October 28, l945 (my Mom did not know my Dad then but was friends with his sister and wrote to my Dad). The funny thing that I found on the envelope was the way it was addressed and my Dad did receive it,here is how it was addressed Cpl. Nathan RubensteinHdg. B. 1st Bn. 505 P.I.R.A.P.O. 469 % New York,N.Y. AIRMAIL What I was wondering is that we all know my Dad was in the HQ. Co. 2Bn. 517 PRCT. I was just curious to this address because it is so far off of the Co. my Dad was in. I was just wondering if anyone might know why this would be addressed like this. It’s not a big deal but I was just wondering. Hope all is well with you and your family. Chris
________________________________________________________________________Subj: OKC REUNION
Date: 4/17/2003 12:50:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: louettad2001@yahoo.com
To: ben517@aol.com
Hello from windy Oklahoma. Thought we were going to
see Dorothy in Kansas instead of the other way around.
Latest registrations. Fred Harmon "H" CO & friend
Franklin Linder, John "Red" Guthrie 3rd BN, 2nd
PL,"I" CO, Fred & Verda Brown HQ 460th, Stephen &
Elburna Armbruster, 460th "D", Floyd & Adrianna Polk
"D" CO. Calls still coming for information. We have
1 month to go for registration cut off. Hope We have
not forgotten to do something. Later, Jesse & Lou Darden
_______________________________________________________________________Subj: New Computerized Information Request
Date: 4/17/2003 8:18:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: LiddellDesigns@cs.com
Hi Mr. Barrett.
I was just wondering if anyone that's been looking for information on a family member has tried the new computerized request forms that I e-mailed you. (I think it's called V-Tec) It's on the Department of Millitary Records' web-site. I used it to request the information on my grandfather. (and they're going to send me a copy of all his medals- along with the report that was submitted for them)
Let me know if you have any trouble finding it. I will be glad to find the web-address and information. It's around here somewhere.
Have a great day.
Your friend,
Chris Liddell
"Official Grandson of the 517th" :-)
We now have it on theContents page on the website.-Ben
__Request Copies of Military Personnel Records