Mehalba- a pyysician,Al-Halabi-  an interperter, and Yee-  a muslim chaplain have been charged with breeching security at Guantanamo-SHOCKING!!
Mail Call---Ben517@aol.com

Newsday.com - Author Hopes Book Helps Relatives of WWII

Hi Ben,
After reading this article about her book, it reinforces the wonderful job you are doing in shedding light and bringing forth the activities and heroism of the 517th. It gives all of us a new and heartening perspective on our fathers, uncles, grandfathers, etc. who served our country during its most dangerous time in history. Keep up your great work.

God bless,
Tom Dorman
Son of James T. Dorman Co. "C" 517th

Hello Ben and all members of the 517th that might read this. I just wanted to write a quick note about how honered I was to attend the dedication at Toccoa. My brother Lory and I took my dad, H.L. "Bud" Curtis, to the reunion. He was one of 3 members of the 517th to attend. The town of Toccoa did a great job honoring all you veterans. We also were able to spend a day at Fort Benning where the royal carpet was rolled out for my dad. We even met "Oscar."  After being one of many that viewed the "Band of Brothers," I now realize what you guys did. We were able to drive to the top of Curahee and hike around. Even my dad was able to run briefly at the top. I can't imagine all the stories that must have began there. Anyway, I wanted to let you all know how honored I was to stand on the same ground as the men of the 517th. Thank you all for being such capable "Battling Buzzards" and allowing my dad to be one of the fortunate who made it home. You are truly all heroes!
Tim Curtis
Tucson, AZ

Problems with Hotmail again.-Ben
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Dear Ben:   Ed Thomas (First Special Service Force) who was with us on the lines in S. France for 90 days called and sent me a FAX yesterday passing on a request for any information about two of our 460th troopers. They were killed on 15 Aug 44–Lt. PHILIP KENNAMER and HARRIS T. MOORE. Ed received the inquiry from the author of "Historical Stories" who lives in Le Muy. Our 460th men are honored by having their names at the entrance of the village of Trans. Is there anyone in the 460th who can provide any information on either man? If you put it in Mail Call, I will get it to Ed. Thanks, Howard Hensleigh


Still seeking information about John Penn "I" Co. who lost his life at Manhay. (Mail Call No. 555 )-Ben

Note to the Long family.  Congratulations Dallas on your 85th birthday and on your uppcoming 60th wedding annaversary.  You were married just 5 days before I arriveed at Camp Mackall as a green 90 day wonder (a term still used by Jack Castiglione--one of the S-2 guys).   Dallas was a main stay as first sergeant of G & Hq. 3rd Companys.  I've got to admitt, Jerrie, that he never gave the impression of being a recently married man by slacking off in his duties.  Dallas performed faithfully many years in the reserves and deserves all the homors you give him.  God bless you for sayig you as his bride are lucky.  We know both of you are lucky.  Fly the flag,

Howard Hensleigh
