Hi Ben,
Everything is going great. I have received 517th E Mails 571 thru 575.
I looked up Patricia Pavia's pictures, of the area around Sospel, on the 517th Web Site. They were great. In May 2002, I had the privilege of riding in Roland's jeep with Roland and Patricia on the Main Street of Sospel.
Patricia Pavia's pictures show Mont. Barbonnet, Mont. Agaisen, Mont. Gros, all of which have World War II Forts (part of the Little Maginot line) on the top, The 517th occupied each of these forts for a short time. In the summer's of 1983 and 2002, with members of my family I drove to the top each of those mountains, and stood on the top of some of the fortifications. Today, Mont. Barbonnet and Mont. Agaisen are very accessible by car. However, Mont. Gros is an adventure. If you try that, you better have a detailed map, a four wheel drive vehicle, and a prayer. I did it in 2002 with only a BMW, two of my children and two of their friends (all but me near 50 in age). Oh, yes we did have detailed map.
Nolan L. Powell
Harry F. Moore 460
Dear Howard,
Thank you for the CC to Barret Ben.
There are very good for me.
Plase, can I have The Gerald Moore's address.
I have many questions for him.
Sincerely, Colette MICHEL
Gene Brissey E Company
Ben, I'm still around, enjoying Mailcalls and trying to learn computer "business." In Mailcall 571 you state that the Mailcall has a picture of Darrel Egner at the Toccoa monument and at the bottom there is a line that implies that there is a picture of Darrel at the Toccoa Monument. Am I supposed to find a picture in the Mailcall? I went to the website and found a picture of Darrel at the monument. Is this the required action? I enjoyed the note from Darrel about his visit to Toccoa. I really enjoyed the letter from the farm boy, I mean girl, to her parents about her military experiences. Also on the website I noted the picture of Bud Curtis and Russ Brami at the Toccoa monument. Of course I enjoy reviewing everything on the website. You, Bob and contributors have put together a great site.
Gene Brissey
The photo should have been in Mail Call just above the caption. It is also on the website-Ben
Dorothy McKenzie
the A C L U doesn't want any crosses
on any Federal property?

Let them try and remove these!! What are these people thinking?? At what point do we say, enough is enough? Please pass this on to as many people possible as quickly as you can even if you normally don't do this type of thing. Some messages just need to be forwarded and this is most certainly one of them. Please take the time.