Website                    www.517prct.org
Mail Call                   Ben517@aol.com       517th Mail Call
Roster                      www.517prct.org/roster.pdf

Annual Florida Snowbird Mini-Reunion 2004
January 18-22, 2004
Kissimmee, FL
Click above for details,

Joyce ans Leo Turco
Hi Ben,
Leo and Joyce Turco want to wish all our 517th Airborne friends and their families happy holidays. After writing Christmas cards to our families we feel we might miss some good friends in our organization by mailing cards, so would like to extend our best wishes on our E-mail.
We also want to thank you and Bob for all the news you bring us every day on line. We look forward to hearing what is going on with all everone. 
Hope you and Fran have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Colette Michel
As a writer of "Historical Stories", I should like to write the story of 3 young men whose names appear on a stele at the entry of Trans en Provence, near Le MUY, during the landing the 15th of August 1944.
Can you tell me information about:
Harry F. MOORE, and if it is possible, I should like to know his "Curriculum Vitae".
Sincerely yours
 Colette MICHEL
722, ch du jas de la paro
83 490 Le MUY
Tel: 04 94 45 95 47

Mike Kane
Hi Ben.  Just wanted to give you a new email address to send the Mail Call to.  mjkane3902@earthlink.net

Thanks for keeping me on the list.  I enjoy reading every one of them. 

Judy Sinnings
Dear Ben:
                 just a short note to let you know since my father Harry Saunders passed back in april we are still missing him very  much, and it is hard for me to read the mail and find out about all of his buddies that are going on after him. So please remove us from the e-mail. To all of you heroes we wish you a very merry Christmas and a good new year. God bless and keep you and yours.
                        Thank you   all for our freedom
                          Richard & Judy Sinnings

Laamar Davis

Hi Ben,

I don't know if you would like address updates or not.

I am related to Carl Harlow's wife and I know that they have moved.  New address is;

    Carl L. Harlow,   416 Key West Dr.,     Charlottesville, VA 22911


Lamar Davis


We are always interesteded in any updates. Send them to Mail Call or to Tom Reber at reber83@insightbb.com