By all means I know that I do not
qualify as 517th historian by any means and of course I was not there
60 years ago but from everything that I have read I thought that the
identification word was “Democracy” on the Jump into Southern
I can not even find the word
“Lafayette” on any of the
documents I have.
I am sure that there are
many people that will be able to answer this question much better than I can but
I thought I would just add what all of my documentations
Rubenstein’s daughter
Mark Baird
Hi Ben,
Am not sure of the
order of Democracy/Lafayette,
but the alternative was "Billy the Kid".
One of the
British troopers couldn't remember that, so the story
goes, so
he said "some bloody______ American outlaw".
I do remember challenging the
first people I saw,
after about an hour and half wandering around,
they didn't respond so I cranked a shell in the
chamber of my M1 and
they heard that! Don't have the
foggest notion as to who they were, but
they were on
our side.
I was behind a tree just in case they shot and
questions later..
Mark Baird
Randolf Coleman
Ben..Re the suggetions as to the
password on D Day, made by Howard and Tom, I recall the crickett, and the
altenative password, Billy the Kid. I can not be sure of the primary
password. As to the French Paratrooops, I do not remember there were any.
In my plane, we had a British Paratrooper, a Lt. He was there in a liaison
capacity. He jumped right ahead of me, and I kicked the stick. I also had to
kick his rear to get him out the door.I had heard of freezing in the door,
but this is the only time I saw it. He caused us to be delayed in jumping,
and as a result he and I were further from friends when we got on the
ground. When I located him, he had forgotten the password and in answer to my
crickett,said"some bloody cowboy" ,instead of Billy the Kid. He acceped my
critique of his lack of discipline, and guts, and said to me "when I get killed
you take charge". I told him a was already in charge. Anyway, that is my
recollection as to any other troopers in our jump. Randolph Coleman F.
Page 47 Paratroopers'
Odyssey mentions the password and countersign "Lafayette"---
"Democracy" and also the British trooper reply to "Billy ---"The Kid".
Rick Vasquez
Hi Ben and Howard,
I would like to say thank you to Trooper
Walsh and Tom Reber whom I have contacted regarding the issue of
contributing items that the paratroopers may want that we can
provide. Not only for the trip to Europe, but for the following
Reunion. I like the idea of Sweatshirts for the cool mornings in Southern
France. I would just need to know who to contact regarding the
European Trip, I can start from there. The trip will be here before you
know it. If we can start now, we will have everything well before. Again,
thank you for reviewing this request and we are honored to help in any
Best Regards,
Rick Vasquez
Son of Nacho Vasquez, Headquarters 3rd
Randolg Coleman
Hi Ben, I noticed in a mail from
you on the 10th of Jan a letter inquiring of Jack Milojevich. As we were both in
F. Co. I knew him well. I would be glad to communicate with his nephew as per
his request. If he reads this, he can contact me at rcoleman8@satx.rr.com Randolph Coleman