From: Ben517
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:43 AM
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 737 517THPRCT--AUGUST 15,2004
August 15, 1944 the 517th jumped into Southern France.
1944 August - "TOP SECRET"

Mail Call           
Mail Call Archives
Florida Mini-Reunion 2005
January 23-27, 2005
Kissimmee, FL

Michael Carrillo
August 15
That day has become a very special day for me! My dad was jumping in
Southern France that day, the day I was born. At all most 88 years old he
still remembers many of his friends. I will always be sure to let people
know how important that day is for me and for everyone here in the
USA...these band of brothers did this for us, "Lets not forget them". It
is unbelievable that it was just 60 years ago that I was born on the
very same day that my dad, the Beaver jumped from a plane so very far
away in France.  God bless all of you from the 517 for what you did to
protect our rights and freedom!

Chris Lindner

Hi Ben:

This being the 60th Anniversary of the 517ths jump into Southern France I was a bit surprised to find this on the front news line of my Yahoo Web page. I thought it was good.

Chris Lindner
Nate Rubenstein's Daughter

France Commemorates 'The Other D-Day'

Bob Christie

Ben, A few days ago, we drove down to Punta Gorda in Charlotte county to visit a trooper of our Band of Brothers. He lives in a fairly new subdivision called "Seminole Lakes". They were at Ground zero of "Charlie" I haven't been able to contact them, their phone is out. I had an email address for them, but misplaced it. Would all of our 517th family keep them in their thoughts and prayers. I would go down there, but don't want to be in the way of disaster relief. Fema is there big time. Maybe I will be called out, but I don't know. The emergency units are having a meeting today to organize the relief efforts. Here in the Tampa Bay area we dodged a big bullet. Those people down there had only a few minutes warning. They thought Charlie was just passing, but instead it turned inland suddenly. I imagine our friends in northeast Florida got hit. Clark Archer in Daytona Beach was right in the path.
Darrell Egner, Tom Cross, Leroy Johnson and others were close to the path. Let us know how you are doing.  Maybe Howard will be wondering what he's getting into. Bob


I just talked to Tom Cross and Clark Archer. They are okay.  It is safe for Howard to move down there.-Ben