I talked to Clark Archer today. He is feeling much better and has survived
the storms okay so far.
2005 Biannual Reunion
August 15-19, 2005
Savannah, Ga.
Tom McAvoy
Ben I was able to talk to Jack at this number,1-323-469-5305
Jack was
just 90 years old recently?? He is haveing trouble remembering
people an
names, He ask me 6-8 times who I was and where was I calling from,
brought up different names of our people and he said he
them,(but I kind of wondered if he did) but where did
I run into you
Tom??? So around & around we went, finally Oko Yono
came on the phone,
and said he wasnot doing to well???? Jack ask where I got
this number I
used to call him, Then I said it was on your business
card you gave me
Jack 15-20 years ago?? He would like to hear from any of our
guys?? Oko
told me , Also she said he was not receiveing the
Thunderboldt and would
like too at This address 3300 Craig street
Los Angeles , Calif 90068 So
guys lets break down here and send this old bird
our Loveing regards??
How about it??????Tom McAvoy
John Alicki
Welcome aboard Joe Calder.
Read your comments in Mail Call 751. I recall we communicated
for a while. Like yoursel, I remained with the 517th until deactivated.
Transferred to the 505th as CO, Reg Hq Co and later "B" Company 505th.
Took my training at Ft. Holabird, MD and returned to Ft. Bragg to command
the 82nd CIC Detachment.
Becky Martinette
Hi Ben,
Just a little note to tell you that I have
located a member of the 517. His name is John Guthrie, and he lives in Virginia
Beach. He was on the 517 roster . My mom remembers him, she said they went on a
double date after the war. My father(Maurice White H co) called him "Red"
(Guthrie). He says that he has some stories to tell about himself and my
father, He said he will come to see my
family when we can arrange a time. Of course I will email the stories to the
I don't think he has email so maybe I will
be able to help him
keep in touch with my email. Thank you for
all the hard work
without this webpage and roster this
connection would not be possible.
Thank You
Becky Martinette
Joe Calder
Ben: When I graduated from jump school , I was assigned as
Commander of one of the companies in the receiving battalion.
Moon was
my assistant. He had been in the Army longer than I, but I had
commissioned a few days longer, So I was the CO. We only had
officers in each of the Receiving Companies. Moon liked the
life,but not the 0520 wake up. So I would take the company in
morning and he would take it in the afternoon. We usually changed
noon. He slept in the morning and I played at the Officers
swimming pool all afternoon. I often think of the hard times was
the recruiters. They were worked hard all morning by me.
Then they
would have dinner, and Moon would work them all after noon.
Was not
really fair, but our job was to get as many of the to sign quit slips
possible. If you went through a receiving company, you know what a
God know how many pushup they had to every day.
Joe is referring to Moon Mullins who was my CO while assigned to
the Parachute School in Rome.-Ben
Joe Calder
to art isler,s son you want information about yuor dad please send me your
e-mail address
Joe Calder
Kathy McIntost
hi ben,
we will be moving into our new house soon and
will be putting up a flag pole. dad's question is, is there a flag of the
517th? has anyone tried to produce one?
Hi Kathy,
Here is a photo that I took at Ft. Benning when I was there for the
Airborne Awards a few years ago.
Carmen Gauthier with 517 Parachute Infantry Flag