We are constantly adding information to our website and therefore
have had to add many sub-divisions to the Contents page. It may make it a little
more difficult to locate specific articles, but by just clicking away on the
various links you can find an encyclopedia of events concerning the 517th
PRCT. Most of the unit history and copies of WW2 documents are
located on the "517th History and Archives" page.
All new additions to the website are always listed at the top of
the Contents page.
Example: Click on 1- Contents page. 2 - 517
History and Archives. 3 -History and Archival Documents. 4- 1944 August Memorial
This document was sent to us by John Davis, son-in-law of Olen
Hughes, I Co. I have from that site the memorial message from
Colonel Graves in this Mail Call. You can reach this site by just clicking
on Memorial
Ben and Bob
2005 Biannual Reunion
15-19, 2005
Savannah, Ga.
Bob Barrett
Just to let you know that I have added a couple of new
items on the Documents page of the website, including a July 9 1944 Memorial
Service booklet from Italy (finally), and pictures of a 1943 Camp Mackall
Christmas card.
Floyd and Andrianna Polk
We are looking forward to attending
the Kissimmee and Savannah
Floyd & Adrianna
Company D
Below is a 517 item on the www.eBay.com site-Ben
PARATROOPER ITEM! This is a high quality, and EXACT reprint of
this very rare soft cover book that was originally published
in France as a gift to the men of the 517TH P.I.R for
Christmas 1944 from the unit commander, Col. R.D. Graves. This
40 page book has the complete regimental roster, by company,
of the 517th PIR, the 460th PARA FIELD ARTY and the 596th Abn
Engs who were serving with the unit as of December 1944. We
have only seen one original of this rare booklet in 30 years
of collecting and have reprinted it so all collectors and
airborne historians can share in this useful information( all
the names and company that they belong to,this is great for
purple heart, bronze and silver star research!!) The book also
makes a great display item and has a full color cover that is
exactly faithful to the original in our collection. We have
referred to the "master" work on the 517th parachute infantry
regiment and the combat jump and invasion of southern
france, "First Airborne Task Force" by Michel De Trez and did
not see a copy of this rare booklet shown or referred to!
Buyer to pay 1.50 for shipping( or 3.85 for priority mail). We
prefer paypal for payments
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