From: Ben517
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 1:57 AM
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 808 517TH PRCT--DEC 4, 2004
I try to answer all guestbook entries but do not add names to email roster unless requested to do so. Also after three failed attempts to deliver mail  for whatever reason, I remove name from email roster. I will add or delete name when asked.

Mail Call             
Mail Call Archives
Florida Mini-Reunion 2005
January 23-27, 2005
Kissimmee, FL
2005 Biannual Reunion
August 15-19, 2005
Savannah, Ga.

 Annual West Coast Party 2005
April 10-16, 2005
Palm Spring, CA
More info soon


General Seitz
Gen. Seitz sent this note a week ago.  I haven't had time to drop by, so here is a scanned copy.
The article text reads:

The National Personnel Records Center has provided the following website for Veterans to access their DD-214 on line: <>. This may be particularly helpful then a Veteran needs a copy of his DD-214 for employment purposes.  


The National Personnel Records Center is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and internet to obtain copies of documents of their military files.


Military Veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military members may now use a new online military personnel records system to request documents.  Other individuals with a need for documents must still complete the Standard Form 180 which can be downloaded from the online website.


 The new web-based application was designed to provide better service on these requests by eliminating the records center's mailroom processing time.


Also, because the requester will be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask Veterans for additional information will be minimized.  Veterans and next of kin may access this application at

<>.  Please note there is no requirement to type "www" in front of the web address.


Don Martin
Good evening , and thanks for this site.
My dad , William Hardy Martin ,  a member of the 517th , passed away on August 30th. He succumbed to cancer of the esophagus after a 2 year battle.
He had attended a couple of the reunions in recent years and came back with great stories and anecdotes about those he had the opportunity to meet and socialize with during those reunions.
It was only in the past several years that he seemed to be able to relate to me in detail some of the encounters and events he experienced during his tenure with the 517th. In so doing I gained an even greater respect and appreciation for all he and his fellow soldiers endured during that endeavor that preserved the freedom I enjoy today.
He was proud of his service and the men with whom he was privileged to serve and I in turn am proud of him and all the fine men who sacrificed all . For those  of you who remain I salute and thank you .
From a personal standpoint , he will be greatly missed . He was a man of courage, character and conviction .
I would be honored to placed on your mailing list.
With warm regards,
Don Martin
Douglasville, GA
William H, Martin was a member of "A" Co.

Chris Lindner
Hi Ben:

Thanks for Bob’s e-mail.  I thought that when I sent the letter into the Thunderbolt about the women of the 517th writing in or telling there stories we might get some of them to also send in messages to Mail Call.  

I think that you and Bob have done such a fantastic job with the website that when people are trying to look up a relative or whoever you and Bob have made the website so totally full of such wonderful information that they can look it up without writing in and asking questions.  I cannot believe how the website has matured in the last 3 years with everything that you have done.

Entry of Dec 03, 2004 at 09:35 [EST]
Name: Christine Fox
Unit: No, a friend was a member of the 517th
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
Comments: I'm trying to put together a "memory" book about the 517th for a "great" friend. The book will be a Christmas gift and I was wondering if anyone could help by giving me tips on how to find patches, articles or anything else that might make the book an exceptional gift.

Christine Fox
Hello Ben,
    Thanks for responding so quickly.  I'm so excited about putting together this gift!!!!   I'm going to try and get some specific info like what company, unit, etc. he was assigned to; but I have to be careful not to spoil my surprise to him.
    His name is Carroll Kemp Davis. 
    I appreciate any info you can pass my way.  I'm sure Carroll will be excited when he gets the gift.  He loves talking about his experiences with the 517th.
Thanks a MILLION!!!
A Bill Mauldin cartoon