From: Ben517
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 3:20 AM
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 1001 921 517TH PRCT-JUNE15, 2005
We just lost another good friend with the passing of Sgt. Randolph Coleman "F" Co.

2005 Biennial Reunion
August 15-19, 2005
Savannah, GA

Registration due before July 10, 2005!

Mail Call                        
Mail Call Archives       

Training and WWII Photos  From the website
Randy Coleman
Ben -  I was just informed that my father, Randolph Coleman passed away.  I know he would have wanted you to know. Randy Coleman
Our friend Randolph Coleman "F" Co. was very active in "Mail Call" and he will be missed. Ben

1943 or early 1944

Sgt. Randolph Coleman, F Co.

Camp Mackall, N.C.


Gene-Loup Gassend
I would like to know additional details about the
battles of la Roquette, and the battle of St Cezaire,
where I company had to climb up a steep hill into the
village, and several troopers were killed. If any of
the veterans (except Gene Brissey, who I already had
contact with several times) who read mail call could
write about their personal souvenirs of these two
battles, I would be very grateful.

Jean-Loup Gassend

Lory Curtis
Ben, the Christmas card Jay Sutcliffe sent in on mail call is just like the one I have that my Dad sent home to his parents.   I believe it is from Christmas 1943, Camp MacKall?  Do others have or remember this card?  Who designed it and made it available for the troopers.  It would be interesting to know the background.

 Lory Curtis, son of Bud Curtis, HQ, 1st BN