I hate to be the bearer of bad news but
judging from what I saw on the reverse side of your Liberty Pass for Nice
from the 517th CT dated December 3,1944 you are still AWOL since
you did not return the Pass stub to your Commanding Officer.
The question still unanswered is: Are you
going to turn yourself in after being AWOL for 61 years or do one of us
guys have to step up to the plate and do it for the honor of the Regiment. Shame
on you Trooper Ben.
Sort of Regards, Black Tom
Sorry Tom, but Lt. Bennett was not around when I got back to our
bivouac area. We soon took a joy ride to Soissons and Lt. Richard Jackson
was the new unit commander. Ed Athey has been trying to locate James Bennet
for over 61 years. I will gladly turn in the pass or a
facsimile to him if you can locate him.-Ben
Bob Christie
Ben, when I read my morning paper, one of the first pages I turn to
to is the obits page. Yesterday, as I opened to that page, WOW!!, I must have
passed on. There it was "Robert E. (Bob) Christie. But , of course it wasn't me,
it had the wrong middle initial. Mine is "F". When I went to church,
everyone look surprised, not. But it did make a good conversation piece. My buddy
"Andy Lee" the big fisherman and graybeard called me from the Div. of Forestry
office. He said they had been getting calls the last two days, thinking I had
left the earth. Hope I didn't disappoint anyone when they found out it wasn't
me. Life is "Fun", ain't it? Bob
Ben, We had two great-granddaughter's recently. One in Washington State and
one in New Hampshire and both were named Emily after Mildred's mother. How about
that! Bob
Pat Seitz
Dear Ben:
How thoughtful of Howard to wish us bon voyage (I'm
practicing my French!). I hope he, you and the rest of the 517th know
you will very much be with us. We bought a digital camera and
with the help of my law clerks when we return, I hope to be able
to share some pictures for the reunion.
Alan and I had hope to be able to come to this
reunion, but unfortunately since the reunion is during the week it looks like I
will be in trial. If a miracle occurs, then we will try plan "B," but we
would only know at the very last minute.
Pat Seitz and Alan Greer
Dan Smith
Dear Ben,
Best regards to Fran. Pat and I will attend
Savannah with Florence Mehegan. Thanks for properly calling it a biennial
reunion vice biannual. Hopefully the reunions will continue without the
Hqs lst 517
I think that Jim Royer first brought this matter to our attention.-Ben
Dot Gleisberg
We are still at Cindy's but will probably head home today.
Our house and new roof came thru just fine according to my neighbor.
There is no electricity but phones are working so won't be online for a
few days after returning home.
Will be in touch when power is restored.
Thanks for being concerned about us..................Dot
From the 517 Website
This is a copy of a poem by Richard Spencer with Art
Riddler's name on it. (Riddler was KIA in Southern France in 1944.) This
is from Howard Hensleigh's scrapbook, possibly from an old copy of the