From: Ben517
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 3:37 AM
Subject: MAIL CALL NO. 987 517TH PRCT-OCTOBER 03, 2005
Please let me know if you want an email address removed from my Mail Call roster for any reason. I do not automatically remove names after a death notice because in the past many family members still want to receive Mail Call.

Mail Call                        
Mail Call Archives       

January 22-25, 2006
Bradenton, FL

Jean Michel & Eric
Dear BEN, and all friends of the 517th,

We are finally reconnected to the internet, and apologize for the long time without new.. All the vets who came back in2004 can tell you how busy we were to organize the event... we both jean michel and Eric, have to move for a new home in the same time and it was not easy to manage private and publics lifes !...

Well here we are, still, and never stopped working to perpetuate the memory of your great Unit...
the museum going very well, (approx 4000 visitors each summer) and the big project of the extension is on the way !...
hope to hear from you soon dear Ben, (could you please sent on your mail the Email veterans addresses cause a lot of you change the address.. I add 2 photos interesting to the web site, the visit of Gen. Seitz, and the 60th anniver. celebration in Le Muy.

with respect and admiration to you all... Airborne all the way !...

Jean Michel and Eric, airborne Museum of Le MUY FRANCE

Linda Schlarb
Yes, Ben I did read Floyd's message about my uncle William Thorng. Floyd and I had had a nice conversation on the telephone about a year ago about my uncle and I was able to tell him that the little St. Christopher medal that Chuck was carrying in his pocket when he was killed did indeed make it home. Floyd was the one that went back after the battle that killed him and got it out of his pocket. I guess Floyd had wondered about that for a long time.
I appreciate hearing any information about my uncle, but mostly I just enjoy hearing anything you guys are talking about. You are all truly my heroes.
Linda Schlarb