H Company


Please add the following pictures of members of 'H' company. There may need to be some editing done of the names, but I hope I have them correct.  All of the pictures were sent to me by Mr. Athey but he has no computer, so with his permission, I submit these to you.

Respectfully, Morris McDowell, Cousin of Pvt. Layton Pippin

Lt. Edward Athey, Sgt. Fred Harmon, Pvt. Walter Friebel (KIA  France )
Back row Lt. Dick Spencer, Lt. Irving Pinkston, Lt. O.G. Garrett, Lt. Howard Hensleigh, Lt. Steve Maciag

1st row, Lt McKillop, Lt. Hilliard B. Thomas ( KIA Col De Brau), Lt Edward Athey

The names of the two unidentified troopers in the photograph of Ed Athey and other 3rd Bn. Lts. are Steve Maciag, without a T shirt and Howard Hensleigh with one. The tops of our heads were cut off. OB Garrett ducked down and got his head in the picture. It was taken with others in the olive orchard near Frascati, Italy not too long before we took off for the jump into France. - Howard Hensleigh (July 2013)

Sgt. Fred Harmon, Sgt. James Wilson, George (the Yugoslavian volunteer) & Cpl. Barnes
Last picture Lt. Edward Athey.

Received June 21, 2005
from Morris McDowell