517th R.C.T. Reunion
Camp Haugan, Honshu Japan
November 21, 1948
From: Tom & Marianne Reber
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 7:00 PM
To: Ben Barrett
Subject: Honshu 1948
Dear Ben,
I recently visited Mr. Bill Pencak in Clarksville, TN and we had a very nice
visit. He shared this photo with me, and I thought the Mail Call group may get a
kick out of it. There are some very familiar faces in it. I can name a few, but
maybe we could get some help from all of the people on Mail Call.
Best regards,
Tom Reber
son of Lt. Bob Reber, HQ 3rd
1: David K. Brooks
3: Dick Seitz 4: Bill Pencak 6: Bill Boyle
8: Tom Cross 10: Raymond Cato 13: Bob McMahon