Hi, Ben
and thanks for the picture of the Palm Springs reunion. Looks like a
good time was had by all.
And thanks for the roster of the attendees. We note that the 596 was
well-represented. Gentlemen, I don't know if you missed my dad's appeal on
a previous mail call, but we are hoping that someone from the 596 will be able
to recall something - anything - about their stay in the Chablis area. The
rest of the 517 was in Auxerre at the time, we think.
When we went back in 1999, we were unable to locate where Dad had
been. He remembered that there was water running through the town, but the
buildings were not right, and it wasn't what he remembered as "Chablis."
We asked many locals, only to be told that those who might know were either dead
or "fou," which I think translates to age-related crazy or dementia. As
amusing as that was, we still don't know where to look. If anyone knows
even a little something about this mystery, please share it and maybe we can put
the pieces together for this August. I'm wondering if, due to the German
occupation, whether street and town signs were accurate. Any clues or
insights here?
Thanks to all and continued prayers and wishes for recoveries to our dear
Jesse and Lou Darden and Joe and Edith Miller.
And as always, thanks to you, Ben, for all you do. My very best to
your better half, Miss Fran.
Claire Giblin
daughter of Allan Johnson, 596
Leahaan Larson
Glad to hear that someone had some information
about the ID papers. I can send you more pictures of it if you would
like. Just need your email. Thanks for the help.
Leahann Larson
Bill Boyle
Tait was in Hq.1st Bn. I knew him. I will scratch my brain and get
Bill Boyle
Subj: Re: Alex Tait
5/4/04 10:48:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time
bucynski@pennswoods.net (Kirk & Toni Bucynski)
Thank you so much
for responding so promptly to my email -- I just knew when
I read your name
that for some reason it sounded familiar to me .... at some
point either
Grandpa or Grandma must have mentioned you or I read a
Christmas card long
ago. I am so excited to get in contact with some brave
men who knew my
grandfather at such an important time in not only his life
but in world
history. I have the deepest respect and admiration for all of
you who
faithfully stood by our country and willingly put your lives on the
line so
that our generation yet today may be free. I have recently
watching the mini-series on the History Channel "Band of Brothers" and
deeply struck with the bravery and true "guts" of our soldiers. As I
the series, I try to pick up on things such as the individual's
duties, and other details to try to get a sense of what Grandpa would
done (what his job would have been exactly) and what types of
(situations) he would have encountered. I just wish he was here
again to
ask - but as you indicated, we are losing your generation quickly
and it is
not God's will to have individuals on earth permanently.
you have any particular stories - (especially concerning Grandpa) I
love to hear them if you have the time. I truly miss him so much
and this
is one of my few connections -- he always called me his "little
patriot" --
I have learned well I guess. I am a high school teacher and
my kids in
homeroom always say the pledge nice and loud!
Thank you
again and hope to hear from you soon!
Entry of May 03, 2004 at 20:54 [EST]
Tony Rubino
EMail: mailto:toneyr@optonline.net
How I found the 517th page: From a search engine
My father Joseph M Rubino served with D Battery 460th (He died about 5 years
ago). I thought I'd wish you guys all the best. And, yes I have my copy of
"Paratroopers Odyssey" to pass on ton my son. May God never forget the
sacrifices that those living and dead have made in defense of their country!
517th Parachute
Regimental Combat Team 1943-1945 |
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